
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Today is more than just MAN HAO WAN de ^^

hmmm, 2dae is really cool n really memorable ^^ it will definitely be one of my best memories when i look back at my life down d road ^^ hehe ^^ first of all, 2dae is d first time i hv ever watched a movie with yan ting :) n dat is definitely a big deal, to mi anyway ^^ n possibly to yan ting too XD haha XD hmmm, then coz 2dae oso brought us closer le, much much closer le ^^ now i feel so good around her le, its like there is no more awkwardness or shyness or wadeva thing la, i juz feel so comfortable when she is around n i cant wait to find more time to spend with her :) its just really really cool la ^^ i love it!! ^^ hmmm, 2dae starts off with us meeting at 8am at yan ting de hs de lobby ba, but i was slightly late :( sorry abt dat :( then 2dae she dressed quite different from her previous patterns, as in she wore a skirt n i dunno how to describe d top la!! ^^ its just different from how she normally dress when she went out ^^ its quite weird at first, but then i gradually like it ^^ but i think dat its ok how she wanna dress in d future when we go out ba, i will like it either way de ^^ hehe ^^ hmmm, then we walked to compass point to hv our breakfast, it was quite awkward during d journey to cp as at first we got nth to say, dunno why leh, but of course dat changed during d course of d day!! n it got better!! n now we got more things to say than b4 le!!! hurray!!! ^^ lol XD hmmm, then when we reached cp, we went to kfc to eat n it was once again a fun experience to eat with yan ting ^^ its really cool ^^ hmmm, then after dat we went to take d lrt d west loop as we got nth to do n we still got quite some time b4 it was time to meet joel and avis :) hmmm, we rode around n we saw d sengkang park! ^^ n then we alighted at d lrt station near to nchs or kok ting house ^^ hmmm, then we walked thr to avis house n it was a fun walk ^^ it was quite sunny and warm but i didnt really go n care abt it as i was too focused on yan ting le XD so i didnt really notice d heat ^^ hmmm, after we met up with joel and avis, we took bus 27 to century square to watch d movie, n d journey there is quite interesting to mi n should be d same to yan ting too ba ^^ but it is not fun in a sense(not dat d journey thr was boring la!!!) but d journey thr is more of a heart warming experience in a sense ^^ to mi la ^^ hmmm, as we held on to each other in d bus n i dunno how to explain la!!! ^^ its juz very sweet!! n i like it la!! ^^ lol XD hmmm, after we reached century square, we went to buy d tickets immediately ba, n since d movie dat is d earliest n more interesting de movie is 'race to witch mountain' we bought d ticket ^^ hmmm, after dat we walked around d mall a little b4 proceeding to buy d snacks n drinks n entering d theatre :) hmmm, n i feel dat d best part of 2dae is probably in d cinema ba ^^ lol xD coz its d part where and when we were closest ba, i guess? :) hmmm, our heads leaned on each other in d cinema n then we fed each other with popcorn n d drink ^^ its just really fun n cute ^^ n once again, i really enjoyed it ^^ hmmm, after dat we walked around century square somemore b4 proceeding to compass point to meet up with kok ting to go to hougang mall to meet up with d cheerleading group to think up of cheers n stuffs ^^ hmmm, d mrt journey there was also a great experience to mi!! ^^ i dunno how to explain la!! but its just really good la!!! haha XD hmmm, then when we reached thr, juz did some stuffs abt d cheer lor, n walked around hougang mall buying props for d cheer, n i was quite annoyed at a person during dat part, as i really cant stand her le ba, in sch so annoying then juz now oso look at my stuffs without my permission...... so ....... haiz, nvm...... hmmm, then it was quite sian from dat part onwards le lor, but thr is still a positive side as i get to witness yan ting trying her best to cheer mi up ^^ although i didnt get hyper completely, but it sort of worked ^^ thx yan ting!! ^^ hmmm, oh, n i wrote another cheer for d cheerleading thing, but i dun think they will use it, as they cant find an appropriate rhythm, but who cares?? at least i did my part ^^ lol XD hmmm, after dat mi n yan ting took bus 86 home n i walked her to her lobby ^^ n we hv been smsing since then ^^ hmmm, i feel d same way as her right now ^^ n hope dat our relationship now can be sustained, for a long time to come ^^ yay XD cant wait to see her n walked with her to sch 2molo ^^ double yay!! XD n i hv come to an end for my blogpost le!! triple yay!! XD so bye!! XD HURRAY!! ^^

9:38 PM
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Sunday, March 8, 2009
Today is MAN HAO de :)

hmmm, i am posting now as i dun wan somebody to be disappointed :) hehe ^^ coz quite long nvr post le ma, so its abt time i do some updating :) n i cannot be so unfair as to juz ask yan ting to post on her blog whereas i am unable to do so :) so i am posting now abt wad we did 2dae :) weee ^^ hmmm, 2dae morning we met up at 8am n walked to compass point to hv breakfast before goin to find avis they all to play bball ^^ n we had our breakfast at macdonald n it was delicious but then it might be due to who i was eating my breakfast with ^^ hehe ^^ and then after dat we went n walked around compass point to spent some alone time together n chattin and stuffs b4 we go n find yee hang and avis they all :) i really enjoyed d time we spent juz d 2 of us, n i feel dat we hv grew closer ^^ hurray ^^ hmmm, then after dat we went to find yee hang at seng kang cc after which we made our way to kok ting hs thr de bball court to play as seng kang cc was packed to d rim :) actually not so exaggerated ba, but i like to act as though my eng is gd(which actually is quite gd la, but then still not on par with all d eng pros ^^) hehe ^^ hmmm, then we played abc awhile, guess who won?? ^^ lol XD n then joel n avis came, we played a tournament competition(mi, yee hang, joel and kok ting) guess who won again?? LOL!! XD After dat we played 3 on 3(mi, kok ting, yan ting vs avis, joel and yee hang) ^^ this time no winner was determined ^^ anyway, today de bball part was really meaningful to mi la, although didnt really spend time to bond with yan ting but i got back my feel for bball which is oso very important to mi ^^ i must faster get back all d skills dat i lost during d exams so i can become as strong as before n even stronger, so i wont be a burden to my teammates n frens ^^ hmmm, now lets move on to next part of 2dae, hmmm, we went to hv lunch at kfc(mi, kok ting, joel, yan ting, cassandra and avis) (yee hang went home le) then mi and yan ting fed each other a few times, n its really funny n sweet at d same time ^^ haha XD hmmm, after dat we went to hougang stadium to find d 3c ppl as they were training for d sports meet, then i oso trained my stamina and possibly speed?? found out dat my stamina dropped le n then my speed oso not dat fast le, but then it might be due to my injury caused by yang bin!! ^^ or juz a way to console myself ^^ hehe ^^ wadeva way i think of it, it works ^^ hehe ^^ hmmm, n at d stadium n after it, yan ting was quite sianx so i kept on using d cute and sad face to cheer yan ting up ^^ n it worked every single time!! ^^ so cool!! ^^ so glad dat i am able to cheer her up whenever she is sad :) hehe ^^ hmmm, then after dat we took bus 82 back to plaza singapura n cassandra de bus 88 came immediately so she juz flee home ^^ hmmm, n then mi and yan ting juz walked tgt lor ^^ i walked her to her lobby ^^ n d journey was fun as always n definitely very meaningful n we grew closer again!! ^^ lol XD n thr is something dat i wanna share, but then i dun think it is appropriate to share it here on d INTERNET ^^ as later everyone will noe, then later d parties come n kill mi :( hmmm, but after today, i juz found out dat some things couldnt be rushed n dat its better to take it slow n steady ^^ or else it might be some dire consequences ^^ lol XD so dun worry :) i will take d pace slow n steady n will not rush things de ^^ hehe ^^ n i hope dat dis post wont leave u disappointed :)

10:25 PM
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Name: Dan Jun Yuan
Age: 15 School: Nan Chiau High School
CCA: Basketball team, Point Guard
Steve Nash,Chris Paul, Ricky Rubio Rocks!!!
Note: What I Appear On The Outside May Not Be How I Feel On The Inside, There Are More To Things Than Meets The Eye.

Her to be happy ^^
To do well in my studies ^^
To have even more friends ^^
To grow taller than 170cm ^^
To excel in basketball ^^
To be able to control my jealousy ^^


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheng York
Chin Bee
Jie Yi
Jing Ru
Jing Si
Ke Xin
Kok Ting
Li Yun
Li Hui
Qi Min
Qi Yang
Si Hui
Shu Wei
Shu Xian
Small Benedict
Teng Da
Wan Ling
Yan Ting
Yee Hang
Yi Xiong
Yock Sheng
Yoke Ling
Zhan Chun
Zhi Yu
Class 2A

I hate OBS..... LOL
Cant think of any....
This is how i feel.....
new post!! finally??!!?? ^^
Today is more than just MAN HAO WAN de ^^
Today is MAN HAO de :)
Walk walk walk :)
Post post
Ummm, 2dae is a saturday!
Sec 3 Camp! As fun as the malacca trip!! :)

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