Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Victory for Nan Chiau!!
2dae is an awesome day!!! although, i am injured here, i have bruises there, and cuts somewhere? wadeva....... and i vomitted just now too!!! but its still an awesome day!!! because we won Pei Hwa!!! yay!!! after being worried sick for the past few weeks wondering how strong Pei Hwa was, we found out just how strong they were today and they are quite strong, quite evenly match with us ^^ and dats wad made today's match so awesome!! because its challenging!! and very rewarding when we beat them!! ^^ unlike when we vsed Bowen, thrashed 96-14 i think, i 94-16? i forgot ^^ so its a super easy match, and not the least bit rewarding or exciting ^^ whereas 2dae is super different!! ^^ its totally different!! 2dae's match is so exciting!! so thrilling!! so evenly match!!! its awesome!!! ^^ and its extremely extremely rewarding when we won them!! ^^ yay!! ^^hmmm, and Pei hwa the coach is my primary school the coach sia!!! so shocked when i saw her!! ^^ but yay!! i won the team she taught!!! ^^ haha ^^ hmmmm, and 2dae everyone played very well ^^ except for chin ann :( he too nervous liao, than off form :( but the rest all played very well ^^ and everyone contributed here and there to help us win!! ^^ yay!! ^^ hmmm, we cant win 2dae if not for our fatty captain de free throw shots ^^ he scored all the free throws shot and helped pulled up our score!! ^^ and than there are ezekiel who helped us take rebound and score!! ^^ Benedict and Jason oso helped take rebound!! ^^ awesome!! ^^ hmmm, than scott helped us to score alot of points ^^ yay!! ^^ hmmm, and i helped to steal alot of balls and score 2 three-pointers ^^ and 1 lay-up ^^ yay ^^ we lead by 8 points in the first quarter, than they caught up in the second quarter, than they lead at the third quarter, than we tied at the last quarter, so had to go to extra time of 5mins ^^ its really great to see our team de morale so high at the last few mins and than everybody worked hard to win the match!! ^^ and nobody gave up!! ^^ at the last few seconds of the match, we lead at 80-78 with 10 seconds left ^^ than they had a final attack! ^^ woooo!! climax!! ^^ haha ^^ than we defended with all our might for the last 10 seconds!! but than chin ann fouled at the last 2 seconds!! ahhh!! so scary!!! if they score 2 more points! we have to go to another overtime and tolerate for 5 more mins of tiredness!! ^^ or wadeva la!! ^^ but great dat the person missed both shots!! ^^ and we won at the end!! ^^ awesome!! ^^ hmmm, and i am super glad 2dae because i made tons of contributions 2dae!! ^^ with the defence and stuffs ^^ my defence was great 2dae!! ^^ even the coach from the opposite team came and shaked my hand and said i defended well!! lol!! such an honour!! ^^ and the coach said i was the player of the match 2dae!! ^^ yay!! ^^ so happy!! ^^ hmmm, than the tournaments starts next tuesday!! so scary!! hmmm, i dun wan to lose!!! i wan to win every single match!!! ^^ haha ^^ and i hope dat i can play as well as 2dae for every single match!! ^^ well, i gtg do homework liao ^^ 2dae is an awesome day!! ^^ super awesome!! ^^ yay!!! ^^