
Friday, June 29, 2007
Reuben's Birthday

Hmmmmm, i am dedicating this blogpost to reuben as 2dae is his birthday, so just dedicate dis blogpost 2 him lor ^^ or else i wont be blogging right now ^^ might be doin something else ^^ anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY REUBEN LIM YU WEI ^^ hmmmm, wonder what should i get for ur birthday....... Oo? must think with BENEDICT TAN ZHONG HAN on how 2 give a great birthday present for u ^^ hmmmmm, is that enough dedicating?? ^^ now back 2 mi life ^^ lolz ^^ hmmmmm, 2dae SHU XIAN(My daughter.............) was sick 2dae or feeling unwell so she nvr went 2 school 2dae, isnt that sad?? =( she is being troubled by a problem of hers. Oo? but i shan't elaborate more later ppl go bother her........... than she come scold mi............ than i die arh......... so better play safe ^^ and she was a big help 2 mi yesterday ^^ and i shan't elaborate on it too or else her group de ppl will go bother her than she come scold mi........... than i die arh............. so better play safe ^^ zzzzzzz, than 2dae what else happened?? Oo?? hmmmmm, my father bought mi 2 new albums ^^ 1 is Lin Jun Jie's new album : Xi Jie(west side) and Fang Da Tong's new album : Ai Ai AI(This Love) hmmmm, got pretty nice songs in both albums ^^and went 2 the osteopath 2dae again and i dun have 2 wear the cast le ^^ sweet ^^ but not yet recovered la............ far from it.......... anyway, now i just nid 2 wear a bandange so ppl noe that my hand is injured so they wont come hit mi ^^ well, that is what my father says ^^ oh well, gtg reuben's blog 2 spam his tagboard with happy birthday tags like what he did ^^ so, sayonara ^^

9:03 PM
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

hmmmm, this is the 2nd day of school reopening............hmmmm, so long never blog liao, got nothing 2 do, so thought i might just change my blogsong and type a new blogpost too.............. interesting isnt it? Oo?? nah.......... i changed my blogsong to MAROON 5's MAKES ME WONDER, at 1st i dun really care abt MAROON 5's songs, nor do i really noe who they are......... than 1 day when i got nth 2 watch and i saw them singing dis song on NICKELODEON'S KID CHOICE AWARD!!! and thought it was pretty nice, so changed to dis song lor........... hmmmm, wad other interesting things are there 2 say? hmmm, history's teacher and geography's teacher were changed, and my basketball coach is also teaching mi IT and i never made the team cause of my injury!!! =( wah wah wah wah!!! =( now i will lack 1 jersey =( so sad =( zzzzzzz, dun really care........... no point whining, well, i go check other ppl's blog liao..............

6:04 PM
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
uhhh, new com ^^ but no more photos =(

uhhhh, no pictures to post this posting =( cause although i got a new com(as my old com's hard-disk has broke, so after many weeks of constant lagging of the com, my father finally bought me a new com ^^ sweet ^^ but, all my spongebob,gaara,patrick pictures are all gone!! wah wah wah wah wah!! =( oh well, can always find it back on www.photobucket.com which SHU XIAN introduced 2 me ^^ hmmm, changed my blogskin and blogsong, cant find any nice blogskins so went 2 search for those of HATAKE KAKASHI, and thought dat this skin is pretty nice ^^ so use this skin lor ^^ hmmm, than changed blogsong too as well, not much comment about the last blogsong...... so change lor......... this blogsong is called BE GOOD TO ME sang by ASHLEY TISDALE, or ppl might know her as SHARPAY from HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL or MADDIE from THE SUITE LIFE OF ZACK AND CODY.......... well, pretty nice song to me...... do u feel the same way.......... comment abt it or something........ oh well, gtg read HEIDI or something.......... or else.......... oh well, bb ^^

4:32 PM
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
1 Week...........

coool, the osteopath said dat i can write again with my right hand by monday ^^ cool, but i nid another 4-5 weeks b4 i can fully recover and play basketball again =( doubt dat i would make the team dis year =( well, thr is always next year.......... and the year after dat, and the year after dat.......... than graduation!! lets not think so far ahead......... hmmm, can write by monday....... not much time 2 complete homework, but, its still a good start......... hmmm, 2molo, KAI BIN they all coming 2 do project........ interesting........ hope can complete the MATHS and HISTORY project by 2molo....... than will hv less worries 2 erm worry......... hmmmm, hope mi hand can fast fast recover.......... that would be great!! till than......... its jus
left hand all d way......... oh well, at least can watch tv all day long...... and play 1-handed games..... well, bored.......... gtg......... so sayonara

8:16 PM
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Monday, June 18, 2007
Haircut............ zzzzzz

uhhh......... out of pictures =( so juz left with this....... but arent they juz ADORABLE??!!?? ^^ lolz ^^ hmmmmm, yesterday watched the Disney Channel Original Movie : "Jump-In" and it was a great movie.......... not much plot though, it was a short movie..... but well, still somewhat a great one ^^ and its contents were somewhat like High School Musical....... 1st, the LEAD got interested in something different from what they usually do, (High School Musical is The LEAD got interested in SINGING and lost interest in BASKETBALL..........) than (Jump-In is The LEAD got interested in Double Dutch and lost interest in BOXING.........) 2nd, They only continue in doing what they were usually doing cause they are doin it for their FATHER, and erm........... dunno how 2 explain d rest........ just dat the JUMP-IN movie were similar 2 High School Musical............ and i found 2 nice songs from the movie ^^ cool......... ^^ enough abt dat...... hmmm, 2dae got a new haircut........ so sianx...... hope can grow back in 1 week ^^ than JING RU and WANLING hv new blogs ^^ woooopie ^^ both only hv 1 posting though.......... so, visit their bloggy ^^ well, i go read other ppl blog liao ^^ bb ^^

7:53 PM
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Sunday, June 17, 2007
hmmm, wonder how is ESCAPE..........

hmmmm, the 1st two pictures are the singers of the 1st 3 song of my blog.......... the 3rd one, i juz put there cause it is cute ^^ and funny ^^ anyway, i dun use http://www.iwebmusic.com/ now, instead i use http://www.imeem.com/ ^^ cause i got alot of songs i wan u all 2 hear, but iweb can only put 1 at a time =( than i recalled dat SHU XIAN last time her blog can put a few songs at the same time so i follow her ^^ so good ^^ anyway, the 1st and 3rd song is sang by KEKE PALMER of JUMP-IN and the 2nd song is sang by SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS of erm SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! ^^ and the 4th song is sang by KIM POSSIBLE and 5th song is by CHIP SKYLARK and the 6th song is sang by JORDAN PRUITT, and the song is 4 JUMP-IN........ hmmm, i could only put 2 lyrics though....... =( so i chose the 1st song and 2nd song for the lyrics......... no big deal right?? ^^ changed blogskin liao...... quite simple ^^ the best dat i could find though........ so, wadeva......... well, dats all right? back 2 erm something ^^

12:29 PM
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
blogskins are SO HARD TO FIND!!!

uhhhh............. spent 1 hour looking for a new blogskin and ended up with nothing........... changed my song though........ and it is sang by the cartoon character up there......... no, not PATRICK STAR.............. the other upper one......... his name is CHIP SKYLARK........ like u care....... juz thought dis song was nice when i watch FAIRY ODD PARENTS juz now on NICKELODEON...... juz thought that dis song's rhythm is nice and mayb the lyrics too ^^ juz thought the song was nice........ and 2molo is SUNDAY or 17th JUNE or watch JUMP-IN day or GO TO ESCAPE THEME PARK day or RELATIVES COME MY HOUSE day or FATHER'S day......... out of all those, only 1 is false for mi......... which is so utterly obvious......... it is so obvious, i dun wanna waste my left hand's strength 2 type it out.......... so very d tiring......... hmmm, hope those ppl who go to ESCAPE THEME PARK 2molo can hv fun without mi........... well, they were gonna hv fun without mi from the start anyway, as i wasnt even planning on going even without fracturing my arm............ so sad....... well, gotto be a good boy and on9 on msn more often like wad ADELYN said........ so bye.........

9:18 PM
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Thursday, June 14, 2007
ouch ouch ouch.........

all right, how patrick and spongebob is feeling right now in dat picture is not how i am feeling now...... much of the opposite......... but hey, the picture is funny ^^ haiz....... for those who have heard, i hv fractured my right arm during the basketball match with pei hwa........ and hopefully i dun hv an extra bone like wad REUBEN said.......... but my bone got a slight crack........ but not brokened......... than went 2 visit an osteopath after the match........ or better known as "TIE DA" in chinese........... and than they push back the bone in place and everything........... so painful de =( than nid 2 tolerate throughout the whole "treatment" so very d painful......... than now my right arm is in a cast right now.......... so sianx la......... my wrist ans fingers no strength........ and if move juz a little bit, my arm would be in pain =( sianx.......... wonder how 2 do my holiday homeworks and projects........... so sianx........ than 2molo goin 2 see the osteopath again....... check-up or something.......... for full recovery mayb nid 2 take 4-6 weeks........ well, dat is wad my father said the osteopath said.......... haiz..... anyway, changed my blogsong since REUBEN and BENEDICT said it sucks.......... so wadeva.......... so sian la, now juz using my left hand 2 type dis blogpost...... so tiring........ hmmm, wad else 2 add?? Oo? nvm........ gtg........ so sayonara..........

7:51 PM
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
Uhhh..... NEW blogpost.......NEW blogskin and GAARA PICTURES!!!

uhhh........ as requested by SHU XIAN, here is my NEW blogpost......... uhhh.......... THE END........ bye ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ haiz, nothing 2 do, so i thought i shall change my blogskin, as i think ppl are all tired of my old blogskin by now........... and here is a blogpost 2 do with it.......... haiz....... nth 2 do....... or post........ or do...... or post......... haiz....... see GAARA pictures so nice ^^ isnt GAARA pictures juz awesome?? Oo?? haiz........ nid 2 search for more pictures 2 put with blogpost........ but what?? no more nice nice pictures of PATRICK STAR liao =( and SPONGEBOB aint really dat cute......... than the cooliest is GAARA liao ^^ so........... out of ideas......... and pictures.......... and I AM BORED.......... hmmmm, later relative coming 2 celebrate my birthday........ they held the celebration in advance........ hmmmm.... wonder if the party is gonna be nice........ or juz plain boring........ hmmm...... should i login 2 msn?? Oo?? or juz uhhh.......... bored.......... where were i?? oh ya, i am thirsty, so off 2 drink water....... bb ^^

12:26 PM
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
Hmmmmm, Why Am I Writing Dis Blogpost Anyway?? Oo??

Haiz......... nothing 2 do now.......... well, actually i got things 2 do......... but........ they are HOLIDAY HOMEWORKS............. and so, if u noe mi.......... PROCRASTINATE!!!........ so i am here writing blogpost now.......... interesting aint it??......... not......... haiz, why am i writing a blogpost anyway?? Oo?? Nobody read blogs during the holidays......... cause they noe that nothing special or interesting or exciting happen during the holidays........... so nobody would be writing interesting blogposts....... like mi.......... and if they will write blogposts, it would be on a special day...... for example, for BENEDICT, it would be AH MA HOUSE DAY!!! ^^ lolz ^^ and for SHU WEI, it would be I AM IN GENTING'S CYBERWORLD DAY!!! ^^ and for ANGELA, it would be GO OUT WITH FRENS AND ERM SAW PPL DO DUNNO WAD THINGS DAY...........(for more info on dis day, check out ANGELA'S blogpost which is dated on TUESDAY,JUNE 5th 2007, than u would understand wad i am saying ^^) than erm SHU XIAN cannot say la.......... later die.......... so.......... lets continue.......... lets officially start on dis blogpost ^^ i think.......... or we can PROCRASTINATE and start 2molo....... haiz, anyway, 2dae was basketball training day........... and so sianx.......... and i havent fully recovered yet leh!! i still got some giddy-ness(dunno how 2 spell okay......... so agar agar....... u understand right?? ^^) and some cough thingy wingy.......... than CHIN ANN oso sick........... and he is so worst than mi......... or 2 ANGELA'S point of view, it would CHIN ANN would be WORSER than mi ^^ he training halfway like no strength liao......... than shoot 2-pointer all somewhat airball........... but i not saying he LOUSY hor.......... juz saying he really sick ^^ than BENEDICT juz train his lay-up and all.......... than coach said dat erm wednesday got MATH!!! oh write wrong, lets restart, coach said dat erm wednesday got MATCH!!!(hey..... i sianx la........ so juz lamering around........ u understand right?? ^^) anyway, got MATCH!! on wednesday and we are vsing PEI HWA!!! and to ADELYN, PEI HWA got GUO SHENG!!!!(i especially wrote TO ADELYN cause dat ppl who read my blogposts, she would noe who is GUO SHENG, or hv a higher chance of knowing anyway........ as she came from NCPS......... and dun ask mi why nvr put BENEDICT hor........ cause he already knew so so so earlier.......... lets continue.......) and erm, i scared of the MATCH!!! cause i dun even noe who is in the team........... and wondering if i am in the team........... and i dun wanna be in the team......... cause i dun wanna vs GUO SHENG yet.......... or schools with ppl i noe.......... cause i aint erm ready for the school team thing anyway......... and i dun wanna get THRASHED!!! =( lolz ^^ oh well.......... hmmmmmm, juz talk abt yesterday's "SCIENCE PROJECT" it was erm erm, dunno how 2 say la.......... but anyway.......... yesterday i met up with JIALIN in compass point and went 2 erm compass point library 2 do........... LIYUN and QIMIN didnt come......... so 4 ppl project juz become 2 ppl project lor.......... and the project is erm stupid!! i and JIALIN could not think of any toys 2 make!! i mean, COME ON!!! who play toys now??!!?? everyone play computers now!!! or stuff toys............ but we cant make stuff toys.......... so didnt thought of any toy 2 make for the project.......... so gonna get a F9 if dis continues!! WE NID IDEAS!!! haiz........ better stop whining......... anyway, i changed my blogsong 2 erm PUSH IT TO THE LIMIT which is sang by CORBIN BLEU......... i saw the song on DISNEY CHANNEL'S advertisement and it is the theme song for the new DISNEY CHANNEL'S ORIGINAL MOVIE : JUMP IN which is aired on 17th june....... which is the same date as the ESCAPE THEME PARK thingy wingy............ hmmmmmm, what thing should i do?? watch the movie?? or go 2 ESCAPE with 1A and CHIN ANN and BENEDICT?? it is a nice nice movie ^^ but ESCAPE THEME PARK with my good good good frens!!! its such a hard choice 2 make.......... i noe i can record it and go 2 ESCAPE......... hit 2 birds with 1 stone, can watch the movie and play with frens!! but.......... isnt it better 2 watch the movie LIVE?? Oo?? and be among the 1st fews 2 watch the movie ^^ and besides, i got FEAR OF HEIGHTS!!! so thr is practically nothing i can do in ESCAPE......... except ADELYN'S recommendation of HAUNTED HOUSE......... ADELYN, u cant expect mi 2 pay money and juz stay in the HAUNTED HOUSE all day long right??!!?? dat is STUPID!!....... haiz....... wad can i do in ESCAPE? Oo?? dunno la......... anyway, this song is nice ^^ well, from my point of view anyway........ and it is sang by CORBIN BLEU(i noe i said it b4........ but u noe, i am practising LITERATURE!! EMPHASIS!!! from erm.......... SHIT!! i dunno wad EMPHASIS is for again......... awww......) anyway, it is sang by CORBIN BLEU and there is a picture of him UP THERE (^^)(<---- this happy face are actually a HIT TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE techinique........ it is an happy face, and it is 2 arrows, which is pointing up, see, hit 2 birds with 1 stone ^^) haiz........... bored......... oh well, time 2 go and PROCRASTINATE!!! so bye ^^.........

7:37 PM
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Monday, June 4, 2007
SIANX!!!! havent started on a single assignment yet!!!

as u can read the headline titles, i havent started on a single holiday assignment yet......... sianx......... mayb i should stop whining and actually start doin....... well........ whining is easier....... lolz ^^ anyway, hasnt quite been erm talking with frens on the internet.......... too busy not doin homework........ so wad should i do?? and 2molo is training, and my father say i havent recover completely, and say dat i should not go.......... so wad should i do?? and i dun noe who the heck is ANGELENE!!!! so wad should i do?? and finally, after so many songs, got quite a few ppl actually say its nice ^^ yay ^^ and yet, they dun understand a single thing the single is singing............ so what should i do?? hmmmmm, havent started on any homework or project yet =( i am worried =( i am scared scared =( and 2molo still got piano lesson......... sianx sianx sianx......... should i start on my homeworks?? ppl would usually say yes............ and i am bored........ i wan another OUTING!!! but not 2 east coast!! ppl hv been bothering mi abt dat........... and i am bored.......... haiz, i go do ace-learning liao ba ^^ byebye ^^ hope everyone is as happy as my squidward picture ^^

7:27 PM
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Sunday, June 3, 2007

Oh Well, Dis is all of the Patrick pictures i can find on the internet =( so sad........ cant really find nice nice pictures of patrick and dis few days at home are boring.......... yesterday went 2 the PC SHOW and BOOK FAIR at SUNTEC CITY and oh my, was it boring............so utterly boring........... so wad now?? Oo?? nothing 2 type....... nothing 2 do......... later goin 2 relative house as 2dae is aunt's birthday......... or they held it earlier........ wadeva d case, none of my business............ so wad the heck........ anyway, hasnt started on any holiday homework yet......... wonder if reuben started on any yet......... benedict already started......... i heard him say......... chin ann started already too......... and so did all of my frens of 1A........... why i havent start yet?!?!??i got procrastination illness =( so not my fault ^^ oh well........ nothing 2 do, feel like playing maple again......... but would get sianx of it nonetheless....... so wad should i do??!!?? oh well......... juz watch naruto ba ^^ or something ^^ so oh well, bye ^^

2:24 PM
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Name: Dan Jun Yuan
Age: 15 School: Nan Chiau High School
CCA: Basketball team, Point Guard
Steve Nash,Chris Paul, Ricky Rubio Rocks!!!
Note: What I Appear On The Outside May Not Be How I Feel On The Inside, There Are More To Things Than Meets The Eye.

Her to be happy ^^
To do well in my studies ^^
To have even more friends ^^
To grow taller than 170cm ^^
To excel in basketball ^^
To be able to control my jealousy ^^


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheng York
Chin Bee
Jie Yi
Jing Ru
Jing Si
Ke Xin
Kok Ting
Li Yun
Li Hui
Qi Min
Qi Yang
Si Hui
Shu Wei
Shu Xian
Small Benedict
Teng Da
Wan Ling
Yan Ting
Yee Hang
Yi Xiong
Yock Sheng
Yoke Ling
Zhan Chun
Zhi Yu
Class 2A

I hate OBS..... LOL
Cant think of any....
This is how i feel.....
new post!! finally??!!?? ^^
Today is more than just MAN HAO WAN de ^^
Today is MAN HAO de :)
Walk walk walk :)
Post post
Ummm, 2dae is a saturday!
Sec 3 Camp! As fun as the malacca trip!! :)

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