
Friday, March 30, 2007

2dae was such a UNLUCKY DAY 4 mi........... so UNLUCKY, dat erm,(dunno how 2 explain........) juz noe dat it is very d UNLUCKY......... 2dae, 4 really really unlucky things happened 2 mi, let mi list them out........ Firstly, 2dae i got my handphone confiscated by MR NEO who everyday juz nothing 2 do wan, dun teach, dun do lame lame things like ask ppl 2 do CWO or catch ppl d SOCKS LOW LOW or not, all he does is ANNOUNCE and ANNOUNCE and ANNOUNCE, and i found out wad he does, 2dae, HE CONFISCATE PPL D HANDPHONE.......... and do stuffs like SPOT CHECK.............. but dat wasnt d true UNLUCKY of d event, it was UNLUCKY bcoz, I NVR EVEN WANNA BRING MY HANDPHONE 2 SCH WAN!! AS 2dae got training!!! so wad is d point of bringing it??!!?? than 2dae morning, SOMEBODY*(better not say d person d name, later ppl go bother HIM/HER, i do things so erm erm erm erm erm CAUTIOUS wan ^^ i dun even let ppl noe wad is d gender of d person ^^) anyway, dat SOMEBODY*(OF WHICH U DUNNO =P) smsed mi in d morning and told mi 2 bring my handphone 2 sch...........) not wanting to disappoint dat SOMEBODY*( U STILL DUNNO =P), i bought my handphone......... and b4 recess, d MR NEO came 2 1A and did a spot check, at first i thought he wanna give letter 2 ppl 2 come 2 detention, but it turned out 2 b a spot check......... blah blah blah, MY PHONE GOT CONFISCATED!! blah blah blah, 2 get my phone back, i got to ask my FATHER 2 write a letter, blah blah blah blah........... UNLUCKY!!! anyway, not entire dat SOMEBODY*(U STILL DUNNO WHO HE/SHE IS, DO U??!!??) fault, as HE/SHE dunno dat 2dae would hv a spot check, i was partially 2 blame for being so GULLIBLE anyway ^^ lol ^^ juz jking ^^ so dat SOMEBODY*(hmmm, wonder if u found out who HE/SHE is liao........) dun feel guilty abt dis incident, let bygones b bygones, i didnt really blame u anyway ^^ dis is all UNLUCKY!! so cannot blame u ^^ so dun worry ^^ and dun b guilt-ridden ^^ if u noe wad dat mean..... wonder if i noe wad dat mean........ hmmmm, mayb not...... but got something 2 do with GUILT as there is d GUILT word there ^^ i am so good at concluding ^^ than d 2nd UNLUCKY dat happened 2dae is, one person, who is doin CWO, while i was eating lunch, and i placed my chrysanthemum tea packet on d table, d person come and take it and throw it into d dustbin........ than dat person asked mi : "WAD??!!?? U HAVENT DRINK FINISH ARH??!!???" dotz............. so unlucky......... wasted my money......... =P, than d 3rd unlucky thing dat happened 2dae is dat when playing basketball, d JIA YI ACCIDENTALLY BUMPED into mi and made mi fell down when playing basketball 2dae, so i injured my knee or thigh or BOTH!!.......... UNLUCKY........ than after dat, in d match, BENEDICT TAN ZHONG HAN was angry at CHIN ANN and while playing d match, he keep on buay song, so when d opposite team scored, he would b angry and throw d ball hard hard 2 d three point line, than suddenly, when i walked past, he ACCIDENTALLY(sure got alot of accidents 2dae...........) threw d ball and hit my head, i knew it was goin 2 hit mi lor, than its like i was abt 2 dodge it, than KONG*(mayb not so loud as 2 KONG, mayb juz PIAK or something ^^) d ball hit my head, it was like i was abt 2 b knocked unconscious lor, for a slight moment, everything blacked out, than everything went back 2 normal again liao............. i cant believe it, how did my human reaction time betrayed mi??!!?? how can i still get hit after i dodged it?? or at least try 2 dodge it anyway.......... haiz, must b gettin TOO OLD......... REN ZHONG SHI HUI LAO DE........... BUT I DUN WANNA DIE!!! OR B OLD!!! I HAVENT REACHED GRADE 8 IN PIANO YET!!! ALL THOSE WASTED YEARS!!!! =( mayb i am juz exaggerating here.......... wondering why simone suddenly address mi as AH GONG, than jing si address mi as AH KONG(AH EMPTY, or AH SPACE).......... adelyn say simone copy her, hmmmmmm, than simone like doesnt hate mi so much now....... mayb it is d effects of a good blog!! ^^ yup, dat must b it!! ^^ oh well, gtg liao, wonder if dis blogpost is a FUNNY and INTERESTING ONE........... =P hmmmm, i dun wan go chat with adelyn so soon yet, and shu wei too, mayb i should go make a cup noodle and take my own sweet time and keep them waiting ^^ hmmm, dat is a great idea!! bye bye ^^

8:48 PM
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
2dae basketball was fun!!! ^^

hmmm, 2dae after sch played basketball with erm alot of 1D girls and A SIMONE, A JING SI(mayb not a JING SI, as she was d same as a statue, only a statue is more solid ^^) anyway, A ADELINE, A slacking CHIN ANN............. and others of which i am too lazy 2 go and erm count or something dat got 2 do with maths.......... btw, i had edited my previous blogpost, caused of SIMONE as she dun wan other ppl 2 read my creative imagination.......... didnt teacher taught U 2 SHARE, SIMONE?? ^^ she threatened mi dat if i did not edit it, she would ask every girl in class 2 come and erm erm erm,(WADEVA WADEVA WORD DAT IS USED) MY WEAK POINT, HOLY XUETE!!! i 4got and wrote my WEAK POINT in my erm previous EDITED blogpost! HOLY XUETE!! haiz, dun care la........ too lazy 2 go change........... HOLY XUETE!!! MAYB NOBODY GO AND NOTICED AND PAY EXTRA ATTENTION 2 READ MY WEAK POINT PART!! BUT NOW I GO EMPHASIS!! THAN THEY WOULD SURELY GO PAY EXTRA ATTENTION AND FIND OUT!!! haiz, dun care la............ too lazy 2 go care.............. HOLY XUETE!!! MAYB PPL HAVENT NOTICED D EMPHASIS ON MY WEAK POINT PART!! THAN I JUZ NOW GO SAY!! HOLY XUETE!!! haiz, dun care la............... too(blah blah blah, u should hv known wad comes after too................ by now...........) too lazy 2 go and erm repeat it again........ hmmm, LITERATURE and EMPHASIZING is having a BIG BIG BIG IMPACT on mi.............. which is so UNCOOl............. bored.......... 2dae, play basketball nice nice, too bad, ANGELA and SHU WEI and JENNIFER and erm erm erm erm DUNNO GOT WHO ELSE werent here 2 play with us...... they were too busy watching D MING XING playing badminton....... and stuffs............ they might as well watch mi!! i better than D MING XING lor!!! ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ than 2dae, ADELINE was so sad, dunno why...... mayb its because ppl call her ADELINE!! mayb i should stop calling her ADELINE as later more ppl call her ADELINE and make ADELINE more sad, than ppl come blame mi for starting(actually was benedict, so go blame him!!) d ADELINE pronounciation, mayb i should stop calling her ADELINE, as erm well it isnt really ADELINE!! and erm ADELINE!! d name is so weird, so mayb i should juz stop calling her ADELINE now....... hmmmmm,okay ^^ anyway, 2dae erm erm ADELYN, so sad, and she only smiled when i acted depressed........ so i concluded dat ADELYN is a XIN ZAI LE HUO a kind of person ^^ speaking of XIN ZAI LE HUO d kind of person, here is another example, JING SI, 2dae while playing basketball, i fell down 3 times......... and i didnt even noe, or go count!! than JING SI go count ESPECIALLY!!......... so i can oso conclude dat JING SI is another XIN ZAI LE HUO kind of person ^^ hmmmmm, my concluding and summary skills r getting better and better every single day ^^ hmmmm, i juz exposed my WEAK POINT at my blog =( later 1 CHUAN 10, 10 CHUAN 100, 100 CHUAN 1000, 1000 CHUAN 10000, and erm let mi count, 10001,10002,10003................99997,99998,99999,100000 ya, 10000 CHUAN 100000 and so on and so forth........ 2dae still got alot of funny stuffs happened, but i dun wanna say anymore, as ppl might not understand as they werent present then....... so they might get confused...... i am oso too lazy 2 explain d full situation.........(IZZIT MY FAULT I AM LAZY??!!?? I AM BORN DAT WAY!!!) anyway, gtg erm do something or something, i am juz TOO LAZY 2 blah blah blah blah blah..........(U NOE D REST) so erm bye bye......... and erm blah blah blah blah blah(U NOE D REST TOO)....... ^^

9:03 PM
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Monday, March 26, 2007
Dead for 2molo.............

2dae, SIMONE(CAN U BELIEVE IT??!!??) say she laughed until tummy ache ache when she saw my blogpost, d MUST LEARN CHINESE THAN GO CHINA MAKE BIG BIG BIG BUSINESS lecture posting....... and she oso said my blog is funny, and d posts r nice 2 read!! wow, she praised my blog even though she doesnt really like mi, juz imagine....... now she HATE SEAH CHIN ANN hor, into d future(D PRONOUNCE PPL HUSBAND AND WIFE D LAME LAME PERSON) says............( I AM SORRY, D RESPECTIVE PHRASE WAS CANCELLED DUE 2 SIMONE WHO WAS UNHAPPY WITH D RESPECTIVE PHRASE, SHE SAID SHE MIGHT ASK D WHOLE CLASS D GIRLS 2 COME AND TICKLE MI IF I DUN DELETE DIS BLOGPOST, BUT I DUN WAN DELETE ALL OF IT, SO I JUZ DELTED D RESPECTIVE PHRASE........ NOW BACK 2 D BLOG POSTING............) bored............ anyway, 2dae after basketball practise, i had a basketball match with, CHIN ANN,EZEKIEL,BENEDICT,DING YUAN,JASON and probably REUBEN with a spectator d sec 2 captain.......... than in d match, got alot of times i can score, but instead i pass nice nice passes 2 my teammates and they score, than d SEC 2 CAPTAIN say : WHY U DUN SHOOT URSELF??!!?? i nvr reply la, but i got a good reply in my head, as in basketball, if u OPEN la, than if u LAY-UP or SHOOT UNDER D BASKET, and u miss, ppl would say U STUPID TUUUUUUUU* (A Sound commonly used 2 replace bad words)* than miss again, U IDIOTIC TUUUUUUUUUUUUU* (U should hv known wad TUUUUUUU mean by now............)* than in d end, TUUUUU!! TUUUUUU!! TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! but if u dun shoot urself, u passed 2 someone else, and they shoot, if score nicely, u get credits too, for ASSISTING, but if miss, not ur fault wad, so ur turn 2 TUUUUUUUU!! TUUUU!! TUUUUUUUUU!! ^^ c, so smart de ^^ i understand dis login u noe?? ^^ dis logic is very simple 2, except 2 ppl who hardly understand anything like ANGELA and ADELINE ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ and ADELINE, i dun hv anything against ppl whose name start with d letter A hor ^^ ur name not i wrongly pronounced one, is BENEDICT!! ^^ and ANGELA, is really pronounced as AN-GE-LA wad ^^ wad is wrong?? ^^ lolz ^^ and ADELINE!!! U HOR!! DAMN LAMER LEH U!! juz now in sch, i ask u whether got homework, u said NO, than when i eating dinner, U SMSED MI ASKING MI WHETHER GOT HOMEWORK!!!! i noe u wanna comfirm la, but hor, HOW CAN U ASK A PERSON WHO JUZ ASKED U D SAME QUESTION??!!?? dotz........... gtg do something or something.......... bye bye.......... give mi comments on dis blogpost ^^ thankie wankie ^^

7:49 PM
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
4GOTTEN,LONG GONE...........

haiz, 2dae is a weekend, and erm bored............ yawn* so boring......... nothing 2 do, dun feel like watchin BEN 10 or NARUTO at YOUTUBE yet, so decided 2 juz come type a blogpost......... not dat it matters or anything......... ppl all at benedict's blog now........ yawn* not dat i am jealous or anything* dotz..............* bored....... * wad now?? oh ya, juz now SHERYL ZHENG/TAY SHU WEI smsed mi telling NID 2 LEARN TING XIE!!! WTF??!!?? i wasnt mentally prepared 2 learn TING XIE, or KAN XIE!! WADEVA!!............. than i cannot get lousy marks........ or else my PAPI would come lecture mi abt HEY!! NOW CHINESE VERY IMPORTANT WOR!! NOW EVERYONE GO 2 CHINA 2 MAKE BIG BIG BIG BUSINESS!!! IF U DUN LEARN CHINESE! NEXT TIME NO NID MAKAN MAKAN WOR!! or something like dat............ he has been telling how chinese is important if i wanna go 2 china and make big business.......... but did i ever listen??!!?? do i give a damn??!!?? do i look like i give a damn??!!?? do i care if i look like i give a damn??!!!?? do i look like i care if i look like i give a damn??!!!??? (and so on and so forth, it would nvr end if i continue dis CHAIN REACTION...) haiz, juz 1 day nvr on9 msn than like nobody remember mi liao.......... yawn* disappearing into thin air sooner than u can think, if u can think....., if u hv a brain 2 think......, if u can think whether u hv a brain 2 think......., 2 hv a brain 2 think whether u hv a brain 2 think........(and so on and so forth, so many CHAIN REACTIONS 2dae.....) when u get bored..... u got nth 2 do, u practised LITERATURE, in LITERATURE, and EVERYDAY LIFE, we REPEAT for EMPHASIS....... yawn* practising LITERATURE sure is boring........ more boring than U NOE WHO* like i even care WHO U NOE* is...... or DO I??!!?? chim chim chim.......... bored, and in ANGELA'S blog, she typed SOS, as a form or wanting 2 help 2 change her blogskin and song or wad so ever nonsense........ but SOS stands for Save Our Soul, she should hv at least typed SMS which stands for Save My Soul, instead of O for Our ^^ hey, makes perfect sense..... anyway, even if she typed SMS, it still doesnt makes sense, as wad does SOUL got to do with BLOGSKIN??!!?? so her saying is INLOGICAL as herself........... hmmmm, now dat i recall, SMS does quite makes sense now, for example(i gtg SMS liao, or else SHU WEI kill mi.......) is d same as(i gtg Save My Soul liao, or else SHU WEI kill mi.......) hmmmm, so ppl who created instant messages blah blah blah, r very clever, using SMS........... hmmm...... fascinatin........... and BENEDICT!! U GOT ALL D CREDIT FOR PRONOUNCING ANGELA'S NAME WRONGLY!! U COPYER!!! yawn* bored...........* wad now?? haiz, go learn TING/KAN XIE liao, or else if get lousy marks, my PAPI is gonna give mi another CHINESE IS IMPORTANT IF U WANNA MAKE BIG BIG MONEY IN CHINA lecture........... shall b on9 in msn, mayb till my cousin come, mayb at 5 something or something............. bye bye for now........... see everyone 2molo........... and BENEDICT!! COPYING TOO MUCH AINT EXACTLY A GOOD THING!!.................. yawn* sleepy* drowsy* asleep* anyway,(SLEEP TYPING*) give ur own personal,OPINIONS,CURSES,CONCERNS, blah blah blah, bloh bloh bloh, bleh bleh bleh.......... abt my blogsong......... for dis period..........anyway, ALIGATO(Thanks) if u give NICE OPINIONS abt my blogsong, if u give BAD OPINIONS, GO PU PU LA!!............ bored* go learn TING/KAN XIE liao, bye bye.............. wait, ANGELA, 2dae is a weekend, and i typed a LONG blogpost leh....... WAD DO U HV 2 SAY 4 URSELF??!!?? ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ okay, seriously, gtg liao, bye bye........... WAIT WAIT WAIT!!, nth....... bye bye........ seriously liao hor, no hv another WAIT WAIT WAIT liao hor........... bye bye hor............... dun 4get mi like erm other things u 4get hor.......... HOR!!................ bye bye............... sayonara..............

3:01 PM
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
NEW blogskin and NEW blogsong ^^

hmmmm, nth 2 do for the weekends, so i decided 2 change my blogskin and blogsong, izzit nice?? ^^ give mi ur opinion abt it, and more info abt d song, check d MUSIC column thingy wingy ^^ and btw, got wad homework 2 do arh?? ^^ i 4got, ppl who read dis post and noe got wad homework, tell mi ASAP!! ^^ and benedict got his own blog too, 2 view his blog after reading dis blogpost of mine, find his link ^^ which is located at d linkie winkie column ^^ bored........... go watch tv liao............ bb............... PS: SHORT BLOGPOST, DUN U THINK SO?? ^^

12:02 PM
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Friday, March 23, 2007

stupid idiotic lame SHORT MISS KIM!!! not dat i am very tall, but at least i am taller than her!!!! stupid MISS KIM, all she told my father was d D7 i got for my higher mother tongue, i got 5As she never even mentioned dat.......... i doubt anyone even understand my FULL POTENTIAL......... or am i juz SHOWING-OFF here??!!?? most ppl like ADELYN they all would juz say i am SHOW-OFFING here........... so i dun wanna continue.......... and i realised dat, wad is d big deal abt gettin A1 or A2?? all they care abt the D7 i got!!! nobody ever understand mi achievement, and anyway, usually, i am the one who comfort or console ppl, and sometimes PROBABLY MAYB make it worst la.......... OCCASIONALLY!! ONCE EVERY BLUE MOON!! when will someone successfully come and cheer mi up and make mi feel better?? the chances r 1/10000000, as most probably, ppl dun care............. and ppl who do care, cant console ppl.......... ppl like RUIXI, console ppl like comforting a DOG............... useless............. and 2dae, d sec 2 captain, underestimated my ability, saying i hv no chance of being a captain when i reached sec 2, he say juz now everyone who is on the basketball court, were better than mi........... nobody understands my FULL POTENTIAL or ACHIVEMENT!! so i shall end dis with a saying i created during p6 or p5, NOBODY UNDERSTOOD MI B4, NOBODY UNDERSTANDS MI NOW, NOBODY EVER WILL!!..................... with dat, sayonara.............

7:03 PM
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
new song!!

hmmm, i dunno if i got write in blog, but i remember telling somebody i changing blogsong........... too lazy 2 go check and clarify............. ITS TOO TROUBLESOME!! and recently no time 2 find blogskin 2 change......... too lazy anyway, when u hv many many OVERDUED homeworks like mi, u would understand how it feel 2 b very busy!! and worst is dat i only spent 3 hr a day doin homework!! unlike shu xian!! sleep,homework,sleep homework, MY FREN* said he noe why SHU XIAN is named SHU XIAN, cause SHU XIAN always du SHU, and not XIAN wan, so her family call her SHU XIAN ^^ now dat i think of it, it makes perfect sense.......... ^^ lolz ^^ and SHU XIAN, dun come hit mi or scratch mi or harm mi after u read dis blogpost, cause MY FREN* say de, i am juz repeating FOR EMPAHSIS ^^ u noe, literature, EMPHASIS ^^ i am juz using the skill thought by ms teo ^^ anyway, dis song is by TANK, hmmm, TANK'S songs nice nice ^^ the name is LAN, enjoy dis song, and my blogpost, and remember SHU XIAN, MY FREN* said it, i was juz repeating!! ^^ so dun scratch mi!! or kick mi!! or hit mi!! or smack mi!! JUZ DUN HARM MI!!! ^^ lolz ^^ sayonara........... ^^

6:27 PM
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2dae was fun i guess........

2dae was fun i guess............... at least dat is wad i think.......... mayb some think it is VERY FUN, and same think it is NOT FUN, so i shall stand on d centerline ^^ so nobody would b buay song at mi if i hv a far-fetched opinion........... wadeva FAR-FETCHED mean, but I DUN CARE!!!........... so 2dae played some ball, with reuben, chin ann, benedict, adelyn,AND SIMONE!!! hmmm, SIMONE is willing 2 play with MI and the person she HATE, none other than SEAH CHIN ANN........... mayb ADELYN put something in her food.......... hmmm, u would nvr noe........ and b4 i start on d basketball playing thingy wingy, 2dae when i go 2 help JIA LIN photocopy the ace-learning take $5 FROM US paper, and when i return 2 put back my paper into my bag, guess who i saw at my bag?? reading MY REPORT BOOK!! WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!! dat is sort of like stealing, only they didnt steal, but d format is still kinda d same!! it was none other than ANGELA!! and ADELYN and once again SIMONE!! so i decided 2 sneak behind them and watch them read......... and mayb frighten them when they know i know that they READ MY REPORT BOOK WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!! so ADELYN turned around,DUNNO WHY, DUN REALLY CARE........... and saw mi and SCREAMED!! and followed by ANGELA and SIMONE........ i frightened them!! WOOOO HOOOOO!! and i nvr scold them, see, i so nice de ^^ nicey nicey ^^ than lets skip, blah blah blah blah blah, them when MR JELVIN LEE came, dunno why JELVIN LEE, wanna see my picture, than SHU XIAN dun wan let him see, them other ppl wan......... and u noe wad is d weirdest thing??!!?? IT IS MY PICTURE!! SHOULDNT I DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT 2 LET MR JELVIN SEE??!!?? so anyway they showed him in d end.......... blah blah blah, too lazy 2 elaborate........... it is so ELABORATISH............. than blah blah blah, play ball, blah blah blah, mi, chin ann and simone win benedict and reuben and adelyn in basketball with specatators like shu wei and angela, blah blah, than simone went home, blah blah blah blah BLAH!!! than anyway, 2dae MR GOH come LECTURE CHIN ANN when we r playing basketball 2dae............. it was pretty funny......... than MR GOH in d end ask BENEDICT and CHIN ANN 2 GO HOME!! so we hv no ball, and short of 2 frens, so everyone went home!! sianx!!(FOR MORE INFO ABT D LECTURE, here r suitable ppl 2 ask from : ANGELA!! SHU XIAN!! SHU WEI!! BENEDICT!! REUBEN LIM!! ADELYN!! AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST!! CHIN ANN HIMSELF!!! than 2dae when went home, when left with mi and shu xian, i keep on teasing her, and she keep on SMACKING MI!!! pain pain pain............ SHE SMACK ALL D WAY FROM COMPASS POINT 2 our parting point!! and dat is quite a long distance!! with d amount of HITS!! one word 2 summarise it all, PAINFUL!!! and i got another 2 words 2 summarise dis blogpost!! it would b another wonderful summary!! WHY AM I SO GOOD IN SUMMARY??!!?? okay, here is my summary.......... BYE BYE!!.............. ^^

6:06 PM
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

naggers nowadays........... nag here nag there nag EVERYWHERE!!! all NAG on d same topic!! cant they all b more creative??!!?? all nag abt UPDATING BLOGPOST!!! annoying........... and anyway, school re-opened recently, cool ^^ got 2 meet frens of which i did not get 2 meet during the holidays, and UNFORTUNATELY!!! I OSO GOT 2 MEET THE TEACHERS OF WHICH I DID NOT GET 2 MEET DURING THE HOLIDAYS............. i guess dis is life, there are ups and downs........ and 2dae, was kinda fun i guess, at 4 or 5 something, chin ann and reuben and benedict all went home......... so left mi alone with, JING SI, JASLYN,ADELYN,SHU WEI and last but not least, SHU XIAN!!! and at first they decided 2 go 2 BIG BIG 7-eleven, but ended up chatting, chat chat chat, than JING SI said, AIYA!! dun go to 7-eleven le la, juz stay here chat chat chat ^^ than 2dae they found mi WEAK SPOT!!! NO!!!!! i shall not say wad my WEAK SPOT is in my blog....... later ppl who dunno go read than noe than i die.......... makes perfect sense dun u think?? ^^ and ppl who noe, DUN SAY!!! but if u wanna say, i cant force u......... anyway, 2dae i got SMACKED on my back 3 times ^^ fun fun fun ^^ little pain, but still fun!! ^^ at first, JING SI nothing 2 do, and wanna comfirm whether she hit ppl painful or not, so she decided 2 find a test subject, first she asked shu xian, shu xian agreed, but JING SI dun hv d heart, so nvr gave her FULL POWER SMACKING POWER thingy wingy............... wadeva......... so she found MI as another test subject, since we not dat close, she gave all she got!!! CHEATER!!! and smacked!! well, it was not really dat painful, i felt worse.......... or WORST, wadeva....... i dun care 2 differentiate between those 2!!! than JING SI said, dat i had thick skin, i dunno whether dat was literal or erm wadeva is d opposite of literal!! but wad she meant was d opposite of literal!! by giving proofs like, i dun felt really painful unlike ADELYN who JING SI said if got hit by her ONCE with dat FULL POWER of hers, she would surely start crying ^^ yay!! i can tolerate!! or at least i am UNFEELING!!! NO!!!! anyway, shu xian, oso wanna try on mi, so she hit D SAME SPOT WITH AS MUCH STRENGTH AS JING SI!!!! so dis time quite pain la!! than almost immediately, or something like dat, JING SI TRIED AGAIN!!! ON D SAME SPOT!! AGAIN!! WITH D SAME AMOUNT OF STRENGTH!! AGAIN!!! so 3rd time PAINFUL like HELL la!!! i dunno HOW PAINFUL HELL is, but must b pretty painful, so lets juz compare it anyway...... juz noe dat D 3rd time is VERY PAINFUL!! but d pain gone like awhile later.......... i guess i hv got used 2 gettin SMACKED by girls on d back, since i was already SMACKED on d back since i was PRI 1, or izzit 2?? probably 3............ hmmmm, wadeva.......... DUN CARE!!!............. gtg finish ting xie le, and dun wan keep shu wei waiting liao.......... school re-opens!! yay!! and i am gonna change my blogsong soon, so enjoy d last moment of dis song!! or else u will regret it!! ^^ anyway, bon voyage, no idea wad dat meant, but SOUNDS COOL!! anyway, bye bye.............

9:37 PM
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Friday, March 16, 2007

hmmm, 2dae is d last day of holiday of hanging out with my frens.......... for dis term, or month, or week.............. I AM NOT GOOD AT COUNTING!!.......... or caring!!.............. for dis type of stuffs at least................. hmmm, 2dae jing si and adelyn joined mi and chin ann and BENEDICT WHO CAME BACK AFTER MAKING A BIG HOLE IN HIS CRUISE BY SWIMMING!! and angela and shu xian and AH FER oso joined us wor........ or best known as AH JEN, or AH ZEN, or better known is JENNIFER........... and still got who arh?? hmmmm, well dat is pretty much all who joined us 2dae, and when at 7-eleven, jing si and jennifer and adelyn were all playing with their handphone, so i asked them whether they juz came here 2 play with their handphone, and everyone laugh................ bored............. than we played basketball, and wow, in d basketball court(A PLACE WHERE I AM NOT GONNA LET ANYONE NOE, FOR THOSE WHO NOE, GOOD!!) my accuracy increased rapidly!! and i can hmmmm, score without hitting d basket, u noe juz SILENT, and d sound of d net makes it even more cool............... and i found out dat, i can only hv such a great accuracy, WITH NET!! as i cant really aim with juz d ring.......... so 2 win mi in basketball, FIND A BASKET WITHOUT A NET!!!............ dat is probably d best chance u hv, or juz win mi by being stronger than mi........... hmmm, than went 2 jing si's hs and watch adelyn and jing si and shu xian do homework............. BORING!!........... i mean come on, which host invite their guest 2 their house AND WATCH THEM DO HOMEWORK??!!?? dat is stupid...........(no offense jing si) but seriously, u cant juz let ur guest watch u do homework......... it is juz plain WRONG!!............ and i bored 2 lollipops 2dae!! u noe, d kind of which look like erm PEN or LIPSTICK ^^ and i used it to its FULL potential by using it as a lipstick, i dunno how i look using it, but u can ask chin ann or benedict or shu xian and probably adelyn or izzit angela? for info, as they hv witnessed it real life in person!! so lucky............... ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ anyway, i bought 2, 2 let u noe why i bought 2, i must go over dis short story........ juz as i was sucking my lollipop, it suddenly dropped on d floor!!! sianx!!! and that is where d other lollipop come in, my BACK UP PLAN!!! ^^ i knew my first lollipop would drop, so i had a BACK UP PLAN installed ^^ but b4 i can eat d BACK UP PLAN, it dropped on d floor too =( with d cap on la, so inside it cracked open =( so i cannot suck le lor, so juz put d whole thing in my mouth and juz wait it melt or dissolve or something, still taste pretty good, and it is not disgusting wor!! its cap was on! so it is not dirty!! or disgusting!! ^^ so dun XIANG WAI ^^ than we went back 2 compass, and met jie yi and shu wei, than we went 2 timezone, jie yi and shu wei cant enter as they r wearing school uniform so they left, than i won ANGELA at AIR HOCKEY!! dunno why i suddenly so good, last time i lost 2 her 7-1 =( than now i win her 7-6, okay i won by juz 1 POINT!! but still, it is better than losing!!............. and both of d match got one 7 in it, 7!!! arh, nice nice good good 7!! ^^ than found out one gal from dunno wad class(dun really care.........) fell in love with SEAH CHIN ANN!!! wow, he is gonna hv his FAN CLUB soon.............. or LOVE CLUB, which ever sounds nicer............... well, gtg do something or something........... and my new blogsong is FEI NI MOU SHU by u noe it, TANK............ pretty nice song, sounds kinda alike 2 ZHUANG SHU TIAN SHU, well at least dat is wad i think, TANK'S songs alot sound alike............ well at least day is wad i think AGAIN anyway............. so enjoy hearing d blogsong and reading d blogposts, and giv comment on d song!! and ur own opinions and stuffs................ SAYONARA..............

8:13 PM
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Thursday, March 15, 2007

new posting............... cool, a new posting ^^ for my blog, hmmm, i only nvr update my blog for dunno how long ppl all spam my chatbox!!! irritating!!!........... but, hey, at least dat shows dat ppl wanna read my blog?? doesnt it?? ^^ lolz ^^ so very boring in d sch holidays, except for certain days where i can go out and play basketball with shu xian and angela and chin ann and benedict and if lucky, juz like a solar eclipse, shu wei will join in with us ^^ those days would b very very d fun........... unlike usual holiday days where i would juz stay at home do nth....... mayb watch some exciting exciting show show like naruto ^^ and hmmmm, still quite boring though........ and mayb hv piano lessons....... boring boring.......... and I HAVENT DONE MY HOLIDAY HOMEWORK!!! or ASSIGNMENT!! SIANX!!!.............. boring boring boring............. wad worries mi d most of all dis holiday assignment is ART!!.......... if i remembered correctly, got alot!!............ and i havent even completed d previous MONOCHROME art thing, havent even started!! i am so gonna get a F9 for my art!! =( sianx sianx sianx............ hmmmm, who d heck is HEY from d chatbox?? i appreciate ur praise or comment or wad so ever thingy wingy, but who r u??!!?? mayb ANGELA, or JIA LIN, cant b shu xian as she would always b YUKI, cant c shu wei as she would b CURTAIN GIRL GIRL, cant b adelyn as she dunno how 2 praise mi!!! and she would always use her real name ^^ SO UNCREATIVE.............. still got who?? hmmm, dunno got who le la, but d highest possibility is ANGELA or JIA LIN, who can it b??!!?? oh well, too lazy 2 crack my brain 2 do think of it.......... rather crack an egg and make scramble egg or something ^^ lolz ^^ bored.......... i go watch naruto le........... end dis post with a dunno wad language word, SAYONARA ^^ AKA,Bye Bye........... ^^

11:32 AM
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Saturday, March 10, 2007

COOl............... new blogskin and new song, d song is SHA SHA DE YONG QI by dunno which person, d name is(VENK) mayb is TANK d younger brother............. ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ weird names nowadays............ d song is from d album from d show HUA YANG SHAO NIAN SHAO NU ^^ d show is so awesome and even its songs r wonderful................. so let mi SUMMARISE again, IT IS A GREAT SHOW................ why am i juz so talented in summarising??!!?? lolz, juz jking................ so how is my new blogskin?? izzit compatiable with d new song dat i chose?? ^^ please giv mi ur opinions on it............... and bored............ dun feel like doin holiday assignment, if got interesting things happen later i might post another posting........... but if not........... wait until something interesting happen la!!................ so sayonara............ for now..............

10:57 AM
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Friday, March 9, 2007
depression caught mi....... happiness nvr does.............

depression...............yawn* depression and yawning at d same time?? shows dat i am sleepy and depressed, dat cant b a good sign............ or can it?? nvr mind abt dat, cause i nvr even really yawn anyway........... lolz............. lame ppl nowadays.............. nvm, 2dae was d first day of d holiday................. had an agreement with BEN and CHIN ANN yesterday and decided 2 hv a *TRAINING* 2dae, which is of course EVERYTHING BUT TRAINING............ we played some basketball and went 2 some shopping mall, basketball, shopping mall, words dat rhymes......... MAN, d LITERATURE POEM CREATING ASSIGNMENT IS SO GONNA B A SNAP!! or should i juz CLAP??!!?? once again, lame ppl nowadays.............. and b4 i get into d day, let mi oso say dat SHU XIAN and erm ANGELA oso got go, as yesterday night, i was juz chattin with ANGELA via phone or msn or wad so ever thingy wingy, and as she had nth 2 do at home other than think of a certain somebody, juz jking...... no offense ANGELA.............. so she decided 2 come with us, and not wanting 2 b d only girl with 3 boys, as dat would b a really really weird thing 2 do, she asked SHU XIAN 2 accompany her along................ so, whr were i?? oh ya, lets start d day, shall we?? u dun wanna start? who cares abt u??!!?? lets juz start anyway.............. 2dae i start the day, *pause* why am i telling u dis part?? lets juz skip 2 d meeting frens part shall we??!!?? so blah blah blah, first i met ANGELA, than almost instantly(or am i juz exeggerating?) SHU XIAN appeared, so feeling very bored with juz d 3 of us, i called BEN again 2 rush him............. and he came soon after, soon after as in 20-30 mins or so............ than its juz 4 of us, waiting for CHIN ANN, dat idiot!! we waited and waited and waited, coz he dun hv a handphone, we cannot rush him!! u can feel d anxiety cant u??!?? like movies or stories, i am now entering d CLIMAX................ and after approximately 1hr, he reached, and he very KAO PEI lor, he late until SIAO le still thr STROLLING and WALKING VERY RELAXINGLY(if there is such a word).............. i predicted correct lor, i knew when he came, he will come dis way........... feel like punching him lor, but since i am such a good guy, i nvr did get 2 punch him........... so with everyone here, we set off for our day of fun............ so much tiny,weenie details 2 say........... let mi juz SUMMARISE it juz as how we did in english and lets not 4get higher chinese............ here is d SUMMARY, i shall make it SHORT and SWEET, okay, mayb not d SWEET part, but i can ensure dat it would b really SHORT!!........... here is my SUMMARY : WE HAD FUN!............ wad a great summary dat is, sure 2 attain high marks for my SUMMARY WRITING wor, dun u agree with mi??!!?? lolz................... and i won BEN and CHIN ANN 1 on 1 AGAIN!! but still quite boring......... than we proceed 2 compass point, no wait, we went back 2 NCHS first, than 2 compass point, we went 2 nchs cause BEN and CHIN ANN 4got their english worksheets, and i miss mi sch!!! juz a joke.............. juz making my post more DRAMATIC, although i did quite miss it............... =( than blah blah blah HERE, blah blah blah THERE, blah blah blah EVERYWHERE........... and dat ends my events 4 2dae, too lazy and depressed 2 go and recall every single tiny, puny details and TYPE IT OUT!!.............. bored............ and depressed............. depressing here, boring there, SAD EVERYWHERE!!.......... hey, another good phrase with rhymes............ i am juz talented i dis type of stuffs......... without even knowing it, its good 2 b mi............... at most times at least.............

8:08 PM
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Thursday, March 8, 2007

ppl say i am a flirt, i cant totally disagree but i dun really like 2 agree with dat term............ WHO WANNA??!!?? i mean, its so INSULTING!!!.............. but who cares, D TERM FLIRT came from a GIRL who hv 2 EX-BF which both lasted less than 3 months!!............. but still got other ppl call mi flirt........... and WORST!! i gained HATRED from alot of ppl............. and someone said i look MONTEROUSITTY!!! no idea wad dat word or wad it means, but i am pretty sure it is spelled MONSTEROUSITTY!!(go check d tagboard for more info..............) if i look so FREAKISH, how d heck do i FLIRT??!!?? ppl and their INLOGICAL EXCUSES NOWADAYS!!!................. let mi quote from SHU WEI, I AM SO PISSED!!!................... dun feel like LOLZING or puttin happy face sign-----^^------- too depressed 2 do so........... who do u expect mi 2 chat with other than girls, if u think LOGICALLY, thr r 9 BOYS and 31 GIRLS in my class, its not like i dun hang out with boy, and if i hang out with a boy TOO MUCH, ppl might think i am a G-Y-A!!! GYA!!!(ps:quoted from d popular show, HUA YANG SHAO NIAN SHAO NU..........) dotz................ i rather b a FLIRT than b a GYA!!! and besides, in my class, i dun really get along well with YEE HANG,KAI BIN,KOK TING, not so sure abt FAN JUN though............ i dun really chat with CHENG YORK and TENG DA as they r always chattin with each other, i only chat with CHENG YORK when morning flag raising ceremony, and chat with TENG DA during HOME ECON.............. GERALD, kinda close la, but dun really chat with him, he is either saying i am a FLIRT TOO or chattin with YEE HANG or doin homework with FAN JUN............ so i am left with JOEL, as i sit bside him, pretty good frens with him la, but dat might juz b my one sided thinking......... dunno how he think, he might juz b thinkin abt homework or WAN LING!!.......... ya sure wadeva.......... so i am juz left with girls.......... so when chat with girls, ppl call mi flirt!!................. than always hang out with JOEL, he might think i am EXTRA or ppl might think I and HIM r GYAS!!!.............. so, wad should i do??!!?? and after sch, its not like i always hang out with girls like dat wor............. i always hang out with d HANDSOME HANDSOME CHIN ANN and d MUSCULAR MUSCULAR BENEDICT and d erm QUIET QUIET REUBEN LIM............. only when girls come chat with them lor................ i dun really wanna end up like a GYA like XIUYI or YANGYANG, so chattin with girls for boys is and NECESSITY!!!............... 2dae was last day of sch, so boring......... holiday reaching soon, planning 2 keep up my stamina by training with BEN BEN and CHIN ANN ourself by finding some place 2 run or something........... but since its difficult 2 keep in contact with CHIN ANN, it is pretty hard 2 keep up with d training............... i dun hv plans for march holidays, so ppl if u hv plans, include mi!! but if u feel i might b EXTRA dun better b safe than sry and dun invite mi............... wad can i do, 2molo than i start doin homework ba, if hv, i am gonna call some ppl 2 ask got wad HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT!! teacher nowadays r juz so irritating!! juz bcoz they dun hv their life they wan make us suffer with than by giving us as much holiday assignment or homework as they can............... so sianx, dis is gonna b one of those boring boring holidays............. juz received my erm CA1 result thingy wingy, i got 5As............... as though u care........... and let mi c, oh ya, i got 26 upon dunno how many marks, compared to ZHU DI OLD(JODI LAU) which got 18 marks!! i hv really lousy marks as d lower d score in O-LEVEL, d better.......... so she got pretty good marks and i juz got lousy, congratulations ZHU DI OLD, shall end my posting, musnt keep ppl who wanna chat with mi waiting, let mi end dis with a statement : STATE OF DEPRESSION!! I SHALL ENTER U SOON!! JUZ U WAIT!!............. and with dat, bye bye................

8:21 PM
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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

cool, a new song for my blog ^^ too lazy 2 change d blogskin as nid 2 change alot of stuffs ^^ so i decided 2 change d music as it is way easier ^^ lolz ^^ not dat i am LAZY or anything, OKAY OKAY!! I ADMIT IT!! I AM LAZY!! but changing blogskin is really complicated and erm erm COMPLICATED wad!!! so juz change music ^^ and i changed 2 should i call it a THEME SONG of HUA YANG SHAO NIAN SHAO NU!!! its called DONG LE!! by none other than d so talented artist TANK(TAN KE CHE) man, my respect for TANK is growing every single day wor!!! his song r ALL SO NICE!!! mayb not ALL but MAJORITY anyway!! and they r all composed by none other than HIM HIMSELF!!! so talented wor!! but wonder why his REAL LIFE voice is like different from his RADIO or ALBUM or wadeva wadeva technology song!!! he might b using a FAKE VOICE by technology!!! ^^ lolz ^^ or he might juz hv sore throat COINCIDENTALLY at every REAL LIFE concert ^^ lolz ^^ u would nvr noe, i dun say le la, i dun wanna RUIN HIS REPUTATION than he come SUE MI!! than i die!!! ^^ lolz ^^ but he is a great,awesome,incredible, wonderful COMPOSER!! his MAJORITY songs r all so nice de ^^ nice nice........... and on SHU WEI'S blog, her new post posted on(7/3/07) she declared dat!!dat!!dat!!! DAT SHE DOES NOT LIKE MI ANYMORE!!!.......... not sure wad 2 say, mixed feelings here ^^ and not gonna comment as a SLIGHTLY COMMENT might AFFECT ALOT OF PPL!!! harsh harsh harsh ^^ lolz ^^ u might not believe or b SHOCKED or wad so ever thingy wingy ^^ but its true!! ^^ i am juz EMPHASIZING for her ^^ lolz ^^ go read her blog for a more REALISTIC erm thingy wingy!! ^^ lolz ^^ gtg chat with SHU WEI le, musnt keep her waiting for too long!!! ^^ lolz ^^ bye bye ^^ read her blog!! and stay tune 2 mine too!! ^^ lolz ^^

9:23 PM
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

woah, 2dae so fun wor ^^ lolz ^^ okay, mayb it wasnt d IDEAL type of fun but still it was fun ^^ 2dae, i hv nvr felt so tired or weak in my life, i SPRINTED for d 800m race and after dat, my leg was like JELLY, no strength 2 stand, like wobbling!!! so weak wor, i got 4th place(IF NO HV COUNT SEC 2 LA!!! ^^) 1st is some strange strange guy who i do not noe but he is FAST!!! and 2nd is none other than d HOT SEAH CHIN ANN and d CUTE JOEL YEO YING YAO!! AKA JYYY ^^ at first i am 1st d, than 2nd round no more stamina, than got 2nd, 3rd, and finally 4TH!!! =( not fun de!!! sian la!! no matter what, i juz cant win JOEL and CHIN ANN in d STAMINA or LONG DISTANCES AREA!!! KAO PEI!!! than after d race i let all weak and i got a headache, and i decided not 2 run for d 1500m race as i fear i might juz faint on d spot!! =( should hv took part in d 200m race, damn easy la, distance short, and juz hv 2 sprint really really fast ^^ no nid good good stamina ^^ both of which i am good at ^^ cool ^^ and b4 d race, d QUEENA(a person of which some of u might not noe) say i am like PERFECT!! ^^ lolz ^^ so nice ^^ well in d sports area anyway ^^ but she still used d word PERFECT!! ^^ lolz ^^ she say i am good in SOCCER, and ATHELETICS, and lets not 4get BASKETBALL!! ^^ yay!!! ^^ WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!! ^^ lolz ^^ I AM PERFECT!! in d SPORTS AREA AT LEAST!! well, at least dat is wad SOMEONE,AT LEAST SOMEONE thinks ^^ lolz ^^ so cool la, hearing wad she said.......... especially d P word, than benedict ran 200m, he very unlucky wor, sprint sprint sprint ALMOST REACHING 2ND PLACE than OOOOOPS!! NO FRICTION!!! ARHH!!! and he fell!! and he didnt complete d race so he got last of course............ SO SUAY LA!! juz 1 SLIP!! caused him 2 changed from 2nd place to 4th place!! u c how 1 SLIP can change ur entire life??!!??^^ lolz ^^ deeeeeeeep ^^ march holidays reaching soon, wad can i do??!!?? ^^ i nid plans!! plans!! ^^ lolz ^^ dis post ends here, SHU XIAN and SHU WEI is waiting 4 mi 2 chat with them ^^ bb^^.................

9:32 PM
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Monday, March 5, 2007

haiz.............. i dun wan blend in with a group of frens anymore, i dun wanna go find out wad thr r taking anymore, i dun care wad gossips they hv anymore, I JUZ DUN CARE ANYMORE!!..............next time, i would only response 2 when ppl call mi name or when they nid mi or wad so ever, or else i would juz stand thr and watch wad they say and not open my mouth............... until i hv 2 at least.............. i decided 2 change, i dun wanna talk so frequently anymore, i dun wan 2 always tease and or mock ppl anymore(ALTHOUGH DAT IS REALLY FUN) as it would only cause ppl 2 hate mi and dislike mi and i hate it when ppl hate or dislike mi!!! =( haiz, times change, ppl change, and somehow, i oso decided 2 change, change 2 a more QUIET, LONER type of person, i juz dun wanna care abt such things anymore, so 2dae(5/3/07) would b d last time i would b my old talkative type of person, so, i am gonna juz stay a LONER instead of my usual BLENDING IN.................. 2dae so sian, i found out i failed my HCL(OVERALL) than my parents already treat mi like a failure, asking mi if i wan go tuition, or if i wan them teach mi or if i ownself read my alot of chinese books myself............ and my choice is obviously, NONE OF D ABOVE!!................ asking mi 2 go tuition or let my parents teach mi or READ MORE BOOKS!! is like asking mi 2 die, although dying seems like an ideal choice for mi now................ do not noe wad death and hell holds for mi, and i dun really intend 2 find out, firstly i am too lazy, secondly, i am too afraid 2 find out................ haiz, juz hv 2 wait and find out wad d future hold for mi, and wad kind of freakish lookin jerk i would b in d future............... and somehow, i juz do not care...........................

9:15 PM
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Sunday, March 4, 2007

AWESOME!!! i changed my first ever blogskin!! without anybody's help!! SWEET!! so cool wor!!! 2dae since nobody on9 in msn since most of my GIRLISH frens all went 2 JING SI'S birthday party so out of boredom, i decided 2 giv MASTERIN D TECHNIQUE OF CHANGING BLOGSKINS TRICK another try ^^ at first dis afternoon, i changed blogskin!! for d first time!! but well, it didnt turned out all so wonderful or as i had planned it, HEY!! FIRST TIME 4 EVERYTHING!! ^^ lolz ^^ than i try 2 edit those chatbox and d music thingy wingy and those chat things trick, at first i was BLURRED!!!............. than i took d preview thingy wingy for perference and slowly i understand it!! cool!! not dat i wanna boast or anything(ALTHOUGH I DO IT A WHOLE LOT IN REAL LIFE), but i learn pretty fast for a beginner!! ^^ lolz ^^ but even after editing, it still has some flaws........... =( than i decided who cares??!!?? juz some flaws, juz ask SHU XIAN or SHU WEI 2 help edit AGAIN can le wad ^^ lolz ^^ so i saved and juz left it............ than i went 4 lunch ^^ than when i done eating, i went on9 hoping for some ppl 2 chat with mi =( but all my frens werent on9!! =( except 1 fren named JIA YI from class 1D,but well nothing 2 chat with her, so nvr quite talk 2 her ^^ than my cousin d fren which i juz met yesterday(WHO IS A BOY!!) came on9 and chat with mi, so juz talk abt stuffs of which i paid no attention 2, instead juz answer, he is 1 year younger than mi, and everytime he call mi, he will call mi KOR!! so cool ^^ lolz ^^ than i will call him DI!! ^^ so fun wor......... ^^ lolz ^^ and he has a GANG!! scary............ enough abt dat, than sian la, in 2nd floor, d TV no SCV de, so can only watch chnl 8 and U so boring!! so i switched com and went to 3rd floor whr got a TV got SCV de ^^ so i waited for someone 2 on9 and chat with mi, than only got a person which is a somewhat CLOSE FREN OF ADELYN come chat with mi(OKAY! OKAY! I ADMIT!! I GO CHAT WITH HER! I WAS BORED!!! ^^ lolz ^^) than i bored so juz ask her abt her ex boyfrens and she has 2 EX-BFS!!!(OH YA, her name is JERALDYN) and d weird thing is, d 1st boyfren she date for 2 weeks, than d 2nd boyfren 2 months, so i continued 4 her, 3rd one would b 2 years! than 4th one 2 decades and 2 centuries and so on and so forth ^^ so fun ^^ than i went 2 eat dinner, and after dinner, still nobody on9 chat with mi de!!! so not happy for having flaws in my blog, i decided 2 change another blogskin, 2 a nicer one, without flaws!! ^^ lolz ^^ and so i did, look look, found a nice one, edit edit edit, and TADA!! a flawless(I HOPE!) blog!! ^^ and i didnt even ask for help from SHU WEI and SHU XIAN!! i did it!! i changed a blogskin which is FLAWLESS(ONCE AGAIN,I HOPE!) and nice!! awesome!! ^^ i mastered d art of changing blogskins!! awesome!! fun fun fun!! ^^ lolz ^^ so bored still........... somebody on9 already!!! very BORED HERE!!!...................... nice nice blogskin ^^ nice nice posting ^^ so i declared dat my blog is NICE NICE!! ^^ lolz ^^ cool............. ^^

8:25 PM
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GRATITUTE!! thanks SHU XIAN and oso SHU WEI ^^ thanks for helping my blog out ^^

Once again, thanks SHU XIAN for well editing my blog thingy wingy, although i hv no idea wad u edited but, thanks anyway!! ^^ lolz ^^ and oso thanks for addin d great great nice nice possibly some sadness ness song into my blog, ZHUANG SHU TIAN SHI ^^ TANK(TAN KE CHE) is really something, his new album out of 11 songs, 10 r all nice songs, his 1st song isnt really dat nice, although i havent really heard it, but my bro says so, and i am juz too lazy 2 find out whether it is true or not.................. Depression here.................. depression is so erm erm well.... DEPRESSING......... ^^ lolz ^^ homeworks havent do finish, havent done d MONOCHROME art homework thingy wingy which i am obviously late 2 pass up and havent do d science wb MCQS which r supposed 2 hand up 2molo(EASY PEASY!!) and i oso havent done d english worksheet dat needed 2 b handed up on TUESDAY.............. and dun really hv d mood 2 do homework now, juz feel like playing, but since nth 2 play, so i am writing dis blogpost now ^^ lolz ^^ hmmmmm, since nth 2 talk abt now, lets juz talk abt some events dat happened yesterday....... but first, juz now ADELYN THREATENED MI saying dat she wanna used her BIG MOUTH 2 spread rumours saying dat i n GORILLA(XIN YI) r 2gether or wad so ever, her sms isnt dat clear.............. but i dun care............ too depressed 2 care anyway............ and now she wan WORLD PEACE with mi wor............ GIRLS R SO TROUBLESOME!!! ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ yesterday, cant really recall le!!! HOLY XUETE!!! i am gettin OLD!!!............ so r d rest!! ^^ lolz ^^ yesterday, i recalled d MOST FUN THING was 2 runaway from GORILLA(XIN YI) with KAI BIN, GERALD, CHENG YORK,TENG DA, JIA LIN, WAN LING, JOEL and d SHU FAI TEACHER and last but not least MI all run, and teacher dun hv a clue!! she has a misconception of some kind ^^ lolz ^^ dun really remember d details ^^ juz remember running with a group of frens and teacher away from GORILLA(XIN YI) so fun ^^ lolz ^^ gtg, time 2 enter my state of depression..................... bye bye.................

11:47 AM
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Saturday, March 3, 2007

AHA!!! MY THEORY(E=MC2) dat kind of THEORY worked out......... well, mayb not so scienticfical, but it is still a THEORY!! lets take 2DAE(3/3/2007) for example, when SIMONE they all ask mi for a treat or something, not wanting 2 disappoint anyone or something, i well treat them or d term dat is used for treating............... and than dunno wad happen JING SI and SIMONE they all go tell JENNIFER and SHU XIAN and ANGELA and SHU WEI THEY ALL dat i treated them, somewhat like flaunting or show offing or wadeva term it is used!!! i dun exactly noe wad they FLAUNT except probably abt i treating them and i oso dun exactly noe(WOW!! I SURE DUNNO ALOT OF STUFFS!!) d reason why SHU WEI cried, i mean, wad could SIMONE and JING SI they all said or FLAUNT possibly could hv made a (well, not exactly INNOCENT) girl cry, than worst after dat, EVERYONE BLAME MI!!! d ppl who FLAUNT or wad so ever d term is BLAMED MI!! than SHU XIAN JENNIFER ANGELA they all OSO BLAMED MI!! i dun even noe exactly wad happened than ppl all BLAME mi le............... so everyone all very BUAY SONG at mi, and juz now another person OSO ANGRY AT MI!!!! and i dun even noe why or wad i did wrong!!! wad exactly did i did wrong??!!?? wad i did 2 get everyone 2 BLAME MI so OFTEN or HATE MI?? =( haiz, dis is destiny i supposed, and well i am supposed 2 follow wad destiny had set 4 mi i suppose............ =( not dat i wanna b BLAMED all d time and b HATED so frequently, but wad can i do??!!?? dis is DESTINY, dis is FATE, all i can do is follow wad lies in front of mi and accept FATE or DESTINY or wad so ever thingy wingy........... dun really feel like saying all d HAPPY stuffs dat happened 2DAE(3/3/2007) instead i wanna CHERISH dis MOMENT(3.29PM) 2 think of wad i did wrong and caused everyone 2 blame mi and cry in deep in mi heart =( deeeeeeeeeeeeep =( dis ends 2dae's posting, next posting will come soooooooooooooon........................................

3:20 PM
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Thursday, March 1, 2007

YES!!! 2dae is d last day of CT!!! not 4EVA but well u get wad i mean ^^ lolz ^^ 2dae d last test is LITERATURE!!!! the 3rd worst subject of mine!!! 1st worst is ART and 2nd worst is of course HIGHER MOTHER TONGUE!! or to ANG MOH'S whose first language is not HIGHER CHINESE ^^ lolz ^^ literature actually not hard la....... not hard 2 understand........ unless u r SIMPLE-MINDED or NAN TING DE HUA jiu shi DUMB!!! ^^ lolz ^^ but always my answers cannot get all correct de, only avg............ so kinda hate it............ 3rd worst subject!! u hv gained my hatred!! cool!!! bored........ 2dae went straight home after sch 4 PIANO LESSON........... EVEN MORE BORING!!! more boring than u noe who and u noe wad and all those things dat u noe dat i dun!!!............... and yesterday at P.E why playing dodgeball with small small filled with holes holes floorball ball ball.......... than d YEE HANG so show off........ walk here walk thr than i aim him and hit his hand!! cool ^^ he was OUT!! than they allow him 2 come back in!! CHEATERS!!! ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ than i accidentaly, i repeat, ACCIDENTALY threw d ball and hit LEONA on d head =( than ppl all blame mi =( i wan go apologise than they all take d ball ball like wan aim mi than i cant apologise lor......... ACCIDENTS happens!!! SSSSHHHH!!! PETTY PPL NOWADAYS!!! ^^ lolz ^^ and wad else?? hmmmmmmm, oh ya!! yesterday and 2dae JENNIFER used her ULTIMATE method 2 sleep!! ^^ lolz ^^ she lie down her head on d chair and was like dunno how 2 explain la....... juz 1 word 2 describe it!!! FUNNY!! probably juz 1 more word 2 describe it!! WEIRD!! and of course once again FUNNY!!! ^^ lolz ^^ u can nvr imagine how funny it is her method of sleeping!! ^^ lolz ^^ juz noe dat is is damn funny!! and if ppl who got saw her method of sleeping, u would noe it is way funny than u can ever imagine ^^ lolz ^^ so funny...... ^^ lolz ^^ and well SHU XIAN slapped mi yesterday!!! and i didnt even do anything wrong!! i think........... i am always correct de la so i didnt even do anything wrong!! ^^ lolz ^^ it was so painful =( but well since i am such a good person, i TOLERATE!! WO REN!! WO REN!! and well nvr HUAN SHOU la, juz tolerate and a little buay song, okay okay, i admit, ALOT OF BUAY SONG!! ^^ lolz ^^ but hey, at least nvr shout or hit her back or anything hor!! so very nice person le!! ^^ lolz ^^ and in compass point something very terrible, horrible, VEGETABLE happened........ dunno if i wanna or can say, but until it get announce in public, i wont say in my blog de ^^ but yesterday, i realised............. no matter wad, it would always b my fault!! no matter wad i do or say, it would always b my fault!! it nvr failed 2 b my fault =( i guess its juz destiny and i am supposed 2 live with it, i go listen 2 TAN KE CHE(TANK) de songs le ^^ his new albums d songs except d 1st one la, all very nicey nicey de ^^ i so nice, help TANK advertise his new album in my blog....... why am i so nice??!!?? ^^ lolz ^^ and remember, got things juz blame on mi as no matter wad, it would always b my fault............... =(

4:16 PM
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Name: Dan Jun Yuan
Age: 15 School: Nan Chiau High School
CCA: Basketball team, Point Guard
Steve Nash,Chris Paul, Ricky Rubio Rocks!!!
Note: What I Appear On The Outside May Not Be How I Feel On The Inside, There Are More To Things Than Meets The Eye.

Her to be happy ^^
To do well in my studies ^^
To have even more friends ^^
To grow taller than 170cm ^^
To excel in basketball ^^
To be able to control my jealousy ^^


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheng York
Chin Bee
Jie Yi
Jing Ru
Jing Si
Ke Xin
Kok Ting
Li Yun
Li Hui
Qi Min
Qi Yang
Si Hui
Shu Wei
Shu Xian
Small Benedict
Teng Da
Wan Ling
Yan Ting
Yee Hang
Yi Xiong
Yock Sheng
Yoke Ling
Zhan Chun
Zhi Yu
Class 2A

I hate OBS..... LOL
Cant think of any....
This is how i feel.....
new post!! finally??!!?? ^^
Today is more than just MAN HAO WAN de ^^
Today is MAN HAO de :)
Walk walk walk :)
Post post
Ummm, 2dae is a saturday!
Sec 3 Camp! As fun as the malacca trip!! :)

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