
Sunday, May 24, 2009
This is how i feel.....

Haiz, its been a long time since i posted le ba, n i dun really intend to post de, but juz feel like blogging all of a sudden....

Hmmm, went to wanling's 'birthday party' yesterday, not really a party rather its sort of an outing, went to watch night at the museum 2 then after dat went to vivo city to do stuff. Those who went to dat outing were kok ting(i got mention ur name le hor kok ting!!), teng da, yee hang, wee kien, jun cheng, danny, adelyn, angela, pearlyn, cassandra, jia lin, leona, qi min, me and none other than the birthday girl herself :) actually, ytd wasnt really her birthdate but, well, u get wad i mean :)

After dat went to vivo city and jia ling, leona, jun cheng, wanling and kok ting(i got mention ur name le hor kok ting!!) went to play with the 'pools' in the roof of vivio city, the sky park? wadeva?? dunno how to say la...... they were playing awhile, then i kept on kao pei-ing jun cheng by keep on 'saying stuffs' ^^ then he wanna drag me into the 'pool', and since i dun wanna get wet, i resisted and then danny came to help(help jun cheng!! ^^), which made me resist even more, then after dat he dragged me, and my left elbow rubbed against the floor, and my previous wound was injured again :( not really dat painful, but really really disgusting ^^ actually, its not jun cheng or danny de fault ba, i juz wasnt in the mood and then i oso keep on kao pei-ing jun cheng ^^ so its my retribution :) hmmm, then jun cheng went to bought a plaster for me, but then i didnt used it.... not becoz i am petty and bore a grudge!! but becoz i dunno how to use it, well, not i dunno how to use a plaster la!! aiya!! dunno how to explain la!! :) hmmm, so after dat, d day juz sort of went to a down turn for me n i became really sian and stuff, so i didnt replied yan ting de msg too :( i hope she aint angry :( haiz, then after sitting around for a long time, we decided to go n hv our dinner, we split into 2 groups as couldnt find a place to occupy so many of us.... Teng da, kok ting, wee kien, yee hang and me 1 group and danny, jun cheng, adelyn, pearlyn, cassandra and qi min the other group. (angela, wanling, jia ling and leona went home le) hmmm, then after dat took mrt n bused home.....

Dunno why ytd de outing was so sian for me, i felt so out of place, i couldnt do this, couldnt do dat, but still quite fun coz lamed with teng da and kok ting(little nippy?? kok ting, i got mention ur name hor!!) hmmm, n it was oso quite fun too as i gotto noe yee hang and wee kien a little better :) so things didnt really turned out dat sian...... i guess :)

thanks for those who msged me last night and asked me whether my arm was feeling better, although my arm dun hv feelings de la ^^ but thanks for ur concern anyway :) this doesnt mean dat those who didnt msged me dun care la, if u do care, thanks for ur concern too :) if u dun care, then thanks for not wasting ur time caring for me too :) so its a win-win situation ^^

hmmm, dunno why i am still so sian now, ytd de problems brought over to today?? i doubt it, i dunno, actually i do noe, but i dun think writing it here will be the most appropriate thing to do..... Am i a bad boyfriend anyway?? :( (only one person can answer dat question ^^) hmmm, i hope u r feeling better anyway :) hv a nice rest :) i wanna be able to see u 2molo!! ^^

i dunno wad i am goin to be doin 2dae, but i guess i am goin to be playing bball with kok ting, teng da, yee hang, weekien, choon kiet??(sorry, dunno if i spelt ur name right), alvin and zong sheng. not really in d mood though, but dun feel like staying at home too.....

hope it will be as fun as ytd when i played ball with ezekiel, chin ann and benedict (small ben was playing with his psp most of the time ^^) hmmm, aiya, i dunno :(

btw, night at the museum 2 is a really good movie!! u should all go and check it out some time!! if u hv d time!! but since d exams r over le, i doubt u guys wont hv d time ^^ lol ^^

i think i am gonna end my post here le ba?? bye

i feel so.......
i dunno.....
i juz cant explain it......
Is it because.....?
or is it juz me.....?
i dunno anything anymore......

10:24 AM
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Monday, May 11, 2009
new post!! finally??!!?? ^^

hmmm, so here i am, bloggin now :) after so many ppl has asked me to blog, i hv finally updated le!! ^^ hurray!! xD hmmm, d other reason i blogged is becoz i dun wanna disappoint yan ting ^^ hehe ^^ hmmm, this few days were kinda sian because i couldnt get to see yan ting!! :( n i juz stayed at home slacking and doin nth...... life is so boring nowadays..... lol xD but at least today was better coz i get to spend time with yan ting and chat with her for a while, although it was short but it was definitely worthwhile :) i cant wait for 2molo! ^^ 2molo wont be so boring coz 2molo will be d reopening of school?? dunno if its d right phrase or words to use, but u all should get wad i mean ^^ hmmm, its really surprising...... exams r coming yet i am still in d gaming mood!! i am still nonchalent!! n i dun even noe wad dat mean!! XD well, actually i do ^^ i guess :) hmmm, but i dun think i will still remain in this mood nxt week or this thurs anyway, coz those science subjects and maths subjects nid serious revision ^^ so cant slack anymore le, this few weeks r juz languages exams and geog exams, so we can slack ^^ so i am slacking now!! XD haha XD hmmm, i cant wait till d exams are over n for d june holiday to come so we can play n play n play!! although thr will definitely be alot of assignments and projects to do, i cant wait to procrastinate n skip through all those works n play!!! i wan class outings!! both 3A and 2A de!!! and i wanna go on dates with yan ting!! XD lol XD n i wanna play bball with ben, ezekiel, hong chang, jason, chin ann, small ben and probably danny!!!! ^^ i juz wanna play!!! ^^ hmmm, but till then, i hope someone will organise a group study or something leh :) but then nvm le la ^^ no time to slack le, since i will always slack during group study de ^^ hehe ^^oh well, i dunno wad else to post le leh, mayb i will post 2molo?? :) but who noes?? see first ba :) i doubt u will be satisfied with this post, but i dunno wad to say le!! :( bye bye ^^

5:46 PM
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Name: Dan Jun Yuan
Age: 15 School: Nan Chiau High School
CCA: Basketball team, Point Guard
Steve Nash,Chris Paul, Ricky Rubio Rocks!!!
Note: What I Appear On The Outside May Not Be How I Feel On The Inside, There Are More To Things Than Meets The Eye.

Her to be happy ^^
To do well in my studies ^^
To have even more friends ^^
To grow taller than 170cm ^^
To excel in basketball ^^
To be able to control my jealousy ^^


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheng York
Chin Bee
Jie Yi
Jing Ru
Jing Si
Ke Xin
Kok Ting
Li Yun
Li Hui
Qi Min
Qi Yang
Si Hui
Shu Wei
Shu Xian
Small Benedict
Teng Da
Wan Ling
Yan Ting
Yee Hang
Yi Xiong
Yock Sheng
Yoke Ling
Zhan Chun
Zhi Yu
Class 2A

I hate OBS..... LOL
Cant think of any....
This is how i feel.....
new post!! finally??!!?? ^^
Today is more than just MAN HAO WAN de ^^
Today is MAN HAO de :)
Walk walk walk :)
Post post
Ummm, 2dae is a saturday!
Sec 3 Camp! As fun as the malacca trip!! :)

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