
Thursday, May 31, 2007

haiz, when i said dat i am gonna start doin on my holidays assignment yesterday, guess wad holiday assignment i started on?? well, the answer is NONE......... too busy watching anime DEATH NOTE and erm sleeping ^^ 2dae morning i watched DEATH NOTE than i ate lunch than i watched tv till 2.30 than felt sleepy and tired so i thought i would sleep for awhile, for like 2 hours ^^ than when 4.30 liao, i sianx diao, so juz continue 2 sleep ^^ than sleep and sleep until dinner time, than eat dinner, still somewhat sianx, so juz lie on the sofa for awhile........ than come up and use com ^^ than keep on hearing d nice nice song NAGARE BOSHI from NARUTO SHIPPUUDEN'S ending ^^ nicey nicey song ^^ so since it is so nice, i think everyone should enjoy it, so i go 2 www.iwebmusic.com 2 see if got dis song or not, and i found it ^^ yay ^^ than i put on dis blog ^^ yay ^^ a very nice song ^^ hope u all thinks so too ^^ and hope i hv good taste ^^ oh well, isnt dat patrick picture up there so utterly cute?? ^^ hmmmm, patrick is such a cute person ^^ oh well, i go play games liao ^^ nothing 2 wrote ^^ so bye bye ^^

7:59 PM
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
DNA Day.......

2dae was somewhat fun, 2dae was DNA day........ and i was LATE!!! the thing started like 8am and SOMEBODY told mi dat it started on 9am and so i resulted in being late......... and i had 2 bring a large water bottle which somewhat look like a jar which is filled with water, i had 2 bring it cause my mother wan mi 2 drink lots and lots of water cause well, i was sick......... so well, no choice....... than went 2 d lab....... blah blah blah........ stick some gummy bears onto a toothpick and onto the BACKBONE(gummy snake) of the DNA structure........... and it was sticky and sticky and well, sticky, the most important thing of all was dat it was STICKY........ so troublesome 2 manipulate the thing la.......... so juz anyhow stick here and there and everywhere!!! and blah blah blah than squash a strawberry and obtain its DNA and blah blah blah......... than now my DNA thing is at REUBEN'S house........ as well, i forgot 2 bring it home........ oh well, its juz some strawberry's DNA............. than erm, juz now went 2 REUBEN'S house than played some games, and play and play and play.......... and it was so boring......... than at abt 3.30 we went 2 7-eleven 2 eat lunch ^^ MI,CHIN ANN and BENEDICT anyway....... than i bought alot of sweet ^^ saving it up so when i recover liao, i can eat and eat and eat, than fall sick again ^^ haiz, anyway, 2molo got basketball training, but doctor said no exercise for mi for a week, so i guess i am not goin 2 2molo's training than....... so juz stay at home lor........... haiz, i think 2molo i am ACTUALLY gonna start on the holiday homeworks........ if i ACTUALLY REMEMBERED what they were.......... anyway, i changed blogskin......... quite sometime nvr changed le ^^ so juz change ba ^^ dis skin is nice anyway ^^ than, i deleted SIMONE'S and JING SI'S links from erm my links cause i felt there is no nid for their links......... as well, SIMONE doesnt even update her blog at all......... than i dun give a damn abt JING SI.......... and she keep on changing her blog address.......... so I DUN CARE ABT HER............ than i added 2 links 2 replace theirs, JOYCE of 1D and IVY of 1B ^^ well, dats all i gt to say, oh well, bb ^^

8:53 PM
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
sick sick sick SICK!!!............

dis few days hv been SICK!!!........ been sick dis few days so didnt quite erm keep in erm contact with my frens?? Oo?? than all day long juz sleep and watch tv and drink medicine and eat and sleep and mayb use some com.......... so boring de......... than 2dae they had d erm HISTORY MUSEUM thingy wingy which i missed cause i havent well, recovered erm better yet......... or something like dat............ than 2dae i had piano lesson and after dat, i watch d movie of DEATH NOTE on www.crunchyroll.com and the movie was awesome.......... so exciting and erm creative and exciting and action-packed and exciting and got monsters and exciting and erm exciting......... bored........... so wad now?? Oo?? cant wait for 2molo.......... can meet all mi frens at d erm SCIENCE DNA, CLONE APPLE EXPERIMENT thingy wingy........ lets juz hope i will be well enough 2 erm be present............... anyway, i changed my blogsong 2 LIU SHA which is a nice nice song sang by TAO ZE....... enjoy d song, and i cant really change my blogskin, as they arent really nice blogskins nowadays.......... so not my fault........ anyway......... bb.........

7:38 PM
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Friday, May 25, 2007
2H, Hell and Holidays!!!

2dae was the 1st training of mine after many many many many many days of no training........ and my BASKETBALL FORM was all gone =( accuracy still there, but the judgement of strength 2 use is all gone =( damn it!!! =( than 2dae was so much TORTURE!!! =( i suffered HEADACHE,STOMACHACHE,DEHYDRATION and EXHAUSTION!!! =( than BENEDICT didnt ^^ so good ^^ only CHIN ANN and I did......... as u see, dis is how it works, PART A of the basketball thingy wingy, nids 2 train like hell and more hell and seriously hell and hell is all around........... and PART B juz nid 2 do some lay-up and do their own training and can do wadeva they wan.......... like slacking ^^ but BENEDICT didnt slack la...... he train until like siao liao, than injured his ankle or foot or leg or something around there anyway, so he rest half-way throughout the training lor, so good ^^ than PART A trains like hell, than halfway through, some complained abt being "INJURED" or dat is wad d coach says, so they rest throughout the training too lor ^^ or juz halfway throughout anyway.......... than at 1st i wanna tell the coach i stomachache and cant continue, but i must preservere!!! and dat CHIN ANN oso told mi 2 anyway.......... so juz suffered throughout the training lor =( i must get back my BASKETBALL FORM!!! =( hmmmmm, 2dae is the last day of school anyway ^^ HOLIDAYS is coming!! or has came!! but nobody is excited abt it by the OVERWHELMING CCA,HOMEWORKS,PROJECTS.......... so sianx =( doubt would hv much days 2 go out with frens 2 enjoy LIFE ^^ but well, we hv more than 12hrs a day 2 do all those holiday homeworks and all ^^ and mayb spare a few hrs 2 play ^^ come on, i wan plans!! i wanna go out with my frens!! ^^ oh well, go erm, do something something liao ^^ so erm bye bye ^^

7:41 PM
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
Tragical Accident..........

2dae was supposed 2 be a happy day, full of happiness and erm more happiness....... but something TRAGIC happened........... lets see, it all started out like dis................ ONCE UPON A TIME......... well, not dat long into the past or fairytale land anyway......... anyway, 2dae i and 9 other pupils from 1A and 10 each from other classes too, went 2 the erm NAN CHIAU'S ANNUAL PRIZE GIVING CEREMONY............ and man was it boring.......... but chatting with JOEL,KAI BIN,KOK TING and ADELYN during the ceremony made it so fun............ and we shared alot of jokes too........... and also MY MENTOS!!!!........ than after ceremony, we went 2 a playground somewhat near the BIG 7-eleven, or better known to REUBEN and BENEDICT as JASON............ but i dun like 2 use the lame lame JASON name........... 7 sounds nicer ^^ "LETS GO TO 7" sounds so nice ^^ anyway, than we play BLINDMICE at the playground and it was SO FUN!!! ^^ than ppl who went thr were REUBEN,CHIN ANN,BENEDICT,KAI BIN,SHU XIAN,SHU WEI,JENNIFER,ADELYN,ANGELA and last AND least JING SI............. so we played blindmice and i hanged here and there and everywhere and ppl hide here and there and everywhere and the BLINDMICE search here and there and everywhere.......... well, everywhere around the playground anyway ^^ and than we play and play and than everyone got bored than they juz find a spot on the playground 2 sit and juz DAYDREAM........ than REUBEN was bored........... so he took CHIN ANN'S wallet and run and play catching, than suddenly, he wanna throw the CHIN ANN'S wallet 2 mi as he dun wan CHIN ANN 2 take, than CHIN ANN grabbed his arm, so he can only use his WRIST 2 throw, and so he could not throw far and so the wallet flew a short distance and hit ANGELA'S head as she was juz sitting on the erm bar hanging thing in front of mi......... and if u noe CHIN ANN well, u would noe dat his wallet got his HOUSE KEYS and all attached 2 his wallet, and if u noe HOUSE KEYS very well, u would noe dat it is usually made of METAL and METAL HOUSE KEYS + GRAVITATIONAL FORCE + REUBEN'S WRIST'S STRENGTH = VERY PAIN FOR ANGELA'S HEAD.......... and she started crying as well, who wouldnt?? the SHOCK + PAIN = TEARS............ and well, everyone went 2 comfort or console her EVERYONE as in JENNIFER,SHU WEI,ADELYN and than REUBEN blaming CHIN ANN for grabbing his arm than BENEDICT and I juz stand there dunno wad 2 say, so never go and console, and juz WATCH AS THE DRAMA UNFOLD B4 OUR VERY EYES, than SHU XIAN juz sit on the bar and follow wad i and BENEDICT did, but did went 2 console ANGELA afterwards ^^ than KAI BIN already went home b4 dat ACCIDENT so he dunno lor......... than JING SI, SUPER IDIOTIC, INSTEAD OF CONSOLING or COMFORTING ANGELA, SHE EXTRA AND COME AND WHACK REUBEN TWICE.......... AND CREATE MORE TROUBLE.......... DAT IS THE MOST IDIOTIC THING I HV SEEN ANYONE DO................ THINK SHE LIKE BOSS LIKE DAT......... anyhow ORDER ppl, SCOLD ppl and WHACK ppl.......... not even her problem she come in extra and create more trouble.............IDIOTIC ONE!!!.......... now, i really hate JING SI, idiotic idiot......... but i wont hate her frens....... juz HERSELF......... dat IDIOT, how can hit my good good good good good de fren??!!?? and ORDER MI AROUND!!! IDIOT!!! than they went 2 compass point shortly afterwards, THEY as in JING SI,SHU WEI,JENNIFER,ANGELA and ADELYN than SHU XIAN stayed with MI,REUBEN,CHIN ANN and BENEDICT as her leg pain so could not really walk far distances.......... like to COMPASS POINT....... and she said she would join them shortly afterwards, WHICH HAPPENED OTHERWISE!!! ^^ lolz ^^ she must hv forgot ^^ anyway, than we went 2 7-eleven 2 play with CHEMICALS REACTION as in WHAT WOULD MENTOS DO TO COKE??!!?? than we tried it out, and IT WAS AWESOME.......... well, too lazy 2 describe anyway ^^ got a erm FIZZY EXPLOSION and all ^^ than erm, BENEDICT and REUBEN went home, and I and CHIN ANN and SHU XIAN did so too, than WE STEPPED ON MUD ON THE WAY HOME!!! u noe, the field where u hv 2 cut through 2 reach compass, ya, DAT PLACE GOT MUD!! and MY SHOE, and SHU XIAN'S and CHIN ANN'S SHOES all got mud!!! sianx........... than my bag oso got, so does my leg, and pants and all ^^ but it was still fun anyway ^^ well, 2dae was quite fun, except for the ACCIDENT, i repeat, ACCIDENT and JING SI'S EXTRA-NESS, i repeat, JING SI'S EXTRA-NESS, she might mean well in her OWN, VIOLENT sort of way 2 protect her frens, but THAT AINT THE RIGHT THING 2 DO.......... WE SHOULD NEVER RESOLVE 2 VIOLENCE......... especially since boys can nvr hit girls ^^ lolz ^^ so now why got so many TOMBOYS and AQUAS are like dat ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ gtg liao.......... bb...........

5:59 PM
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Argument.......... is that how u spell it?? Oo??

2dae, was boring.......... REUBEN had NCC so mi and BENEDICT and CHIN ANN nothing to do after school so we went 2 out of school and followed JING SI,ADELYN,SHU XIAN and ANGELA to JASLYN'S house......... we didnt noe........ so juz follow and follow anyway........... than 2dae REUBEN early in the morning come blame mi dat i taught him 2 pump wrong the things in 9DRAGON, than he keep on scolding and scolding and shouting and shouting and KAI BIN keep on extra there laughing and laughing and he laugh at his own joke which is "WHICH MORON FOLLOW A MORON??" than continue 2 laugh, than REUBEN not happy say "WHICH MORON LAUGH AT HIS OWN JOKE?!?" than KAI BIN continued 2 laugh at his own joke anyway.......... than whole day long when REUBEN saw mi, he would blame mi for teaching him 2 pump the wrong things.......... u noe pump wrong stats and all........... but how would i noe wad he nid 2 pump?? we play different CLANS and all............ enough abt 9DRAGONS, and being scolded by REUBEN LIM YU WEI, 2dae had scholarship ceremony and keep on teasing WANLING while waiting and she tease mi, than we laugh, than mock, than laugh......... it was fun........... ^^ so very d fun, than juz now JING SI and SHU XIAN and ADELYN 1st REQUESTED mi than COMMANDED mi 2 sign their GOOD-BYE card to MR LEE.......... and i didnt wan to........ for wad reason, i hv totally forgot....... than JING SI shouted at mi.......... COMMAND mi 2 sign it..........I HATE IT when people order mi around.........STUPID JING SI, SO ANNOYING........like i scared of her like dat......... think she very fierce.......... I AM SO SCARED.......... like i nvr get whacked b4........... stupid stupid stupid.......... than went home early, than writing blogpost now, than gonna think of a poem to put on my blog's welcoming page.......... the blogsong is MAI YA TANG by JAY CHOU/ZHOU JIE LUN.............. pretty nice song, and the skin is erm pretty nice too, give mi ur comments abt it.............. and all.............

5:52 PM
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Monday, May 21, 2007
Fun Day.........

2dae was a fun day ^^ and i had received my birthday present early 2dae from my good good good, filial filial filial, get mi in trouble with ELIZA and EUGENIA/EUGLENA/SINGLE-CELL, dangerous dangerous dangerous and sometimes cute cute cute daughter ^^ who is none other than WANG SHU XIAN ^^ and i received ANYTHING.......... u noe, the drink, with the lame lame name, but funny funny commercial?? ^^ ya, dat drink ^^ it taste quite sour and all, taste somewhat like KICKAPOO, so reuben might say it is a CHEAP IMITATION of KICKAPOO............ well, it still got a quite funny commercial anyway ^^ than 2dae MR LEE/BASKETBALL COACH, not the GEOGRAPHY TEACHER MR LEE WHO SWEAT ALOT DURING HIS LESSONS, MR LEE the coach, went 2 make his IC or renew it or something, i am not clear with the details ^^ anyway, so he nvr come so no hv basketball training ^^ so we stayed at school for awhile and went 2 the playground somewhat near 7-eleven, or yong qing's house ^^ than we played blind mice there, and JING SI was erm MOLESTED by 1 younger young young boy, but actually juz got touched la, than she say she got MOLESTED, please la JING SI, u wad standard??!!?? wad get MOLESTED??!!?? lolz ^^ hmmm, well details i am not so clear anyway AGAIN ^^ so erm juz erm dun care lor ^^ than SHU XIAN went 2 erm 7-eleven 2 buy ANYTHING for mi ^^ which is mi birthday present, see, she so CHEAPSKATE one!! ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ i really dun wan any present for mi birthday ^^ anyway, 2dae i stick 2 STICKERS on 2 adelyn's back and she didnt noe ^^ so fun ^^ than i and benedict and ding yuan laugh and laugh and she still there blur blur ^^ with wad methods 2 stick onto adelyn's back, i would not reveal, later ppl go copy them.......... than SHU XIAN ruin the fun by telling adelyn when she discovered them =( so bad =( lolz ^^ than, benedict ask mi why dun put one sticker on ADELYN and 1 on SHU XIAN, and i told him dat i am not crazy, stick one on SHU XIAN and i would be dead........... or mayb paralysed anyway ^^ so paste both on ADELYN lor ^^ than, 2dae started on DnT, well basics of it anyway ^^ seems quite interesting and all ^^ hmmmm, must do well in dis subject, cannot be like HOME ECON.......... hmmm, 2dae was fun ^^ oh well, gtg chat with SHU WEI liao, cant keep her waiting, later i might die or something.......... nah, SHU WEI is not so dumb as 2 kill mi....... on second thought, she might be dat dumb ^^ oh well, she dun hv the guts anyway ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ SHU WEI, dun erm get erm angry or something after reading dis sentence or statement or wadeva thingy wingy hor ^^ oh well, go chat with her liao ^^ so erm bye......... ^^

8:35 PM
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
Busy Playing and Doin Assessments........

hmmmm, a kinda late 2 be posting a blogpost dun u think?? Oo?? well, i am busy watching SPIDERMAN 2 ON TV juz now ^^ and juz watched NARUTO SHIPPUUDEN EPISODE 14, so nothing 2 do now, than write blogpost b4 i go and sleep......... quickly scanned through some ppl's blog which i was unable 2 do so the past few days or mayb weeks.......... haiz, dats it, i am not abandoning my fren for a COOL,AWESOME,INTERESTING,WONDEROUS, SO-FUN GAME........ lolz ^^ but seriously, i must on9 more on msn and not focus so much on d 9Dragons game which is fun ^^ but, chatting and hanging out with frens are so much more fun dun u think?? Oo?? anyway, yesterday KaiBin,Joel And Kok Ting came 2 my house 2 do the Maths Project.......... need to find some resources 2 show teacher and all.......... which i might add on is SO EASY!!! we planned dat they would come at 8am and do until 12pm........ but they come at 8am and we completed at 8.15am....... so wad we did after the project was 2 PLAY!!!! ^^ but that very same day, MISS KIM called my parents and told them about the results =( and so i got a HARSH LECTURE/SCOLDING from my parents............ sometimes i really really hate my parents........... and every single ADULT!!......... so i hate to talk 2 adults.......... they are so adultish.......... children are easier 2 communicate with ^^ haiz, been doin chinese and english assessments this weekend as well, my ENGLISH got C5 and CHINESE got D7 AGAIN!.......... i am always the one who failed higher chinese, damn it!!.......... oh well, nothing much 2 add on, 2molo is school day ^^ sweet....... ^^ i gotto go sleep liao.......... so, bb ^^

9:56 PM
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Friday, May 18, 2007

Sweet, i can type blogpost without someone helping mi post liao!!! sweet sweet sweet!!! anyway, i changed blogskin and blogsong ^^ isnt the blogskin KAWAII?? ^^ or better known as CUTE?? ^^ lolz ^^ and isnt the blogsong NICE 2 hear?? ^^ and overall isnt this a very very very awesome blog?? ^^ lolz ^^ anyway, i got back mi results =( and it isnt really that awesome =( i got 2 C5 for ART and ENGLISH and 1 D7 for HIGHER CHINESE.......... so obvious......... than i got B3 for mi LITERATURE and HOME ECON and the rest i got A ^^ weeeeeeeee ^^ but overall my marks still erm TUI BU le........... so sad =( hope mi papa dun scold mi and things and things ^^ anyway, 2 make sure i dun fail my CHINESE and get lousy marks for MATHS and ENGLISH, i asked mi papa 2 buy assessment book for mi 2 do every weekend ^^ i am such a good boy ^^ but i am definitely not a nerd like SOMEBODY who has a date with HER textbook......... either dat person is DESPERATE for a date or a NERD!!! ^^ but i am a good person, so i wont leak out the identity of the person ^^ arent i a great great guy guy?? ^^ lolz ^^ and 2dae is the 1st training after 2 or 3 weeks ^^ but i and BENEDICT and CHIN ANN missed MORE THAN HALF of it as we got scholarship rehersal thingy wingy....... than i got PINCHED by JING RU BEATEN by JING RU(AGAIN) and JEANNIE and got SABOED by JODI LAU, JING RU, WANLING and JEANNIE(AGAIN) and JING RU(AGAIN, AGAIN!) than 2molo JOEL and KAI BIN and KOK TING coming 2 my house early in the morning 2molo to do the MATHS PROJECT ^^ arent we responsible?? ^^ haiz, not at all..... juz that MS TANG wanna see some research and something by TUESDAY........... so they are the 1st few ppl 2 come 2 my house this very year ^^ well, my frens anyway ^^ bored.......... nothing 2 do liao, so i go play internet computer game!! weeeeeee ^^ bb ^^

7:09 PM
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I am bored.......... well this is the dunno how many posting of mine........ didnt bothered 2 count.......... well, counting is so boring.......... anyway, i cannot type my blogpost(DUN ask mi wad is THIS......... juz let mi continue) as my erm blogpost server got problem, so this is the reason why i never type blogpost for such a long long long long long long long long( i am bored......... so lets juz waste space ^^) long long long long long( still wasting ^^) long long long long long ( wasting is so much fun ^^ ) long long long long long ( dats it, i am bored........ so lets continue with the story ^^) long long time............ and i told shu xian abt the situation as she complained 2 mi as 2 why i nvr write a blogpost for a long long long long long long long(there we go again ^^) long long long long time....... and she said she cannot TAHAN(Tolerate..... for those ppl like SHU WEI who are not really good in the HOKKIEN LANGUAGE) anymore........ so she told mi 2 write in the notepad and sent her than she go and help mi post.......... dun ask mi why i cannot post and she can post...... cause i dunno too....... anyway, exam period is has passed a long long long long long long long long long ( dis is fun ^^) long long long long time ago............ and we got ALMOST all of our exam papers back........... and i am very very very very very very disappointed with my result.......... as i got B3 for my MATHS!!! and D8 for my HIGHER CHINESE!!! than my father goin 2 the PTA(Parents-Teacher-Association, for those ppl who dun pay attention in literature, or any subject........) so i am sure MISS KIM would tell my father every single bad thing abt mi and stuffs like dat......... so i am so gonna die....... cause i nvr study and i play in front of my father during the exam period, so if i get bad results for my exam, i am so gonna get a super harsh scolding........ i am so scared =( haiz, lets hope LITERATURE and ART can help pull mi overall percentage up ^^ but dat is totally impossible as ART and LITERATURE are some of my WORST subjects =( wah wah wah wah wah =( than i am listening 2 BENEDICT TAN ZHONG HAN'S blogsong now, so nice the blogsong ^^ from naruto one ^^ at first i wanna put his blogsong and blogskin in the past one....... but, NAH........ the skin made the posting and all those things very hard 4 mi ppl 2 read.......... so i nvr chose dat, and i didnt chose this song cause i chose the last time the naruto funeral song ^^ hey, there were better choices........ ^^ so long nvr post liao, my hand aching liao =( like wad benedict said, i had RUSTED =( lolz ^^ than 2dae we had the INTER-CLASS KAPTAINBALL( NOT captainball) competition ^^ which is so very the fun ^^ fun fun fun ^^ and during one of the matches, i somewhat FELL, and ppl has been KAJIAOING mi during the whole competition cause of that.......... but hey, I CONTRIBUTED SOME POINTS!!........ see, this is wad i meant by " WHEN U MADE 10 ACHIEVEMENTS, ONLY 1 PERSON NOTICED IT, AND WHEN U MADE 1 MISTAKE, 10 PPL NOTICED IT " zzzz.... anyway, we got 4th and 1D got 1st, but what can u expect when 1D hv erm EZEKIEL who is the tallest in sec 1........ and he is oso a basketball player, which made him a GOD in dis game.......... well, dat is what ppl from 1D refers EZEKIEL as ^^ but if u dunno who is EZEKIEL, look for the tallest person in 1D, that shouldnt be hard right?? ^^ i mean come on, he is a TALL freak of nature ^^ lolz ^^ so we got 4th =( and the prize was a $10 popular voucher....... SHARED BETWEEN THE ENTIRE CLASS!!! which made it TOTALLY CHEAPSKATE.......... anyway, dunno where the voucher went ^^ dun really care anyway ^^ than 1D got 1st and they got a $40 popular voucher, which means 1 person got $1....... but it still means TOTALLY CHEAPSKATE........ CHEAPO TEACHERS nowadays........... zzzzzz,cheap cheap cheap...... well, at least we had a great morning 2 start off anyway ^^ oh well, dis is the end of mi blogpost, nothing interesting 2 post liao, as nothing interesting happened 2dae, except the competition anyway ^^ than i too lazy 2 recall the other interesting stuffs that happened the past few days or weeks or months.......... as other ppl has done so in their erm blog ^^ so, i am gonna end dis blogpost and continue 2 listen 2 benedict's song while i do piano homework ^^ weeeee....... ^^ oh well, bb........ gtg send dis 2 shu xian so she can post for mi....... where the heck is the freaking save and send button??!!?? i am still typing??!!?? without knowing it??!!?? okay, dis is lame..... but hey, ppl are lame sometimes ^^ except for a few who are lame EVERYTIME ^^ so anyway, bb ^^

7:54 PM
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
small REUNION!!!

2dae was erm, wad is 2dae again?? oh ya, 2dae is erm..... shit!! 4get again!!! ........ 2dae i had erm GEOGRAPHY EXAMINATION and erm 2dae is erm WEDNESDAY......... i think......... well, anyway, I AM BORED.......... nth 2 do nowadays............ but 2 juz go 2 reuben's house all day long every single day ^^ 2dae had GEOGRAPHY............ and i think dis is d exam which i took the longest time 2 do......... Oo.......... interesting........... dunno......... so hard........... i actually had 2 THINK 2 do dis test......... anyway i found something funny in d test, it would be funny 2 ppl who got watch naruto and not funny 2 those who nvr watch ^^ i think.......... the exam asked WHY IS THE EARTH FRAGILE?? and i thought of something from naruto ^^ d famous saying from ITACHI ^^ ITS WEAK, WHY IS IT SO WEAK?? BECAUSE IT LACKS........... HATRED!!.............. i am bored......... than SHU WEI fell asleep once again............ its so frequent dat SHU WEI fell asleep in d exam and nid someone else 2 call her 2 wake up......... which juz happens 2 be the person BESIDE her or someone BEHIND her.......... which happens 2 be either mi or erm WHY-VON-NI or better known as YVONNE......... than she would always wake up with a BLUR look........ than start 2 PANIC!!! than later after PANIC, prepared d paper 2 give d teacher than lie down 2 sleep AGAIN............. interesting........ Oo.........so very d interesting........... than 2dae JING RU 2dae BIAO BAI or CONFESS 2 CHIN ANN and all........... dunno if i was suppose 2 say dis........ but since she already announced it in public, i guess it wont be much difference ^^ anyway, if it was a problem, i can always use JENNIFURT'S favourite saying, which is I DUN GIVE A DAMN........... ^^ or her next best saying WHATS YOUR PROBLEM??....... or CHEESY............ and so many other dramatic saying which i am juz so very lazy 2 say........... hmmm, this few days of REVISION is fun............ cant wait for it 2 end........... this is how my REVISION goes........... i take my textbook and wanna revise than get too distracted by d computer and television, than go play com ^^ weeeeeee ^^ than everyone all nerd and nvr on9 in msn de............ so NERDISH........... haiz, than after every night, i still havent revised a single thing.......... REVISION IS SO FAT........... lolz ^^ anyway, 2molo is LITERATURE and HOME-ECON exam........... 2 exams which i am juz so weak in......... other than ART and HIGHER CHINESE ^^ haiz......... everyone is juz too busy revising during this period........... and those who dun revise.......... are not allowed 2 use com......... so i am ALONE!! and BORED........ and the BOREDOM cause mi 2 NOT REVISE.......... which all result in FAILURE!!!.......... i am bored............ bored bored bored........... i revised more during my PSLE than dis mid year exam lor............. PSLE i revised 1 hour a day for 1 week b4 PSLE and during PSLE.......... than now, once i open the textbook, I AM BORED......... than flip some pages than SIAN DIAO............. than close textbook and MORE TV AND COMPUTER.......... anyway, i noe people will say " NI ZHE ME KE YI ZHE YANG??!!??" Translation : " HOW CAN U LIKE DIS QUESTION MARK, QUESTION MARK, EXCLAMATION MARK, EXCLAMATION MARK, QUESTION MARK, QUESTION MARK " ^^ lolz ^^ than they would say " CHEN HE TI TONG!! " Translation : " OUTRAGEOUS " than I AM BORED......... why ppl all revise de!!!! ALL SO VERY D KIASU............ than all those who dun revise, cant use com........ ALL SO VERY D SUAY......... anyway, 2dae after d exam, went 2 reuben house as usual and play awhile than d doorbell rang and MI PRIMARY SCHOOL FRENS came............ 2 look for reuben......... not for mi =( lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ anyway, than its like a small reunion ^^ and its fun........... well, still okay i guess ^^ than play play play ^^ went home.......... and now I AM IN BOREDOM............ bored bored bored........... too distracted by d com and television 2 revise.......... mayb i should go to d toilet 2 revise or something........ peace and quiet......... but than i would get distracted by d shiny toilet bowl in there........ than cant revise again............ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ bored bored bored........... REVISION IS SO FAT.......... gtg......... too lazy 2 type anymore....... nothing 2 type anymore anyway ^^ cant wait for saturday ^^ big day coming up ^^ and remember, REVISION IS SO FAT ^^

7:08 PM
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Monday, May 7, 2007

hmmmmmmmm, dun erm believe too much abt d EXAGGERATION of my erm posting title.......... not ALL of it gone........... juz somewhat most of it.......... or somewhat around there.......... it all started dis morning.......... than d dream bubble would come out than u would imagine d events ^^ ok, dis is lame......... anyway, 2dae d dunno wad name d discipline mistress come and catch mi =( than say wad my hair long long =( she look at her own hair la!!! long until dunno how CHAM than still come say mi.......... she should set a good example b4 coming and catch someone else d hair wad.......... and dun say dat she is a FEMALE so she can keep her hair longer!! DAT IS NOT A EXCUSE!!!! lolz ^^ bored....... than 2dae had history and maths exam........... cant really say it is difficult like hell........ but, it aint exactly a very simple test 2 begin with.......... so, it should juz be around ABOVE average d exam ba.......... both history and maths dat is......... than 2molo got science exam.......... dunno how 2 study......... or i should put it as DUN WANNA STUDY........... too lazy........ feel total boredom juz by looking at d cover page......... bored bored...... anyway, 2dae went 2 reuben's house 2 play some xbox, than went home than went 2 rivervale mall 2 cut hair lor =( than used com......... THAN NOBODY ON9 IN MSN OR VISIT AND TAG MI BLOG DE!!!! EVERYONE ALL REVISE AND BE A NERD NOWADAYS!!!............. oh well......... mi hair is short =( anyway, bb...........

7:49 PM
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
New Blogskin and Song!!! Oh Ya, and Post!!

Bored.......... nothing 2 do so juz come and write a blogpost after changing my blogsong and blogskin ^^ the song is WO KE YI by CAI MIN YOU, i think some of you should hv hear dis song b4, and if u didnt, than enjoy it at mi blog than ^^ its a nicey icey song ^^ Anyway, 2dae started out BORINGLY.......... so out of NOTHING 2 DO, i changed mi blogskin 2 dis nicey icey MAPLESTORY blogskin ^^ actually i wanna changed 2 AUDITION de blogskin, but all those AUDITION blogskins aint nice........ so i decided 2 juz use thise MAPLESTORY de lor.............. than since my last blogsong isnt erm ATTRACTIVE[PS(Patrick Star/Pai Seh) dun think sick wor........... ATTRACTIVE as in, attract ppl 2 erm listen 2 d song ^^) anyway, since nobody comment abt d song being nicey icey, i decided 2 change it............ uh........ bored........... hardly revise anything, parents keep on asking mi 2 revise......... or should i say COMMAND mi 2 revise........... and yet, i didnt revise anything.......... well, mayb juz flip through the history textbooks for mayb 1hr i think, is dat considered revision?? Oo?? than havent revise any Maths yet........ wonder why my parents never use the famous talk of which SIMONE love very much.......... the MUST STUDY HARD HARD THAN GO CHINA AND MAKE BIG BIG BIG BUSINESS talk........... hmmmmmmm, oh well, mayb they thinking of changing to MUST STUDY HARD HARD THAN GO USA AND MAKE BIG BIG BIG BUSINESS........... hmmmmmm, I AM BORED!! wanna play audition......... but nobody 2 play with.......... wanna chat with ppl on msn, but nobody 2 chat with........ wanna sleep, but nobody 2 sleep with....... lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ u should noe why i dun like 2 sleep in the afternoon right?? bored bored bored.......... dun really feel like revising........ so very d boring......... wonder why SHERYL ZHENG SHU WEI like 2 do it so very d often............ i already got damn bored when i saw d COVER PAGE......... how do u expect mi 2 even open the book and read without getting bored??........... its juz so impossible........ so horrible,terrible,impossible and vegetable............. i am bored.......... dun tell mi everyone go copy SHU WEI and revise and revise and revise........ or worst, copy ANGELA and sleep and sleep and sleep and cook maggi for yeehang(perharps)............. why nobody on9 wan??!!?? so lonely =( wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah =( i am bored.......... bored bored bored........... should i revise at this time of the day?? or chiong audition all the way?? or watch some songs by DR BOMBAY?? bored bored bored............ If i were reuben, i would recommend u 2 watch on youtube on this 3 songs : CALCUTTA and S.O.S and RICE AND CURRY....... all by DR BOMBAY............ nice and funny songs....... u should enjoy it............ so boring........... i go watch his recommendations liao............ bb.......... and watch too hor!! its funny ^^ oh well, bb............

3:27 PM
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Friday, May 4, 2007
Art Exam, So Boring, Made Mi Sleep.........

so boring......... 2dae was ART exam, and i was SCARED of it??!!?? so damn simple la........... draw draw draw, shade shade shade, than finish liao sleep sleep sleep ^^ so damn easy ^^ lolz ^^ wonder why i was so scared of it in d 1st place.......... was i wrong.......... than after erm ART exam, SHU WEI had 2 erm clean the erm erm BUCKET or PAIL for d ART exam thingy wingy, now u see why i dun wanna be any subject the REP??!!?? SO VERY MUCH D RESPONSIBILITIES.............. and i am not d responsible type of guy......... i am more of the HAPPY-GO-LUCKY, NO RESPONSIBILITIES type of guy ^^ lolz ^^ anyway, SHU WEI had 2 clean them erm BUCKET or PAIL as she was well, d ART REP, than she say those 1B ppl who saw her, mocked her, including BENEDICT TAN ZHONG HAN, but BENEDICT said she misunderstood him, as he did not erm MOCK her or something.......... i dunno la, i dun really understand wad is goin on, or ANYTHING for dat matter.......... than after dat we(reuben,benedict,ding yuan and mi) went 2 erm REUBEN'S house for wad 1D ppl like 2 say, FUN,LAUGHTER and JOY.......... or PEACE,LONGETIVITY,and other good good and CHIM CHIM stuffs which i cant spell............ and the GIRLS(Angela,Shu Xian,Adelyn They all.........) went 2 erm compass, anyway, i and reuben and ding yuan and benedict juz play play play play, than at 3pm, benedict complained dat he was HUNGRY, so i and reuben and ding yuan and benedict go to 7-eleven to erm eat lor....... than ding yuan went home, so i and benedict and reuben, nothing 2 do, so we went ROCK-CLIMBING ^^ anyway, its not really those erm real real ROCK-CLIMBING stuffs, its erm some erm stuffs dat is able 2 climb, than we improvise and become ROCK-CLIMBING lor, its STANLEY CHEN WEI QUAN they all taught mi how 2 erm CLIMB the thingy wingy de, than now i taught benedict and reuben, its passing on tradition ^^ its erm quite fun, but very very d dirty ^^ but still fun ^^ than benedict went home, and i am bored.......... so i went home too ^^ and i had a new HEADPHONE ^^ weeeeeeeeeee ^^ and i am not lame.......... i noe there is nothing 2 be excited abt a new HEADPHONE............ but its cool =( lolz ^^ anyway, ppl tag mi blog!! dun juz take my test and than fail!!! okay??!!?? wad i am trying 2 say here, is dat TAG MY BLOG, not to erm FAIL IN MY TEST, i wan ppl 2 fail........... so dats okay ^^ but TAG MI BLOG WHILE U ARE FAILING!!! okay??!!?? ^^ thanks ^^ i am bored........... i go play audition liao ^^ weeeeeeeee ^^

5:31 PM
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
New Blogsong and Kunai!!!

2dae was the beginning of the EXAM PERIOD........... or better known as the WHINING PERIOD........ as ppl fail and dunno how 2 do the exam than whine and cry ^^ yup, ah.......... good times, good times ^^ anyway, I AM BORED........... so i changed my blogsong and wrote a brand new BRANDED blogpost ^^ weeeeeeeeeee ^^ haiz, 2molo is erm ENGLISH erm EXAM or something something.......... nothing 2 revise, juz memorize the personal letter format can liao lor......... so SIMPLE, unlike CHINESE so CHIMPLE........... i am bored......... anyway, d new song d name is ZUI AI HAI SHI NI, by TANG YU ZHE or better known as NAN-XUE ZHANG from the HANA KIMI or better known as HUA YANG SHAO NIAN SHAO NU but, he oso better known as the THICK-SKIN,LONG LONG HAIR, QUITE HANDSOME,BUT NOT AS HANDSOME AS QUAN AND ALWAYS WEAR THE PINK SWEATER AROUND HIS NECK guy........... ^^ yup, so many ways 2 recognise him......... anyway, didnt noe he was a singer, and i oso dunno much abt his song, only dis one ^^ dunno whether he wrote it himself or NOT.............. but i juz noe dat is a nice nice song sang by him ^^ yup ^^ anyway, lets recall yesterday b4 we recall 2dae as yesterday happened b4 2dae ^^ lets see, yesterday was a public holiday, or better known as LABOUR DAY ^^ u noe, all those strong strong muscular muscular guy or better known as COOLIES in d past, do all those hard hard difficult difficult jobs better known as LABOUR, and in order 2 appreciate them, they erm erm named yesterday LABOUR DAY ^^ not every YESTERDAY u fool............. lets be more specific, erm 1st of May of every year ^^ yup ^^ than erm but now the idea changed from erm every erm WORKER get holidays ^^ unless for those taxi driver stuffs and erm bus drivers and mayb some stores stuffs ppl ^^ they wanna earn a living, so they dun break lor........... anyway, enough abt elaboration, anyway, yesterday, me and erm shu xian and shu wei and angela and jing si went 2 hougang mall 2 REVISE and STUDY............ so fun ^^ and i was seriously PISSING jing si off, with the so easy 2 irritate her word ^^ which is none other than D NAME OF MY CLOSEST FREN IN NAN CHIAU HIGH SCHOOL, and i dun mean literally........... hmmmmm, interesting, anyway, i discovered a great great great interesting interesting interesting song yesterday ^^ it goes kinda like dis :
IN CANADA.............
for more info on the song, u might wanna check the links of dis song under ROCKS AND TREES at the LINKS COLUMN and STUFFS ^^ i seriously recommend it, it is the greatest song anyone can ever hear........... ^^ anyway, 2dae, we had the CHINESE EXAM....... so very d CHIMPLE.......... but, dis time i am pretty confident my SUO XIE wont get 0 like last time........... than d stupid MISS KIM, keep on saying it and over and over again............ so very d annoying.......... bored.......... than after test, I and REUBEN and BENEDICT go play some piano, than went 2 7-ELEVEN ^^ than we had some great times ^^ great times, great times ^^ than i and benedict decided 2 go to COMPASS POINT 2 find the SHU WEI and ANGELA and everyone else they all ^^ and since reuben cant go to COMPASS POINT as his mother dun allow, FOR UNTIL 6-7 MORE MONTHS than he can go.............. so anyway, he went home........ than b4 i and benedict go to COMPASS, we decided 2 call them to find out whr they are......... so we go call them, i used the public phone as i dun wanna waste my handphone the money, and i bored....... so i go and call ANGELA and SCAM her ^^ this is how the conversation went :
MI : Hello, Did U Order A Large Hawailian Pizza?
Angela : No.........
MI : But We Are Delivering One To Ur House Right Now......
Angela : Huh??!!??
MI : Ya, We Are Delivering One Large Hawailian Pizza To Angela Phua's
House Right Now.......
Angela : Huh??!!?? Who Are You??!!??
MI : No La, anyway, where are u all?
Angela : Who Are You??!!??
Angela : WAH LAO, LAME LEH U!!!
MI : Where U All??
Angela : Hougang Library, Ehhh, I Mean Sengkang Library, Hee Hee
Ha Ha.....
Mi : Okay, We Come Find You All........
Angela : Okay, BB
~~~~~~~~ End Of Scamming Conversation~~~~~~~~~~~~
I cant believe someone fall for dat scamming pizza trick thing lor, i cant believe it, its like erm impossible!! dat trick is so very d obvious, anyway, after dat, we went 2 COMPASS POINT'S library to find them lor ^^ and benedict got all the blame for making the prank call ^^ lolz ^^ so funny ^^ than anyway, b4 i and benedict go to the erm library, we stopped at COMICS CONNECTION and bought some KUNAIS, u noe, the sharp sharp poke poke thing?? those thing dat poke u, u would erm shout or scream?? ya, those kind of things ^^ anyway, i and benedict split the erm cost and bought the whole packet of KUNAIS which consist of 3, and since I take one, and benedict take one, we decided 2 give reuben the last 1, so we decided 2 give him a surprise and we went 2 reuben's house with SHU XIAN, SHU WEI, ANGELA, ADELYN and suddenly out of nowhere, JING SI ^^ and we went 2 his house ^^ weeeeeee ^^ than we play play play ^^ gave reuben the kunai, he was somewhat erm grateful or something ^^ than play play com ^^ some piano, went home and bath, and eat dinner than sms than use my com 2 change song and write blogpost ^^ so long d blogsong, nothing 2 do and type liao, so i guess i shall juz go and REVISE than ^^ so anyway, erm bb ^^ good luck during the EXAM PERIOD AKA WHINING PERIOD ^^ bb..........

7:18 PM
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Name: Dan Jun Yuan
Age: 15 School: Nan Chiau High School
CCA: Basketball team, Point Guard
Steve Nash,Chris Paul, Ricky Rubio Rocks!!!
Note: What I Appear On The Outside May Not Be How I Feel On The Inside, There Are More To Things Than Meets The Eye.

Her to be happy ^^
To do well in my studies ^^
To have even more friends ^^
To grow taller than 170cm ^^
To excel in basketball ^^
To be able to control my jealousy ^^


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheng York
Chin Bee
Jie Yi
Jing Ru
Jing Si
Ke Xin
Kok Ting
Li Yun
Li Hui
Qi Min
Qi Yang
Si Hui
Shu Wei
Shu Xian
Small Benedict
Teng Da
Wan Ling
Yan Ting
Yee Hang
Yi Xiong
Yock Sheng
Yoke Ling
Zhan Chun
Zhi Yu
Class 2A

I hate OBS..... LOL
Cant think of any....
This is how i feel.....
new post!! finally??!!?? ^^
Today is more than just MAN HAO WAN de ^^
Today is MAN HAO de :)
Walk walk walk :)
Post post
Ummm, 2dae is a saturday!
Sec 3 Camp! As fun as the malacca trip!! :)

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