
Monday, September 24, 2007
Some Quiz Adelyn tagged mi to do......

Q1. The who tagged you is?
A1. Adelyn Sim Qian Yun!!!

Q2. Your relationship with her/him is?
A2. Good Fren?? Oo?? I Suppose. Oo??

Q3.Your 5 impression of her/him??
A3. Erm........ cute?? Oo?? erm...... funny?? Oo?? erm....... interesting??
Oo?? erm..... Friendly?? Oo?? erm...... chio?? Oo??

Q4. The Most Memorable He/She had done for you?
A4. If it is so memorable, i figured i would have remembered it. Oo?? ^^

Q5. The Most Memorable thing he/she had said to you?
A5. Remembering is so hard....... got other questions?? Oo?? ^^

Q6. If he/she become your lover, you would?
A6. This kind of things very hard to say de........... Its impossible anyway......

Q7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will
A7. This kind of things very hard to say de........... Its impossible anyway......

Q8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will??
A8. Wonder what went wrong?? Oo??

Q9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be??
A9. Communication problems?? Oo??

Q10. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is?
A10. Erm, CHIMple question........ dunno how to answer.........

Q11. Your overall impression of her/him is?
A11. erm..... refer to answer 3 for this answer.........

Q12. How you think people around you will think about you?
A12. I dunno?? Irritating?? Oo?? Funny?? Oo?? Boring?? Oo?? Something
like that............. Oo?

Q13. The character you love of yourself are?
A13. I am not ZI LIAN KUANG like TOH KAI BIN, so love is a little too
ZI LIANISH.......... mayb i like my funny character. Or Something. Oo?

Q14. On The Contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are?
A14. Irritating boy boy?? Oo?? like this irritating questions?? Oo??

Q15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
A15. Someone who is idealistic?? Oo??

Q16. pass this quiz to 10 ppl........
A16. (1) Reuben Lim Yu Wei..........
(2) Benedict Tan Zhong Han.........
(3) Toh Kai Bin..........
(4) Wang Shu Xian........
(5) Sheryl Tay Shu Wei........
(6) Lye Jie Yi.........
(7) Angela Phua........
(8) Chew Cheng York......
(9) Joyce..........
(10) Ong Wan Ling...........
(woooo, fun part is starting ^^)
Q17. who is no 6 having relationship with??
A17. I hv no clue, but nobody, i suppose ^^
Q18. Is no 9 a female of male?
A18. woooo, hard to tell........ but most probably female ba ^^ lolz ^^
Q19. If no 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing??
A19. well, dun think so......... the world will get less straight that way......
Q20. how about no 8 and 5?
A20. LOLZ!!!! ^^ shu wei and cheng york!! ^^ well, that is a little
impossible dun u think?? ^^
Q21. What is no 2 studying about?
A21. ways of beating reuben in rakion...........
Q22. When was the last time you have a chat with no. 3??
A22. i dunno....... as long as TODAY............
Q23. What kind of music band does no 8 like??
A23. dunno and dun care.........
Q24. Does no 1 has any siblings??
A24. A elder sister i guess. Oo??
Q25. Will you woo no 3??
A25. i only go 1 way......... the straight way..... besides, kai bin has liyun ^^
Q26. Is no 4 single??
A26. i guess so........
Q27. what is the surname of no 5?
A27. just look at no 5 can liao........... zzz........ (stupid question) ^^
Q28. whats the hobby of no 4??
A28. irritating eliza and eugenia and hitting and whacking kai bin ^^
Q29. Do no 5 and no 9 get along well??
A29. not really..........
Q30. where is no 2 studying at??
A30. wow, tough question!!! i guess NCHS??!!??..........
Q31.Talk something casually about no 1.
A31. Patrick and Kakashi fan ^^
Q32. have you try developing feelings for no 8??
A32. feel like punching this quiz setter sometimes.........
Q33. Where does no 9 live at?
A33. Serangoon, i suppose.........
Q34. what colour does no 4 like??
A34. sorry shu xian =( i dunno =(
Q35. are no 5 and no 1 best frens??
A35. not exactly..........
Q36. How do you get to know no 2?
A36. same class in p5 and p6, than play soccer and he always get angry
cause his team always lose ^^ lolz ^^ no offense ben ^^
Q37. does no 1 has any pets??
A37. does stuff toys count?? Oo??
Q38. Is no 7 the sexiest person in the world??
A38. This kind of things very hard to say one........
the rest i couldnt be bothered to do....... so i am done here ^^ bye ^^

5:17 PM
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Zac Effron The Bet On It Video

Nice nice and somewhat Gay video of Zac Effron of Bet On It ^^

5:16 PM
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Luo Zhi Xiang, Bet On It (Bi Sha Ji)

nice nice video with nice nice song by nice nice Luo Zhi Xiang ^^

5:04 PM
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Saturday, September 22, 2007
Changed Song

hmmm, nothing to do..... so just come and change the blogsong lor ^^ 2 same songs sang by different ppl in different languages ^^ one by HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL de ZAC EFFRON(TROY BOLTON) and the other by LUO ZHI XIANG............ hmmm, so which one do u think is nicer?? ^^ mi bored......... thats all ^^

5:10 PM
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Friday, September 21, 2007
ouchie my handie.....

hmmm, bored....... just ate finish dinner and nobody on9 in MSN cause most of them are all busying STUDYING!!! or for some cases, they cant on9 cause parents dun ALLOW!!! or for some special cases, they dun hv MSN, i dun wanna name names......... so ppl wont noe JOEL dun hv MSN ^^ i am such a great fren ^^ hmmm, he doesnt mind not having MSN anyway..... or even ppl saying him......... somewhat like REUBEN....... only REUBEN care more........ and hurt ppl more....... not just psychologically......... i dun wanna say he HURT ppl PHYSICALLY....... or else later ppl say he violent ^^ i am such a great fren ^^ hmmmm, 2dae and yesterday went to kai bin house...... no, yesterday went to his house's basketball court....... cause REUBEN and BENEDICT went home, REUBEN got tuition and BENEDICT sianx diao cause his handphone the screen cracked again ^^ not that i am HAPPY for him ^^ but...... erm this face >>>> ^^ <<<< is nice to use ^^ like now ^^ and now again ^^ and again ^^ and again ^^ and again ^^ and again ^^ hmmmm, than yesterday i played basketball and injured mi middle finger =( i dun wanna name names......... cause i dun wan KAI BIN to feel bad ^^ i am such a great fren ^^ hmmm, my maths test result get so lousy de results =( so many careless........ sianx diao........ hmmm, i must do my best for FINAL-YEAR-EXAM!! but i dun mean studying all day long like a geek ^^ i dun wanna name names, but like SHU WEI ^^ hmmm, okay, i am a bad fren for once ^^ and named just 1 name ^^ sometimes i just cant control myself ^^ gtg do anything but studying ^^ so bye for now ^^ i suppose ^^

7:33 PM
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
sianx diao ehhh.........

hmmmm, this week just started and it has already turned out to be a boring week....... well, but nvr judge a book by its cover, and nvr judge a week by its erm monday and tuesday........ or something.......... something good happened though, no training!! cool!! so i thought can spend more times with frens, but it didnt went as well as i planned....... i suppose....... BENEDICT went home to dunno do wad...........than REUBEN dunno either got project or go home to "STUDY" or something......... sianx diao.......... but well, no training, that is an awesome start........... i suppose. Oo? hmmmm, than 2dae passed up the IT project so 1 less project to do........ than 2molo will pass up the MALAY project, so one less project 2 do........ hmmm.......... awesome........ but sianx diao, still got SCIENCE ELEMENTZ........ sianx diao............. Kok ting so talked mi into joining........ thought it will be fun........... but it turned out way way way otherwise......... boring......... but well, too late to quit now.......... and i aint a quiter........... nor a winner......... nor a loser........ nor a sleeper......... but mostly a slacker......... and player........ and slacker........ and irritater....... and slacker........ and joker......... and slacker........ and slacker..... and slacker... and slacker... and slacker.......... i think u get the point.......... hmmmm, lets see what happened 2dae, 1st lesson is chinese....... do revision worksheet....... next lesson, science, go through chapter 15, i think...... Oo? i just noe it is abt heat..... and transfering it....... via radiation and convection and conduction or something something.......... hmmm, than maths......... go through thing. Oo? or something....... than erm, zzzzz....... sianx diao....... dun wan continue liao......... bored bored bored........ oh ya, than SHU WEI dunno why SNAPPED at mi or something like that.......... than got irritated........ than sianx diao...... than got over it soon....... i got over things soon......... i suppose. Oo?? than i taught JOEL this 'MAGIC' trick with his palm ^^ if u noe JOEL pretty well la, u will noe he have sweaty palms ^^ or hands ^^ just like WANLING!!! ^^ woooo, too coindental dun u think?? ^^ anyway,than i must oso participate in the magic trick in order for JOEL to succeed la....... 1st i put my palm on a paper and than leave my palm up........ than the paper doesnt come up, than JOEL did it....... than the paper stick to his hand cause his palm is sweaty mah ^^ so cool ^^ like magic ^^ than we showed SHU WEI, than she laughed like erm, the way SHU WEI laugh ^^ i suppose......... okay, this is lame......... hmmm, than after school went 2 lab 2 pass up the IT project....... than erm, go play badminton with JIA YI......... 1st i played stupidly......... than after awhile, i figured out her playing style and than i familiar with the badminton racket and swinging it and hitting the shuttlecock thingy wingy liao, i can play evenly with her ^^ sweet ^^ than the match was short....... cause ppl interfered..... so go to 1D to erm, see their remedial....... than remedial over liao... walked to compass with JOYCE.... than walked home to play games....... just completed literature homework........ wanna start on science workbook though...... but just cant resist the temptation of computer...... thought got ppl 2 chat with....... but it turned out way way way way otherwise AGAIN.......... hmmm, hope 2molo got PE, and hope it wont turn out way way way way way otherwise AGAIN AGAIN........... ^^ so bye for now ^^ i suppose ^^

8:55 PM
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Friday, September 14, 2007
Updating is an necessity......(no matter how u spell that word)

hmmmm, finally thought of updating my blog since even REUBEN LIM is doing it......... hmmmm, so here i am updating my blog....... hmmm...... the end....... ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ hmmm, what happened 2dae?? let mi see....... 1st period is art........ than just considered like free period like that lor.......... since art can pass up next week de mah ^^ than i will drag on and on and on than only pass up after the art teacher threaten mi with DETENTION.......... ahhhh, good times, good times............ than eugenia changed place with yvonne, than cannot disturb shu wei cause she dunno why very buay song 2dae.......... ask her pass some papers and she turned all frowny face liao. Oo?? wonder wad is the cause. Oo?? anyway, cant disturb shu wei, so disturb eugenia and hui ping lor ^^ quite fun ^^ i suppose ^^ hmmm, than 1 hours gone in a flash.......than is time for chinese........ than 1 period do worksheet than the other period considered free period too ba........ than uhhh....... ask joel to help mi go through the script for the drama assessment........... than after recess, i am so excited for drama assessment...... after that 1 hour, everything would be over!! and one less "project" awesome!! and reuben will stop complaining abt my f***ing projects ^^ but turned out that 2dae is just REHERSAL DAY......... zzzz......... and worst of all is that i brought my stupid clothing for nothing......... idiotic......... hmmmm, than maths lesson was boring as teacher go through the maths worksheet than ate lunch, than cheng york go and tell the "sick" joke to benedict, chin ann and reuben....... (some of u might not noe what i'm talking abt, but nvm) than went to hougang mall to buy benedict's belated birthday present ^^ but they dun hv at hougang mall, so went 2 compass point to buy ^^ and his present was an Master Grade Akatsuki Gundam model........ it cost $123 dollars and i forked out $53 dollars and he forked out the rest........ ya, he paid for it....... but hey, at least i forked out $53 dollars!!!! did u forked out that much for a fren's birthday present?? Oo?? hmmm, i am willing to spend that much money on reuben's birthday present, but no idea wad he want......... he dun like GUNDAM MODELS =( and prepaid cards for birthday present is pretty lame....... and he dun wan it anyway........ so mayb i can buy him an xbox game!!! but wonder games he like.......... zzzzz........ hard to buy birthday presents for reuben........ mayb just buy a PATRICK pillow for him to hug ^^ lolz ^^ hmmm, sort of excited for 2molo..... going 2 shu xian's house to watch ghost movie...... with shu wei they all too, of course......... wonder if i am gonna be the only boy. Oo? Anyway, i updated my blogsong ^^ it is a pretty nice song, to mi la ^^ so wad do u think abt it?? ^^ nvm........ gtg ^^ bye bye ^^

4:31 PM
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Name: Dan Jun Yuan
Age: 15 School: Nan Chiau High School
CCA: Basketball team, Point Guard
Steve Nash,Chris Paul, Ricky Rubio Rocks!!!
Note: What I Appear On The Outside May Not Be How I Feel On The Inside, There Are More To Things Than Meets The Eye.

Her to be happy ^^
To do well in my studies ^^
To have even more friends ^^
To grow taller than 170cm ^^
To excel in basketball ^^
To be able to control my jealousy ^^


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheng York
Chin Bee
Jie Yi
Jing Ru
Jing Si
Ke Xin
Kok Ting
Li Yun
Li Hui
Qi Min
Qi Yang
Si Hui
Shu Wei
Shu Xian
Small Benedict
Teng Da
Wan Ling
Yan Ting
Yee Hang
Yi Xiong
Yock Sheng
Yoke Ling
Zhan Chun
Zhi Yu
Class 2A

I hate OBS..... LOL
Cant think of any....
This is how i feel.....
new post!! finally??!!?? ^^
Today is more than just MAN HAO WAN de ^^
Today is MAN HAO de :)
Walk walk walk :)
Post post
Ummm, 2dae is a saturday!
Sec 3 Camp! As fun as the malacca trip!! :)

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