
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
New Blogsong!!! ^^

Hmmmm, i changed my blogsong ^^ the new blogsong name is Hen Nan by erm Zhang Zheng Yue ^^ i think ^^ quite nice song ^^ and sentimental ^^ i think ^^ perfect for the theme of my blog ^^ although i am not very sad now ^^ but, this song is nice anyway ^^ i noe this song because my father bought his album 2dae ^^ the SI NIAN SHI YI ZHONG BING de album ^^ ya, that nice nice song ^^ i think......... hmmmm, anyway, 2dae was SPORT STACKING DAY!!! WOOOOOPIE!!! ^^ not......... this day started out stupid.......... PE was cancelled!!! wah wah wah!!!! =( so sad =( than after a few hours of playin with the cups and challenging with reuben, joel, kai bin, kok ting, shu wei, jie yi, angela, wanling so on and so forth!!!!(too many to name all..........) hmmm, than after awhile, found out that it is quite fun ^^ but after a longer while......... found out that it is boring......... as the formations and stuffs are all the same....... zzzz....... than after school got MATHS AND SCIENCE TICK ATTENDANCE AND GO DAY ^^ so i did what i was suppose to do ^^ and tick my attendance and go!!! yay!!! ^^ hmmm, than couldnt find reuben, as he went home ^^ sad =( hmmmm, than erm, played basketball with benedict, gerald, kai bin and teng da ^^ i think ^^ than the girls who was also playing basketball at the same court got injured like so frequently ^^ its so funny ^^ and i caused one injury to leona....... that part wasnt funny.......... ^^ hmmm, nvm, go watch tv liao ^^ enjoy my blog ^^ or something ^^ bye bye ^^

9:00 PM
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
100th post!!!

hmmm, i hv reached my 100th post!!! ^^ awesome ^^ and hmmm, for my 100th post, i am gonna type absolutely nothing??!!?? ^^ except for the 1st part ^^ and the later part ^^ those dun count ^^ and by typing nothing, it will leave a deep memory inside ur head for being the most ridiculous blogpost!! ^^ genius!!! ^^ hmmmm, enough with the crap and such ^^ hmmm, 2dae reuben came to my house ^^ had quite a fun and funny time ^^ too bad i didnt call ben =( cause i felt it my be awkward after the 'incident' than now okay le ^^ sweet ^^ i promise i will hang-out with reuben and ben more nowadays ^^ instead of with kai bin they all ^^ hmmm, we spent alot of time doin projects is because we have more fun instead of actually doin much work.......... but in the end our projects oso done pretty well ^^ i guess....... hmmm, anyway, back 2 today........... i went to compass to bring reuben to my house as he nvr come my house b4 and dunno how to come, i think........ or something like that, than 2dae we played halo 3 first ^^ and he broke my iron!!!!! well, not mine, my family's iron!!! and i got scolding from my papa =( but didnt really broke la, only something chip off......... but dunno from where........ but got scolding anyway!!! reuben la....... so playful......... zzzzz........ than he tried halo 3 on xbox live, and got his butts kicked ^^ than we played soccer and basketball(in the video game la ^^) and he got his butt kicked by mi ^^ yay ^^ than he played Dead Or Alive 4, i think......... and he played it on xbox live and got his butt kicked too ^^ i guess ^^ but he was new to the game, so it wasnt his fault ^^ i guess ^^ his butt is just so kickable ^^ lolz ^^ just jking ^^ no offense, reuben ^^ hmmm, than i go watch tv, and he continue playing......... than when i done watching the show, i played with him........ and i kicked his butt, and he kicked mine........ and so on and so forth......... than it was already 6pm............. 4 hours sure flies when u are having fun........... than our final dunno how many match was fun ^^ i used the same character as him and we prove to each other who is better at using the character as both of us the favourite character is the same ^^ and he lost to me dunno how many times, than i scared i lose to him after winning so many times than i stopped the game ^^ than he laughed and called mi sore-winner ^^ lolz ^^ than he went home =( awwww, oh well, 2molo got basketball trip or something ^^ fun fun ^^ looking forward to it ^^ i guess ^^ and benedict, i shall go change ur link now ^^

11:41 AM
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Saturday, October 13, 2007
Energy - 天生反骨

nice nice MV of Tian Sheng Fan Gu, i guess.......

12:13 PM
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Friday, October 12, 2007
SIANX DIAO!!!!........

zzzzz........... just read benedict's newest blogpost.......... and benedict, its not i dun wanna hang out with u and reuben lor......... u 2 keep on talkin abt rakion and keep on asking mi to join......... not my fault i dun wanna join wad......... must i join every game u and reuben ask mi to??........... than everytime u and reuben keep on talking abt rakion and stuffs, nvr even talk to mi....... rakion here and rakion there and rakion everywhere........... what can i do but to hang-out with my so called "short short frens"(benedict's way of calling kai bin, joel and kok ting) and i nvr hang-out with them just to feel taller hor........ although they are not very tall........ and its not my fault i got project....... like u dun hv project like that.......... at least i can talk about other things with them other than rakion and rakion and rakion............ all u and reuben ever talks about nowadays is just RAKION............ what u wan mi to do?? follow u 2 around and listen to u and reuben blabbering abt RAKION??!!?? and yesterday i noticed u slipped after stepping on the puddle of water after i was under the basket lor......... what HAO LIAN HAO LIAN walk there? how i noe u slip, not i purposely make u run there to fall down one right?? and sorry that i nvr go check if u are okay........ i was tired, and u were too, so i hurried up and end the game cannot arh?? its not like i nvr go check on u afterwards............ and what i stick to kai bin like glue, or super glue, or PVA glue?? i admit, i talk to kai bin more than i talk to u yesterday........ i'm sorry la......... but can u and reuben stop talking about RAKION all the time?!? i noe i noob in RAKION la, cannot win u and reuben, i am a noobie okay?!? and i noe my attitude sucks la......... everybody hates mi la......... its all my fault la.......... but can some ppl at least tell mi what is wrong with my attitude? so i can change? for the better?? I'm sorry la reuben and benedict.......... thats all i can say right now............

5:20 PM
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
hmmm, ppl nowadays are so emo........

hmmm, wonder why nowadays ppl so emo......... some got problems here, and some got problems there......... than ended up having problems everywhere!!!............ hmmm, such an interesting concept......... hmmm, so far, 3 exam papers were over......... the erm english one, history one and mathematics paper one one............ soon, we will have mathematics paper two one.......... hmmmm, 2dae mathematics is not really difficult........ but requires alot of multiplication and division........ so took alot of time......... so, i didnt hv time to complete, but alot ppl oso cannot complete, so i am not considered dumb!!! yay!!! than history i didnt revise....... but nvr write crap la.......... but than reuben and benedict say i sure fail de =( hmmmm, hope i wont fail........... hmmmm, wad now?? Oo?? nvm....... 2molo got higher chinese exam =( mi scared scared =( than after that got piano lesson =( mi sianx sianx =( nvm..... bb........

3:55 PM
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Name: Dan Jun Yuan
Age: 15 School: Nan Chiau High School
CCA: Basketball team, Point Guard
Steve Nash,Chris Paul, Ricky Rubio Rocks!!!
Note: What I Appear On The Outside May Not Be How I Feel On The Inside, There Are More To Things Than Meets The Eye.

Her to be happy ^^
To do well in my studies ^^
To have even more friends ^^
To grow taller than 170cm ^^
To excel in basketball ^^
To be able to control my jealousy ^^


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheng York
Chin Bee
Jie Yi
Jing Ru
Jing Si
Ke Xin
Kok Ting
Li Yun
Li Hui
Qi Min
Qi Yang
Si Hui
Shu Wei
Shu Xian
Small Benedict
Teng Da
Wan Ling
Yan Ting
Yee Hang
Yi Xiong
Yock Sheng
Yoke Ling
Zhan Chun
Zhi Yu
Class 2A

I hate OBS..... LOL
Cant think of any....
This is how i feel.....
new post!! finally??!!?? ^^
Today is more than just MAN HAO WAN de ^^
Today is MAN HAO de :)
Walk walk walk :)
Post post
Ummm, 2dae is a saturday!
Sec 3 Camp! As fun as the malacca trip!! :)

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