
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Trip 2 Compass 2dae was fun!!!

if u hv EYES 2 read,u would noe i went 2 compass 2dae ^^ although it wasnt really d fun type of fun but still, accompanied with a group of frens, FUN would always b around!!! ^^ lolz ^^ CHIM right?? ^^ try 2 understand d best u can ba ^^ lolz ^^ 2dae i had d HOME ECON test and SCIENCE test!! so damn hard 4 both la!!! HOME ECON with d UNSATURATED fat and SATURATED fat!! wad d heck r those nonsensical stuffs??!!?? ^^ lolz ^^ does it even matter in COOKING??!!?? and SCIENCE is worst!! with d difference with MASS and WEIGHT!! so CHIM!! very hard 2 do la!!! hope i can pass 4 those 2 at least ^^ at least DUI FU MU QIN YOU GE JIAO DAI!! ^^ lolz ^^ after sch i wait awhile and bought d erm chinese electronic dictionary thingy wingy ^^ so cool lor, next time compo writing would definitely b a snap!!! ^^ lolz ^^ after sch i went 2 d 7-11 opposite of nan chiau PRIMARY sch 2 well buy some snacks and candies and stuffs ^^ i went with reuben and benedict and some say he is hot SEAH CHIN ANN ^^ if SEAH CHIN ANN were HOT!!! than wad is YEE HANG??!!?? MACHO??!!?? ^^ lolz ^^ not dat CHIN ANN sucks la, juz d word HOT juz doesnt really fit him ^^ GOOD-LOOKING mayb, MAYB fits, but HOT is a little too harsh dun u think??!!?? wonder who r d ppl who think CHIN ANN is HOT??!!?? i heard dat ANGELA'S frens say CHIN ANN is HOT......... hmmmmmmm, is he really?? ^^ lolz ^^ some things r hard 2 say u noe?? possibly ^^ probably ^^ perharps ^^ mayb ^^ u would nvr noe ^^ after that BEN and REU went home and i and CHIN ANN proceed 2 compass point 2 dunno, 2 c if we can find some frens 2 pass time with ^^ lolz ^^ and we found ANGELA,SHU WEI and SHU XIAN, we walked around compass...... BORED!!!........... and finally dunno who suggest 2 let SHU XIAN read our future or something, so we went 2 a spot in compass point where not much ppl can bother us but we can definitely bother them!! juz dun bother too much ppl la, we r good pupils of NCHS wan wor........... ^^ lolz ^^ so SHU XIAN took out her TAROTS cards and start reading CHIN ANN'S future, CHIN ANN request her 2 read his studies d future, i wasnt paying attention much than, but i did heard some info, all d cards his chose and SHU XIAN read abt his STUDIES future thingy wingy all sucks like hell wan lor!!! dis sucks dat sucks!! so CHIN ANN'S STUDIES SUCKS!!!, we can easily infer dat and even support it with evidence ^^ lolz ^^ than as it was so accurate, i gave it shot and i request for a reading in mi LOVE LIFE as STUDIES r so boring................. and she read and read and in the future if i take d 1st step, i might b able 2 win d heart of d person i like or even love ^^ lolz ^^ but who noes, i like nobody now............ but who noes, someday,somehow, things might work out ^^ lolz ^^ i cant chat le, lets quote!!! GOT STUFFS 2 DO and DECISIONS 2 MAKE!!! ^^ lolz ^^ bb ^^

9:26 PM
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
Someone changing blogskin for mi!!!

2dae is erm sunday, or izzit??? too lazy 2 check calender 2 c whether it is sunday or saturday or MONDAY, than i am late for sch!!! okay, lets juz stop laming around........ 2dae is sunday, i think, okay lets not let history repeat itself so lets juz erm think it as dis posting is on sunday ^^ lolz ^^ so since 2dae is sunday which means 2molo is monday and thr would b a COMMON TEST and mi WORST and MOST HATED subject, CHINESE!!! and dis is worst, it is HIGHER CHINESE!!! ^^ lolz ^^ and lets not 4get d very complicated subject of MATHS.............. 1 very hard d subject and my worst subject tested on d same day!!! 2molo must b a bad day!!! ^^ lolz ^^ and 2dae i juz completed my art homework which is supposed 2 b handed up on last LAST monday so it is considered really late?? ^^ but who cares??!!?? its ART!!! ^^ hope ART and CHINESE wont pull down mi points average =( or else it would b a terrible thing ^^ well other than d famous DUN JUDGE A PIG BY ITS FATS saying, u all noe d BETTER LATE THAN NVR saying ^^ lolz ^^ so at least i got hand up, LATE but better than NVR ^^ i am so profound ^^ dun u think so?? ^^ lolz ^^ 2night i hv 2 use mi TRADEMARK LAST-MIN REVISING METHOD X 2 ^^ lolz ^^ nvr tried using dis method for 2 test b4, last time only got 1 test per day so dis method is useable but now 2 subjects and got ting xie!!! dis method!! PLS DUN FAIL MI!!! ^^ lolz ^^ so bored......... why isnt anyone smsin mi yet so i can chat with them??!?? or better online in msn so we can chat and not waste money!! hit 2 birds with 1 stone ^^ another profound saying ^^ so deep right?? ^^ lolz ^^ good thing abt 2dae, my father and mother BAI BAI TUO BEI GONG so not so early sleep so i can use my revising method with a longer time span!!! awesome!! ^^ yay ^^ mayb i should consider revising now than pushing all 2 2nite?? hmmmmmm?? NAH!!! too slackish 2 do so ^^ someone sms mi or online in msn and CHAT WITH MI!! I AM BORED!! BORED!! BORED!! BORED!! BORED!! BORED!! BORED!! BORED!! BORED!! BORED!! BORED!! BORED!! BORED!! ^^ lolz ^^ remember, smsin or online in msn soon ^^

12:47 PM
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
After Much Consideration..........

The results out, and if u got stay tune 2 my blog on my 7th posting, u would noe dat d result is very obvious, lets recall................ wait, i 4gotten le, so recall urself ^^ lolz ^^ now where were i?? well, after much consideration and persuasion, i hv decided 2 well not quit bloggin i guess........ but who noes?? someday...somehow...someway, i might juz quit bloggin and not tell anyone and ppl wont even go concern abt it or something ^^ u will nvr noe............... dis last few weeks was well, quite ordinary 4 MI and quite weird 4 U, different ppl different opinions i guess ^^ well, let mi c, i went 2 compass point yesterday and d day b4 yesterday and COMMON TEST IS AROUND D CORNER! and U think I care?? ^^ juz use d traditional method which work so well 4 mi, no... not CHEATING but LAST-MIN REVISING!!! yay!!! ^^ lolz ^^ thanks 2 mi traditional method of revising 1hr a day for a week b4 d PSLE, i got 252 as a result!!! yay ^^ i am so touched ^^ but i dun really think dis method will still goin 2 work, but u think i care??!!?? juz use 4 d sake of NOT FAILING!! ^^ yesterday i got accused by mi other frens(who r a bunch of girls from 1D) dat i ZHONG SHE QIN YOU!! and dat i like angela............. not much opinions on dat......... get (SHU WEI'S FAVOURITE WORD) PISSED off by those accusations ba............ haiz, do i intend on starting a BGR??!!?? or do i wanna remain single?? did somebody attracted mi?? or izzit d other way round??!!?? confusing theories of heart which no one can ever solve......... haiz......... and remember d oh so famous saying, DUN JUDGE A PIG BY ITS FATS!!! ^^ lolz ^^

5:21 PM
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Thursday, February 15, 2007
Last and final countdown!!!

7th countdown for 2dae, 7 is such a nice number, look at d shape, so chio ^^ lolz ^^ haiz, dunno if i should quit bloggin or not, dun hv much talent in dis area, than so many ppl complain abt lousy music and blogskin!!! (HATE WHINERS!!!) lolz ^^ now, back 2 d topic, not so sure abt bloggin anymore, so bloggish, too bloggish perharps, haiz, than every post got like some ppl complain de, like dis cannot, dat cannot and hv 2 erm erm erm erm erm correct or something, but of course, asking a LAZY and SLACKING person 2 change, it is like asking a pig not 2 eat or sleep ^^ lolz ^^ nvm.................. oO so should i quit bloggin, some say no, none say yes, but who hv i asked actually?? ^^ everyone?? ^^ or ppl who juz wanna read my lame lame blog for no reason?? ^^ ppl like SHU XIAN, and SHU WEI and (dunno wad is adelyn's opinion but should b no) all ask mi not 2 quit........... havent ask JIE YI and still got who read my blog de arh?? oO hmmmmmmmm, SALLY?? too OLD ^^ lolz ^^ so her opinion is not needed ^^ lolz ^^ no offense sally ^^ haiz, dunno if i should quit!!! such a difficult choice!!!! =( so hard 2 choose............ nvm, 2molo is chinese news year, cool ^^ wait, no dat is not it, 2molo is SCH'S celebration of chinese news year, yar, dats it ^^ lolz ^^ so i visiting my primary sch 2molo, so ppl who wan 2 look 4 mi, come my primary sch than ^^ lolz ^^ u can follow adelyn as she oso goin back 2 erm OUR sound too close, HER sounds like different sch from mine, MY sounds so selfish ^^ lolz ^^ nvm, i will b goin back 2 nan chiau pri sch 2molo, so not in nchs, so dun bother lookin for mi in nchs ^^ but i doubt anyone would b lookin for mi as everyone will go back 2 their MU (MOTHER) sch 2molo ^^ haiz, mayb i hv some true frens in dis sch, but they r all girls!!! dunno if JOEL counted as a true fren or as a girl but dunno lar ^^ thinkin of quittin or not, expect my result from my 8th posting or NO posting ^^ clear result ^^ oh well, bb 4 now or 4 ever!!! ^^

5:07 PM
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
6th posting.......... after thinking abt stuffs, i hv somewhat decided 2 quit bloggin............ but things change, and u will nvr noe.......

yawn* 6th posting 4 2dae, reaching 7th posting somewhat soon, 2 come and think of it, wad is d whole purpose of bloggin anyway?? so wad if u got alot of ppl reading and probably enjoying ur blog? wad purpose does dat serves?? u gain popularity? and wad is popularity? fake frens who accompany u 2 wish and gain popularity? no such things as true frens 4eva, and no such things as enemies 4eva.............. but who cares? i barely hv frens, but ppl who pull pranks on mi r beyond the word MATHS...... if u hv read d tagboard, u would hv known dat i didnt hv 20/20 for my chinese reports thingy wingy, and i got mocked juz 4 dat................ i dun ever wanna hv a high expectations ever again, i rather aim for failure and accept my fate than aim for a good grade and unable 2 accept d failure concept, dun really belong in class 1A anymore, i am juz a slacker who doesnt believe in hard work, and coz of dat, d stress from bein a good class juz goes into my head and come out as a result, failure...................... why should we even aim for good grades or good achievements or anything? i learnt my lesson, nvr aim 4 anything high, the feelin of failure and mocking juz sucks, plainly sucks................... dun wanna try my best 2 get frens anymore, doesnt works, perharps bein a loner aint dat bad, it might b considered somewhat COOL? gotto go think on how 2 be a loner................. 7th posting happenin(no idea) but it might b soon, as it might juz b my last posting and i juz wan d torture 2 end............ once and 4 all........................

6:16 PM
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
wadeva............... troubles of bloggin,mainly, (BLOGSKINS TROUBLE).............

ya, vampire girl girl, u r very pro with d blogskin sia, but i am not so sure abt ur posting though, so little bit nia, so NIAO* for wad, and wad is worst is dat its free, so no point NIAOING*!!! so quit complaining, or mi favourite word frequently, mayb not so favourite, but erm, oh ya, quit WHINING!!!...................... Ppl nowadays................. SSSSHHH!!!............ oh ya, 4got something, 5th posting for mi bloggy ^^ or izzit 4th?? mayb 6th?? or mayb 7th le??!!?? haiz, too lazy 2 go check, so agar* agar* ba, should b 5th if i am not wrong, but if i am wrong, who cares???!!??? counting is boring.................. like a certain U NOE WHO* and if u do noe, tell mi who as i dunno ^^ now where were i? oO dun care lar, juz start another topic thingy wingy, suddenly from 2 ppl change 2 dunno how many and too lazy 2 count ppl reading my blog ^^ cooooooooool ^^ but yet, so many ppl WHINE abt blogskin thingy wingy and music thingy wingy, more WHINING and i shall b done with dis blogging thingy wingy business 4eva!!! and focus on erm erm.......... NOT BLOGGIN ^^ ya, dat is a good thing to do ^^ well, 2molo is the erm erm erm oh ya news report thingy wingy jingy thingy, and i only memorized some what once again, too lazy 2 count % of my report but i think is very little, very very little, probably 1st paragraph!!! or 1st line!!! or 1st word!! erm wad comes after d 1st word, oh ya, d 2nd word................. duh.................. haiz, too busy not caring to dunno nvr do wad thing, and ppl nowadays. would u juz quit WHINING already??!!?? its irritating, like SHU WEI or or SHU XIAN or or alot of other annoying ppl ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ but when u read d blog SHU WEI and SHU XIAN, dun come 2 sch and WHINE or kick, or smack, or punch, or box, or slap, oh oh, i noe, d weird weird fighting type skill, like bite or eat or munch or wadeva things dat gotto do with mouth and saliva,and i wont say u WHINE anymore SHU XIAN and SHU WEI ^^ so must control, haiz, dun care le lar, i dun wan get 20/20 le, juz do my best, sleep and hear wad teacher has 2 say and wad ppl has 2 raise and c how many marks i got for d report thingy wingy ^^ well, gotto go memorize d wad come after 1st again??? izzit 3rd? or 4th? probably 67th oh ya, 2nd word for my report thingy wingy ^^ hope i wont update anytime soon................. and pls, quit whining!!! ^^ lolz ^^

8:33 PM
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Thursday, February 8, 2007
Finally, 4th posting ^^ so quit whining!!! ^^

SRY for not bein able 2 post d last few days, but after much should i say erm COMMAND from SHU XIAN and SHU WEI(who r my blog's only readers) dis is mi 4th posting ^^ cool ^^ 3 more 2 go and d countdown would stop ^^ woooooooopie ^^ i hv a thought, since nobody other than SHU WEI and SHU XIAN is reading mi blog, wad for should i keep on posting, i should juz quit while i am behind ^^ lolz ^^ mi bloggy woggy is no popular!!! =( XUETE*!!!! XUETE*!!! *(Definition:SHIT) lolz ^^ d last few days r somewhat boring, couldnt really use basketball as girl sch team hv training, so sianx =( than yesterday i got d STORY-TELLING competition, and d results will b show 2molo* 9th Februray 2007 ^^ i hope i cannot make d mark, i work really hard 2 fail dis event, i will b so disappointed if i ever do make d mark =( lolz ^^ but, u noe wad they say, if JUN YUAN dun lose, WHO will lose?? ^^ i dun really watch d tv in d canteen as i dun really spent much time there, but if i am bored 2molo, i might juz catch a quick peek at it,(IF I HV D TIME)* if i am not too busy training dat is ^^ but SHU WEI and JENNIFER and JIE YI or JING RU or SHU XIAN or or or or etc etc will surely go watch it 2 find d results, so i might juz ask them and gain d comfirmation of mi failure of d competition ^^ woooooooooooooopie ^^ 2dae was SHU WEI'S turn for d newspaper reporting thingy wingy and she was like freaking out, at first, i nvr tot d reporting thingy wingy would b so scarely, but now i hv a whole NEW concept of it bcoz of a certain U NOE WHO* ^^ and JIE YI got 19/20 for d reporting thingy wingy ^^ wad a high score, hope i can get 20/20 next week when its my turn, it would b so cool 2 get full marks ^^ lolz ^^ if i am able 2 do so dat is ^^ 2dae i got back mi science paper, it wasnt a very high score nor izzit a low one, i got 23/30 for mi science paper ^^ cool ^^ lolz ^^ well, dis ends mi posting for 2dae, i gtg do some stuffs ^^ lolz ^^ HAPPY NOW SHU WEI AND SHU XIAN??!!?? d moral of d story now is, DUN WHINE ALL D TIME!!! ^^ lolz ^^

8:52 PM
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Friday, February 2, 2007

Like i said, i shall continue to count d events ^^ 2dae is well, d 3rd day of mi posting ^^ cool ^^ 4 more days 2 go b4 i can stop counting ^^ phew* ^^ maths is not my erm exactly good point ^^ but doesnt mean i sucks at it ^^ i got A* for my maths in PSLE de hor!!! ^^ now, where were i?? 2dae i was trapped in class b4 i had my basketball training, SHU XIAN keep on pulling onto my bag, dunno why lar, she doesnt wan my books 2 copy or anything, and she keep on pulling mi, so trapped mi in class =( than i cant eat, i am not hungry lar, juz wasted alot of time =( so missed alot of things well i was trapped!!! ^^ but ppl discovered my inner cuteness ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ so i had my training 2dae, first actual training with a real coach in fact, but juz do all those basic moves, quite boring, but he meant well, i guess, but still, BORING!!!! 5 ppl got chosen into d team 2dae, i think, but still got 7 slots, cool 7!!! slots ^^ 7!!! lolz ^^ i cant really unleash my potential =( too crowded, cant to anything de =( so cant unleash mi potential =( sob =( must try mi best next week, i must get selected!!!! but if really cant unleash mi potential, than too bad 4 d team lor ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ and SHU WEI got angry at mi bcoz of one bloggy skinny thingy wingy.............. she so petty de!!!! SSSSSHHH!!! i shall end 2dae's entry, bein pestered by PETTY ONE ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ 4 more days ^^ bb ^^

7:55 PM
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Thursday, February 1, 2007

2dae is d 2nd day of my blog posting, i will continue to
count such events till my 7th posting which is my favourite number and probably my lucky number ^^ weeeeeeeeeeee ^^ so, where were i?? well, i havent started, so, i was nowhere, lolz ^^ nvm ^^ 2dae is d starting of my first piano lesson 4 dis very year, 2007. not very happy abt its starting though ^^ SHU WEI is so gullible to think dat piano lessons r fun, so so gullible ^^ she nvr took piano lessons b4, so she will not experience FIRST-HAND of d BORINGNESS of piano lesson, so she saying piano lessons r fun is understandable,until she experience its BORINGNESS FIRST-HAND ^^ enough abt piano lessons, make mi feel BORING juz toking abt it ^^ 2dae is oso d first day i did not stay back!! can u believe it??!!?? MI!!! NOT STAYING BACK!! those words juz do not go 2gether ^^ lolz ^^ 2dae is completed my show & tell, do not noe how i fare or something, but ppl were laughing ^^ and dat is some what a good sign^^ or izzit?? ^^ u will never noe ^^ d world is such a fascinatin and wonderous place dun u think so?? ^^ lolz ^^ 2dae d KAI BIN and YI HANG ask mi ( BEG OSO CAN LAR ^^) 2 join d erm group 4 d competition 4 d erm civil defence or erm wadeva website design thingy wingy ^^ wonder why, i am not good with making websites or anything like dat, i only understand d concept of MAPLESTORY or AUDITIONSEA ^^ other than dat, i dun quite get d point of computers other than it's basic uses of GAMES and PLAYING and such ^^ than d JIA LIN ask mi 2 join d group, she sound so desperate, makes her look like erm RESPONSIBLE ^^ when she like ask mi 2 contribute 2 d class by doin dis website design thingy wingy ^^ i only noe how 2 ENTERTAIN not how 2 do erm wad so eva webpage thingy wingy, but in d end i joined, RELUCTANT, and i oso pulled JIA LIN 2 join d group RELUCTANT!! ^^ only if she join i will join, i nvr tot she would agree, but in d end she did, so i hv 2 join too =( RELUCTANTLY!! of course ^^ i will nvr join such computer related cca or project stuff voluntarily ^^ of course ^^ dat end d posting 2dae, quite long ^^ or izzit?? ^^ d world is such a fascinatin and wonderous place dun u think so?? ^^ lolz ^^

8:11 PM
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Name: Dan Jun Yuan
Age: 15 School: Nan Chiau High School
CCA: Basketball team, Point Guard
Steve Nash,Chris Paul, Ricky Rubio Rocks!!!
Note: What I Appear On The Outside May Not Be How I Feel On The Inside, There Are More To Things Than Meets The Eye.

Her to be happy ^^
To do well in my studies ^^
To have even more friends ^^
To grow taller than 170cm ^^
To excel in basketball ^^
To be able to control my jealousy ^^


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheng York
Chin Bee
Jie Yi
Jing Ru
Jing Si
Ke Xin
Kok Ting
Li Yun
Li Hui
Qi Min
Qi Yang
Si Hui
Shu Wei
Shu Xian
Small Benedict
Teng Da
Wan Ling
Yan Ting
Yee Hang
Yi Xiong
Yock Sheng
Yoke Ling
Zhan Chun
Zhi Yu
Class 2A

I hate OBS..... LOL
Cant think of any....
This is how i feel.....
new post!! finally??!!?? ^^
Today is more than just MAN HAO WAN de ^^
Today is MAN HAO de :)
Walk walk walk :)
Post post
Ummm, 2dae is a saturday!
Sec 3 Camp! As fun as the malacca trip!! :)

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