
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Trip 2 Compass 2dae was fun!!!

if u hv EYES 2 read,u would noe i went 2 compass 2dae ^^ although it wasnt really d fun type of fun but still, accompanied with a group of frens, FUN would always b around!!! ^^ lolz ^^ CHIM right?? ^^ try 2 understand d best u can ba ^^ lolz ^^ 2dae i had d HOME ECON test and SCIENCE test!! so damn hard 4 both la!!! HOME ECON with d UNSATURATED fat and SATURATED fat!! wad d heck r those nonsensical stuffs??!!?? ^^ lolz ^^ does it even matter in COOKING??!!?? and SCIENCE is worst!! with d difference with MASS and WEIGHT!! so CHIM!! very hard 2 do la!!! hope i can pass 4 those 2 at least ^^ at least DUI FU MU QIN YOU GE JIAO DAI!! ^^ lolz ^^ after sch i wait awhile and bought d erm chinese electronic dictionary thingy wingy ^^ so cool lor, next time compo writing would definitely b a snap!!! ^^ lolz ^^ after sch i went 2 d 7-11 opposite of nan chiau PRIMARY sch 2 well buy some snacks and candies and stuffs ^^ i went with reuben and benedict and some say he is hot SEAH CHIN ANN ^^ if SEAH CHIN ANN were HOT!!! than wad is YEE HANG??!!?? MACHO??!!?? ^^ lolz ^^ not dat CHIN ANN sucks la, juz d word HOT juz doesnt really fit him ^^ GOOD-LOOKING mayb, MAYB fits, but HOT is a little too harsh dun u think??!!?? wonder who r d ppl who think CHIN ANN is HOT??!!?? i heard dat ANGELA'S frens say CHIN ANN is HOT......... hmmmmmmm, is he really?? ^^ lolz ^^ some things r hard 2 say u noe?? possibly ^^ probably ^^ perharps ^^ mayb ^^ u would nvr noe ^^ after that BEN and REU went home and i and CHIN ANN proceed 2 compass point 2 dunno, 2 c if we can find some frens 2 pass time with ^^ lolz ^^ and we found ANGELA,SHU WEI and SHU XIAN, we walked around compass...... BORED!!!........... and finally dunno who suggest 2 let SHU XIAN read our future or something, so we went 2 a spot in compass point where not much ppl can bother us but we can definitely bother them!! juz dun bother too much ppl la, we r good pupils of NCHS wan wor........... ^^ lolz ^^ so SHU XIAN took out her TAROTS cards and start reading CHIN ANN'S future, CHIN ANN request her 2 read his studies d future, i wasnt paying attention much than, but i did heard some info, all d cards his chose and SHU XIAN read abt his STUDIES future thingy wingy all sucks like hell wan lor!!! dis sucks dat sucks!! so CHIN ANN'S STUDIES SUCKS!!!, we can easily infer dat and even support it with evidence ^^ lolz ^^ than as it was so accurate, i gave it shot and i request for a reading in mi LOVE LIFE as STUDIES r so boring................. and she read and read and in the future if i take d 1st step, i might b able 2 win d heart of d person i like or even love ^^ lolz ^^ but who noes, i like nobody now............ but who noes, someday,somehow, things might work out ^^ lolz ^^ i cant chat le, lets quote!!! GOT STUFFS 2 DO and DECISIONS 2 MAKE!!! ^^ lolz ^^ bb ^^

9:26 PM
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Name: Dan Jun Yuan
Age: 15 School: Nan Chiau High School
CCA: Basketball team, Point Guard
Steve Nash,Chris Paul, Ricky Rubio Rocks!!!
Note: What I Appear On The Outside May Not Be How I Feel On The Inside, There Are More To Things Than Meets The Eye.

Her to be happy ^^
To do well in my studies ^^
To have even more friends ^^
To grow taller than 170cm ^^
To excel in basketball ^^
To be able to control my jealousy ^^


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheng York
Chin Bee
Jie Yi
Jing Ru
Jing Si
Ke Xin
Kok Ting
Li Yun
Li Hui
Qi Min
Qi Yang
Si Hui
Shu Wei
Shu Xian
Small Benedict
Teng Da
Wan Ling
Yan Ting
Yee Hang
Yi Xiong
Yock Sheng
Yoke Ling
Zhan Chun
Zhi Yu
Class 2A

Someone changing blogskin for mi!!!
After Much Consideration..........
Last and final countdown!!!
6th posting.......... after thinking abt stuffs, i...
wadeva............... troubles of bloggin,mainly, ...
Finally, 4th posting ^^ so quit whining!!! ^^
Like i said, i shall continue to count d events ^^...
First post 4 mi!!!

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