
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
yawn* boredom* yawn again*

yawn* boredom* yawn again* more boredom* continue yawning* zzzz....... done 'revising' for 2molo's history test........ i suppose........ chinese dunno wad to revise, cause got nothing 2 revise, so i guess i am done revising.......... mayb later b4 goin 2 sleep and 2molo morning flip through the history textbook to get a rough idea of the religious and philosophy and the golden age thingy wingy........ wonder if it would test 'LAO ZI' or something.......... bored......... nobody on9 now......... well, if got ppl on9, i oso wont noe, cause i not even on9 now!! ^^ lolz ^^ so wad should i do......... feel like 'making' another blogskin........ but dunno whether got time..........just now went straight home after school, cause got piano lesson......... cant wait for the piano exam to come and GO....... and mayb i can upgrade 2 grade 5 or something............ hmmm, just now after piano lesson, nothing 2 do, so decided 2 watch the anime which concerns abt SHU XIAN'S blogskin........ the ALLEN WALKER, EXORSIST thingy wingy.......... hmmm, and my father was really lucky, my 2nd floor small square, box-y television broke....... i suppose that is the correct word to use, and he won a 26'inch LCD tv thingy wingy through a lucky draw thingy wingy........ i suppose. Oo? so good, old tv gone, new tv come ^^ weeeeee ^^ bored..... nothing else 2 talk abt liao...... just wanna say that BENEDICT'S blogsong is really really awesome!!! so cool!! so emotional and sentimental!! listen 2 it like everyday!!! ^^ if i got use com la ^^ zzzzz, nothing 2 do liao, so i shall call reuben and we shall talk abt tv shows ^^ weeeeee ^^ bb ^^

8:41 PM
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Thursday, August 16, 2007
Mi, Not Lucky........

hmmmm, 2dae was somewhat fun, playing with basketball, with KAI BIN, KOK TING, CHIN ANN, DING YUAN and JASON........... it will be very fun if i didnt hurt mi left hand the middle fingle =( hmmmmm sad sad......... so unlucky one sia......... right hand just recovered, than left hand injured........... just a small injury, but still considered injured.......... hmmmmm, so now my typing speed very slow =( i suppose ^^ i can type very fast fast ^^ but mi middle finger will hurt hurt =( wad the heck........ hmmm, small injury, kai bin said will heal in 4 days.......... lets just hope that is the case....... or something........ thank goodness is left hand....... or else i will be damn unlucky.......... hmmm, now listening 2 BENEDICT'S blogsong while typing this blogpost, his blogsong is nicey nicey ^^ from gundam seed de........ or gundam seed destiny....... wadeva it is......... it is nice ^^ very erm emotional ^^ hmmmm, 2molo JOEL, KAI BIN, KOK TING and CHENG YORK coming 2 my house to do literature project........ hmmmm.......... hmmm, nvm, bb ^^ time for some blogs travelling ^^

7:28 PM
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Saturday, August 11, 2007
Created A New Blogskin!!!

i am so so so excited!!! i created another new blogskin!!! and i am so please with that result!! ^^ pleased pleased pleased............ ^^ weeeeeeeee ^^ lolz ^^ hmmm, creating blogskins can be so fun ^^ i think. Oo?? so how do u think of my result?? ^^ is it nice?? ^^ please comment abt it ^^ I oso changed my blogsong ( SHU XIAN'S SUGGESTION, THANK YOU SHU XIAN ^^) to fit the theme for my blogskin, the song is Fields Of Hope by Tanaka Rie ^^ nice voice she got ^^ hmmm, i am oso excited abt something else, I CAN PLAY BASKETBALL LE!!! ^^ weeeeeee ^^ hmmm, i went out yesterday with BENEDICT, TENG DA, SHU WEI, JENNIFER, ADELYN and SHU XIAN and i tried playing basketball, and i can play without feeling any pain ^^ weeeeee ^^ sweet, hmmm, but i lost my FORM though =( but i regained some of it yesterday ^^ i must get back all my FORM so i can win KAI BIN 100-0!!!! ^^ hmmmm........ i lost 2 BENEDICT yesterday cause i havent got back my FORM!!!.......... zzzzz, after i get back mi form i wanna challenge him again ^^ weeeeeee ^^ hmmmm, so excited, cant wait for MONDAY, where i can stay back and play basketball with mi frens frens ^^ like REUBEN and CHIN ANN and BENEDICT ^^ weeeeeeee ^^ hmmmm, yesterday was pretty fun ^^ but somewhat boring at the same time ^^ mixed feelings i supposed.......... well, i go update my links le ^^ i dun write full names le ba ^^ sounds rude 2 some ppl. Oo?? for example 2 ADELYN ^^ i go change the links le ^^ bb ^^

11:04 AM
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007
National Day is 2molo...... wanna go out?? ^^

hmmmm, let mi see, 2dae was national day celebration by the school, not the actual one ^^ hmmmmm, than 2molo will be the real real grand grand celebration held by SINGAPORE ^^ hmmm, than 2dae just go to school for 3 hours than go home liao........ the programme was pretty nice, and boring at the same time........ mixed feelings i guess........ hmmm, 2dae the school held it's annual NAN CHIAU SUPERSTAR.......... hmmm, some singers were pretty good, and some were not so good, mayb too nervous ba...... than affected their performance........... hmmm, JIE YI got 4th place in the SOLO category or something than she oso got the BEST NEWCOMER AWARD or something, not too sure abt the name, just know that it got something with being a NEWCOMER and being pretty good. Oo?? i think......... than SHU WEI didnt got into the TOP 4 of the SOLO category........ =( sad, but well, she got a trophy too ^^ a shiny trophy ^^ i wan one =( hmmmm, than QI MIN,IVY,VANESSA and FELICIA got 2nd place for in the GROUP category......... than just now saw them arguing abt who should keep the trophy. Oo?? or something like that ^^ hmmmm, interesting ^^ after the performance, when we returned to class, KAI BIN and I saw EUGENIA'S photos when they were doin the science project, or something......... than EUGENIA dun wan us 2 see, so whack and whack and whack.......... she whack mi more than she whack KAI BIN lor........ BIASED.......... ELIZA biased towards JOEL than EUGENIA biased towards KAI BIN.......... zzzzz......... hmmmm, than after the dismissal........ i and BENEDICT went 2 the COMPASS to walk walk and talk talk, than REUBEN went to 7-eleven to buy prepaid card......... for maple....... or something.......... hmmm, than at abt 11+ i went home to practise piano for my piano lesson........ than piano lesson just over........ nth 2 do...... so thought i will just update my blog ^^ and all ^^ i created an blogskin ^^ not that nice though ^^ but still okay ba ^^ wad is ur opinion?? ^^ hmmmmm........ i am pretty sure that SOMEONE in SHU WEI'S blog will go tag her abt her performance 2dae.......... had that feeling during the performance 2dae.......... hmmmmm, so i go check, than i find new skins, 2 edit, and all......... so bye bye ^^ enjoy mi blogsongs ^^ i think. Oo??

4:05 PM
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Thursday, August 2, 2007
ummmm......... new blogpost and song ^^ weeeeeeee ^^ or something.........

hmmmmm, so this is my 1st blogpost for dunno how long liao............ hmmm, but thr are really nothing 2 blog nowadays =( life is getting so utterly boring as time goes by =( hmmmm, life sure is boring when u cant play basketball with ur frens =( nothing 2 communicate with other than basketball =( with BENEDICT, CHIN ANN that is............ REUBEN and i are still quite erm okay ba ^^ i guess........... hmmmm, after 2molo, i will just have to wait 2 more weeks and i can win KAI BIN 100-0!!! weeeeeeeee ^^ or something......... but still nid 2 get back mi form form ^^ cant wait 2 play basketball again. Oo? just hope i wont get injured again just after i recover.......... that will be super unlucky............ hmmmmm, 2dae was still okay, i guess, HISTORY teacher CHANGED, blogSONG changed, blogPOST got new one.......... and wad else?? Oo?? hmmmm, dunno. my new blogsong is erm SHIT!!! wad is the name of my new blogsong??!!?? argh.......... zzzz......... nid 2 go check............. all the things i do for blog............ or something........... the song name is REASON from GUNDAM SEED DESTINY, its a pretty cool show ^^ spent some time watching the show this last few days ^^ or weeks ^^ but not months........... or year.......... or decade........ or century.......... or something................ hmmmm, this song is pretty nice 2 mi ^^ i guess, wad is ur opinion?? Oo?? TELL MI!!!! hmmmm, lets see......... 2dae REUBEN thought of a funny and sick sentence hmmmm, he said " YOUR PEN IS MISSING" hmmm, seems normal?? Oo?? nothing out of the ordinary?? Oo?? u must look at things with other perspective......... or something........... wad he meant was " YOUR PEN-IS MISSING" than CHENG YORK just now in class wrote on my table "PENISLAND" hmmm, 3 ways u can look at this, one way is "PEN ISLAND" or "PEN IS LAND" or the sick way, "PENIS LAND" i guess........... hmmmm, bored.......... i guess i am done blogging here........ or something........... so bye bye..........

8:37 PM
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Name: Dan Jun Yuan
Age: 15 School: Nan Chiau High School
CCA: Basketball team, Point Guard
Steve Nash,Chris Paul, Ricky Rubio Rocks!!!
Note: What I Appear On The Outside May Not Be How I Feel On The Inside, There Are More To Things Than Meets The Eye.

Her to be happy ^^
To do well in my studies ^^
To have even more friends ^^
To grow taller than 170cm ^^
To excel in basketball ^^
To be able to control my jealousy ^^


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheng York
Chin Bee
Jie Yi
Jing Ru
Jing Si
Ke Xin
Kok Ting
Li Yun
Li Hui
Qi Min
Qi Yang
Si Hui
Shu Wei
Shu Xian
Small Benedict
Teng Da
Wan Ling
Yan Ting
Yee Hang
Yi Xiong
Yock Sheng
Yoke Ling
Zhan Chun
Zhi Yu
Class 2A

I hate OBS..... LOL
Cant think of any....
This is how i feel.....
new post!! finally??!!?? ^^
Today is more than just MAN HAO WAN de ^^
Today is MAN HAO de :)
Walk walk walk :)
Post post
Ummm, 2dae is a saturday!
Sec 3 Camp! As fun as the malacca trip!! :)

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