
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Walk walk walk :)

hmmm, 2dae in sch was quite boring....... got quite frustrated becoz i was ill then d lessons very sianx..... but still quite glad as maths teacher nvr come!! so got 1 free period, although it was only 1 period, d amount or work can be reduced alot u noe??!!?? As maths always got alot of homework de!! hmmm, wondering if i am really dat weak lor, as i always get sick easily de, and yan ting oso say dat i am weak!! :( lol :) hmmm, then 2molo d timetable is switched with thursday de, so we will be having thursday's lessons 2molo which is super duper sianx de la!!! ahhh!!! so fed up!!! hmmm, but then thr is 1 thing gd abt 2dae and dat is dat i get to walk home with her!! XD XD XD although i feel bad la, as i pangseh benedict, ezekiel, hong chang, danny, jason and chin ann(mayb d chin ann part and jason part wont feel so bad as they oso always pang seh ask for esther and ying mei respectively de XD) but still feel bad abt pangsehing d 1st 4 ppl anyway...... hmmm, i just try not to pang seh them so often lor! if dats possible ^^ i hope ^^ but before i walked home with her, we were planning to had lunch together :) juz mi, and her and avis, but then stupid kai bin and kok ting come and extra!! then jason come and kao pei too, followed by benedict who also came and di siao mi..... so quite sianx la..... but nvm lor, still got other chances in d future!! ^^ hmmm, then after dat i walked hm with her ^^ it was raining so i sheltered her with my umbrella while she helped mi hold my file :) hmmm, it was fun although my umbrella-holding skills were really amatuer, but can slowly practise de ma ^^ we walked to compass point 1st as she had to buy sweets for her father and buy pens as d common test coming le ma ^^ she also bought bread too :) hmmm, then after dat i walked her to her lobby and watched her board d lift ^^ anyway, jiayou for ur kou yu biao da 2molo!! relax and try not to laugh so much ^^ hehe ^^ hmmm, 2molo mayb got piano lesson so hv to go straight home after sch, sianx!! n i havent do my piano homework, which was dued abt 2 months or so ba....... so not even sure if i remember how to do it le ^^ lol ^^ i go and eat dinner le ^^ bye bye

6:36 PM
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Monday, February 23, 2009
Post post

hmmm, this few days is fun as i have been spending it with her XD lol ^^ hmmm, for example yesterday, mi woke up late, like abt 9am(dunno its early or late to u la, but then, its quite late to mi le ^^) and i received her sms which she asked mi whether wanna go to rivervale more to study with joel and avis and her, and of course i agreed :) becoz it was to study la!! i very concerned abt my studies de!! dun anyhow think arh!! lol ^^ hmmm, then after dat we meet and sat at kfc to study, it was quite cramp but it was fun :) and we sat for like 3 hours thr, it wasnt very productive, but then, who cares?? XD After dat we walked to compass point to find kok ting, yee hang, jia lin and leona to play basketball, then they ate very slowly at long john silver then they walked very fast to kok ting's house.... weird change in speed :) aiya, wadeva la!! not d main point!! :) but b4 we played basketball, mi n joel helped a little girl fix her bicycle chain(so good lor us) but then we were able to succeed becoz avis and yan ting helped at d last part :) then after awhile, her chain got loose again, n hv to helped her again b4 we really started playing bball ^^ during d game, jia lin, leona and yee hang kept on teasing 4 of us(joel, avis, yan ting and mi) they were quite annoying but then i guess its my retribution for always teasing others ba, so how can i complain?? ^^ then after dat got some punggol guys come n called for nxt team, so it was 4 vs 4, they werent dat strong, and we could hv won if their team didnt hv d tall guy ^^ but it was fun, its gd to ummm play with ppl outside of d sch, can learn from them de ^^ i guess ^^ then after dat we walked home together, at 1st it was 4 of us (avis, joel, yan ting and mi) but then after dat yan ting's mum called her to go to compass point to buy bread for her sister, so i accompanied her there la!! ^^ then we talked alot, but then i sort of forgot d details le, n even if i do remember them, i oso wont post them here la!! ^^ then i walked her to her hs b4 walking home, it was fun with juz d 2 of us ^^ hope to do it sometime soon!! ^^ then 2dae went to sch, maths test was quite easy, but then not really dat confident leh, should hv practised it more!! and then chi test 2dae too!!quite easy too! but then oso not very confident too!!! sianx!!! hmmm, and so happy dat after sch maths teacher nvr come, so dun hv extra lesson, but then again, i fear dat since she was absent for d maths extra lesson, we hv to stay back on other days to pay back for wad we missed 2dae...... so see how lor...... so since thr were no maths extra lesson, mi n yan ting juz talked talked lor n i watched her do her kou yu biao da :) boys like yee hang keep on di siaoing, hmmm, cant wait for yee hang to find someone he like so i can di siao him back ^^ hmmm, and zong sheng got d flu 2dae, so after sch he walked around trying to pass around his disease, n guess who caught it........... zzz, if i am not recovered by 2molo, then zong sheng is gonna die!! gtg le ^^ later...... ^^

9:02 PM
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Saturday, February 21, 2009
Ummm, 2dae is a saturday!

Hmmm, i am updating my blog le, and sorry for all those screwed up blogskins recently, juz had no time to correct them, so i juz let it be, very sorry. 1st thing 1st, gonna do the quiz dat Vanessa tagged mi to do ^^ Then i shall continue with my blogpost :)

a) Who’s the person that tagged you ? Vanessa XD
b) Relationship between you & him ? Classmates?? Friends?? I dunno myself XD
c) Three impressions of him? Smack people very pain XD Ummm, she likes to dance? XD oh!!
and her mouth very big! XD lol ^^ just kidding ^^
d) If she becomes your enemy, you will ? Hmmm, i will be sad for approximately 30 seconds??
lol ^^ just kidding ^^ mayb even less ^^ LOL XD dunno leh.... ^^
e) What will you say to the person you like very much ? Hmmm, i really like you and i hope you
like me too?? XD
f) Characteristics I like about myself ? Too much to list them all down here ^^
g) Characteristic I hate about myself ? Too little to list them all down here ^^
h) For the person whom you hate, you say ? (I wont even talk to him or her)
i) What do people feel about you ? Some people think dat i am bhb.... (NONSENSE!!) lol XD
j) Your crush? (Not appropriate to say it here, but most ppl should already noe anyway ^^) lol
10 people to tag (alphabetical order):
5)Qi Min
6)Shu Xian
7)Teng Da
8)Wan Ling
9)Yan Ting
10)Zhi Yu
If 5 & 7 were together ? (Qi Min and Teng Da) Wei Hao will be so sad and mad ^^ lol ^^
Who does 5 like ? Wei Hao? Wen Hao? Wei Hao? Wen Hao? Wei Hao? Ya, Wei Hao XD haha XD
What colour does 9 like? (Yan Ting) Sianx! i forgot!! AHHH!! I MUST go and ask her later!!
Say something about 8. She is my gd gd fren now ^^ and my ex girfren ^^
Who is 2 ? (Angela) She is Angela Phua, known better as Phua Chu Kang's daughter ^^
Talk about 3. (Benedict) He is my very very gd fren!! ^^ he is very nice but then he gets angry
easily!! ^^ haha ^^
Who is 10’s best friend ? (Zhi Yu) I dunno, its either Min Yu or Yan Ling ^^ i dunno ^^
Who’s the sexiest among all 10? Sexy is such a deep word.......
What colour does 4 like ? (Nicholas) I dunno, but then should be a colour dat got to do with fable
2 ^^
Is 4 single ? (Nicholas) I guess so XD
Your relationship with 1. (Adelyn) Good Frens ba ^^
Are 5 & 6 best friends ? (Qi Min and Shu Xian) Far from dat! but then again, actually not quite
far la ^^
9’s surname ? (Yan Ting) Ahhh! I forgot too! MUST go and ask her too! ^^
7’s nickname ? (Teng Da) I dunno?? Ah Da??
Say something to 8.(Wan Ling) Sorry and thanks for everything in d past :)
Say something to help 9.(Yan Ting) Ummm, i dunno wad to help u with?? lol ^^
Where does 1 live ? (Adelyn) In Seng Kang! Near Nan Chiau High School!! XD
Say something to 6 when you see her. (Shu Xian) Stop calling mi BAI DAN!! and thx for being
such a gd fren anyway ^^ haha ^^
10’s spouse ? Eu June?? Eugune?? Oh wait, dats Yan Ling's ^^ lol ^^ jk jk! ^^

Hmmm, dunno wad to write abt now le, took too much time with the quiz, oh ya, gt to reply the tags! ^^

Shu Wei: Ya, i fixed it ^^ and relink le la!! ^^ happy??!!?? ^^
Zhi Yu and Yan Ling: Thanks for sayin the same compliments ^^ i noe its cute too ^^ haha ^^
Adelyn: Sorry lor, abit frustrated nowadays with all d overdued hw ma :( i wont be so dao in d future liao!! i promise!! ^^
Yan Ting: With ur non-stop corrections, how can i still be wrong?? XD
Chin Bee: No problem, its just copying and pasting and typing ur name ^^ lol ^^
Michelle: Still no idea wad u are talking abt ^^
Eugenia: Thanks for the consistent tagging ^^
And i am done here! ^^

9:01 PM
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Saturday, February 7, 2009
Sec 3 Camp! As fun as the malacca trip!! :)

I just came back from the sec 3 camp yesterday which is located at dunno wad place, and although thr was no air-con there, the food is alright, and the planning sucks, but it was still extremely fun juz like the malacca trip :) when the camp ended, i had the same feeling of regret or sadness when the malacca trip ended, it was exactly the same. but the feeling definitely lasted longer for when the malacca trip ended as it was the last time i had with the whole of 2a together however i am still gonna spend time with 3a, juz i miss the moments dat we spent during the camp :) hmmm, it is just lots of fun with kai bin, kok ting, teng da, zong sheng, douglas,yi xiong, shu xian,jeannie, michelle, yanting, si hui, and almost everyone!!! Lets recap what we did, on the 1st day, we gathered at the hall after which is ice-breaking session.... which is to noe each other better lor, at 1st i tot is carve ice sculptures or something....... lol.... it was fun, we had a great trainer, Mr Fareez! and our group is the superodds!! In our group got me! and dat is really all dat is needed in order to have fun :) lol :) hmmm, than still got kok ting, shao zchuen, zong sheng, douglas and yixiong than girls got yan ting, shu xian, jeannie, rachel, vanessa, si hui, ching bee, the malaysia girl who keep poking me(man, i keep on forgetting her name!! dun be mad or angry when u read this ^^) and some other girls!! cant really recall everyone :) than we played games like OM OM/BOM BOM CHUCKY CHUCKY!! which is quite fun, but very simple to play and really no kick when u get the grasp of it.... but than its who u play with dat make up the fun :) hmmm, than after dat play some more games, than go to canteen to eat lunch with benedict and hong chang and after dat we broke in to 2 groups(all of the classes) than is 3A, 3B, 3D, 3I, 3G one group than the other classes the other group :) than group one went to dragonboating first and man! it was the most fun i have ever had in the camp! other than practicing with the class and winning the cheerleading competition la :) dat was fun too :) lol :) at first it was very boring, juz row and row and row until we reached the bottom of dunno what benjamin sheres or spheres or britney spears bridge(which is located near the singapore flyer) than we dunno beside wad class de boat, than we at 1st started racing lor, than race halfway another boat(i think is puboh hong chang and yang bin de group de ^^) appeared in front of us than we started splashing each other!! cool!! than the whole boat got wet, and salt water was everyone, which is quite tasty though..... than we came to another boat, than splash again, than saw benedict and danny de boat, than splash again, than saw jason and nicholas de boat, than splash again, than saw chin ann and esther de boat, than splash again(u should get it by now, there were alot of splashing........) but it was fun!! :) than everything got wet!! even my underwear :) lol :) no wonder the teachers asked the girls to wear dark-coloured clothing :) hehe :) than after dat we went back to the camp and we were settled into our dorm than went to eat dinner or something, than after dinner the group 1 stayed in the canteen and the trainers sang song and played some lame games to hyped up the mood, and it worked pretty well, than after dat we went to the hall to play the animal calling game. you have to cover ur eyes with blindfolds and have to walk around the hall finding ur own frens by making animal sounds, i was practically cheating as my blindfold i tie until got loophole :) cool :) than hong chang oso cheat de lor!! we were placed near each other than we saw each other than smiled at each other :) lol :) than after dat i juz cheated and walk towards zong sheng, than juz sit with him until the game end :) lol :) than after dat was supper time and than we went back to our respective dorm to sleep blah blah blah :) than mi and kai bin and kok ting was talking than teng da was very enthu and come and di siao us than he played wrestling with kok ting :) lol :) funny :) and michelle said i looked like an ah gong when i wear my specs :( i so handsome, how is dat possible?? i look smart with my specs and look cool without my specs :) lol :) whatever la....... than nxt day we had our breakfirst than started practicing the cheerleading, than got one part was michelle have to sit on douglas and teng da de shoulder, than i and kai bin have to support her in case she fell, than she feel twice, on my direction.... than at 1st i dun dare to catch her(she very heavy.... LOL, juz kidding la ^^) than the trainer very angry(trainer SEXY ANNE) as she felt dat safety is the utmost priority so she told mi dat the nxt time if she fell, i have to hold michelle the waist to support her lor than she asked mi to tried once, and this time it was better, but her head hit mine(sorry, u very dumb le, than hit ur head u become even worst ^^ hehe ^^ jk again) we played high elements!! couldnt get to try the wall climb as YAN TING was very slow :) lol :) she stucked at a position for abt 10 mins or so :) mayb more!! :) hehe :) no offense hor yan ting :) than after dat we played team-building games and we get to do 4 jumps with the skipping rope(we = 21 people) so it was fun :) than after dat eat lunch, and than do the CRC :( at first i was scared than after dat i got over it and completed it, no sweat....... lol :) than zong sheng failed both of his tries, than he very sad as he feel dat no face :) ahaha :) i only nid 1 try and i got fear of heights than he dun hv! :) noob! :) than after dat did the wall climb, very boring as it was juz zong sheng and shao zchuen doing all the work :) than we did not get to try out flying fox or whatever as it rained, so we went to the hall to practise our cheerleading than blah blah :) than after dat was dinner, than was campfire nite!! than i go and take yanling de torchlight and shine at everybody's eyes!! :) her torchlight very bright so when i shine at ppl de eyes, their reaction all very funny de :) lol :) than i go and shine at jason, than he buay song come at fight with mi, than grab grab grab than got caught by one trainer than tio scolding lor........ zzzz ^^ but than i continue to shine at other ppl de eyes :) lol :) than the campfire was cool but really not very spectacular or anything.... nxt we went to the hall for the cheerleading competetion, 3C was very good, and 3B was good, they got 2nd and 3rd place respectively but than 3A is still the best la..... cannot help it la, we got talent ma :) lol :) but than credits go to vanessa the most ba, as she very naggy and nag the whole class on :) which is a good thing by the way, so continue doing dat until the sports day! :) hmmm, and 3I got a prize which is from si bei lousy to quite good de standard :) than puboh hong chang very happy :) after dat went to take shower, than keep on hitting jason and yang bin de shower door open, jason got mad as his pants dropped on the floor and got wet :) haha :) than yang bin not scared coz he wear underwear bathe de :) LOL!!! :) than very funny lor :) than after dat went to play OM OM/ BOM BOM CHUCKY CHUCKY with the class in the canteen, only got our class thr, so it was pretty cool :) after dat went to the girls dorm, than got a trainer saw us, than all the boys run the other way, than i just walk and follor them lor, but than the girls ask mi to walk the other staircase so i followed their instructions too lor :) it was fun...... than after dat played wrestling with kok ting, teng da and kai bin, juz TAU POK kok ting only lor, nth much........ than sleep, than nxt day was area cleaning and go home day than we go and played basketball! so fun!! than i fell and hit my tail bone, than i cannot go to the toilet from ytd till now, than went to the doctor and he used a tube to suck out all the contents from my butt hole........ lol :) no la, i was fine :) than dat nite i chat on the phone with yan ting :) fun fun :) she say dat she is retarded :) i am goin to call her later! if possible :) so bye bye :) anyway, the camp de bananas were the best food there :) steady.... i am not lying :)

9:41 PM
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Name: Dan Jun Yuan
Age: 15 School: Nan Chiau High School
CCA: Basketball team, Point Guard
Steve Nash,Chris Paul, Ricky Rubio Rocks!!!
Note: What I Appear On The Outside May Not Be How I Feel On The Inside, There Are More To Things Than Meets The Eye.

Her to be happy ^^
To do well in my studies ^^
To have even more friends ^^
To grow taller than 170cm ^^
To excel in basketball ^^
To be able to control my jealousy ^^


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheng York
Chin Bee
Jie Yi
Jing Ru
Jing Si
Ke Xin
Kok Ting
Li Yun
Li Hui
Qi Min
Qi Yang
Si Hui
Shu Wei
Shu Xian
Small Benedict
Teng Da
Wan Ling
Yan Ting
Yee Hang
Yi Xiong
Yock Sheng
Yoke Ling
Zhan Chun
Zhi Yu
Class 2A

I hate OBS..... LOL
Cant think of any....
This is how i feel.....
new post!! finally??!!?? ^^
Today is more than just MAN HAO WAN de ^^
Today is MAN HAO de :)
Walk walk walk :)
Post post
Ummm, 2dae is a saturday!
Sec 3 Camp! As fun as the malacca trip!! :)

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