
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
new song...... wadeva..........

hmmm, changed my blogsong to a new blogsong......... or wadeva........ it is called BAO FENG YU by TORO, ppl might hv heard it, or not.......... but still, it is a nice song.......... at 1st i dun wanna use this song de......... i wanna use a naruto song........ but cannot find it to put into the blog, than found this song accidentally......... well, could be a blessing in disguise or something or wadeva nonsense.......... hmmm, cannot find any nice skins nowadays........ dun feel like finding anyway............ hmmm, 2dae i got back my chinese ZUO WEN results, and i improved!! weeeee......... and that is all......... oh well, gtg sleepy weepy le.......... so sayonara..............

10:04 PM
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
new song on 07/07/07 ^^

hmmmm, 2dae is 07/07/07 sweet, my favourite number ^^ still got what else?? oh ya, 2dae was discharged from the hospital........ but the hand is still pretty painful.......... hate stupid operations........ and the doctor showed my father and me the X-ray after the operation........ and i can see a metal plate SCREWED onto my bones........ i can also see that they used 5 screws in total......... scary........... hmmm, than the doctor say that i can play basketball in abt 6 weeks time...... which means i can trash kai bin 100-0 as i promised ^^ lolz ^^ hmmmm, i changed my blogsong too, just find that this song was nice when i was watching NICKOLEDEON........ the song name is ULTIMATE sang by LINDSAY LOHAN...........bored..... hmmm, i not going to sch on monday as i need to go see the doctor and he will erm re-wrap the wrapping or something.......... wadeva............. sianx diao......... well, gtg do something........... so bb................

8:26 PM
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
stupid stupid STUPID DAY!!!!

=( haiz........ 2dae when i was at the osteopath, the osteopath told my father and i that i have to go and see the western doctor le........... cause my right arm is totally crooked =( well, not TOTALLY........... but still crooked pretty badly =( the part where there is a crack on my bone was more than just swollen, its like the crack there erm erm erm "pop" up or something(dunno how to explain, cant think............ but not really pop until very exaggerate la........) than he cannot fix it, so ask us to go see western doctor see if they can fix or not............. than my father told mi that mayb nid operation le........... or mayb use screw to erm screw in the bone or something............. i'm scared =( very very very scared =( than just now my father come told mi that i will be going to the hospital at woodlands to see what to do........... so that means i cannot do homework liao........ but not my fault.......... i am really really really scared now =( i dun wan to have any stupid operation =( well, gtg prepare to go to the hospital le =( so bye bye =( I'M SCARED!!!! =(

5:18 PM
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Sunday, July 1, 2007
hmmm, new blogsong and blogskin.......

hmmmmm, i changed my blogsong and blogskin ^^ so, what do you think of it?? ^^ is it nice?? ^^ but dun think too much abt it...... just feel that dis skin is nice..... so use....... no other meaning......... and i feel that the blogsong go perfectly with the blogskin, so use.......... no other meaning either......... we clear?? Anyway, the blogsong is MY LOVE by WESTLIFE, hmmm, my favourite ANG MOH band ^^ well, i dun really noe much ANG MOH bands, so well..... wadeva...... anyway, their songs are nice wor ^^ and i feel that dis is nice and go with the skin, so i use lor ^^ Oo?? hmmmmmm, nth much happened recently or something......... 2molo KAI BIN, JOEL and KOK TING coming my house to do the MATHS project again......... hmmmmmm, wad did i did recently?? Oo?? well, watch Initial D for yesterday and today........ the anime that kind, not movie that kind......... it was pretty nice to watch, the racing and drifting everything.......... so cool.......... hmmmm, at first i dun wanna use dis blogsong wan, i wan use FANG DA TONG/BIG BUCKET'S new song or LIN JUN JIE'S new songs............ but than, i cannot upload so cannot use, than other ppl oso nvr upload, so i can only use old songs lor =( so sianx =( hmmmm, cant wait for 2molo and do the project........ or something......... well, gtg change my chatbox the colour liao ^^ so bb ^^

8:47 PM
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Name: Dan Jun Yuan
Age: 15 School: Nan Chiau High School
CCA: Basketball team, Point Guard
Steve Nash,Chris Paul, Ricky Rubio Rocks!!!
Note: What I Appear On The Outside May Not Be How I Feel On The Inside, There Are More To Things Than Meets The Eye.

Her to be happy ^^
To do well in my studies ^^
To have even more friends ^^
To grow taller than 170cm ^^
To excel in basketball ^^
To be able to control my jealousy ^^


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheng York
Chin Bee
Jie Yi
Jing Ru
Jing Si
Ke Xin
Kok Ting
Li Yun
Li Hui
Qi Min
Qi Yang
Si Hui
Shu Wei
Shu Xian
Small Benedict
Teng Da
Wan Ling
Yan Ting
Yee Hang
Yi Xiong
Yock Sheng
Yoke Ling
Zhan Chun
Zhi Yu
Class 2A

I hate OBS..... LOL
Cant think of any....
This is how i feel.....
new post!! finally??!!?? ^^
Today is more than just MAN HAO WAN de ^^
Today is MAN HAO de :)
Walk walk walk :)
Post post
Ummm, 2dae is a saturday!
Sec 3 Camp! As fun as the malacca trip!! :)

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