
Monday, April 30, 2007

today, something very terrible happened after school =( i shall go on dat later, anyway, i created a new erm HOW WELL DO U NOE MI? TEST, anyway, i created it dis time and made it TWICE as hard as my last test. There Are 3 MAIN REASONS For Creating Dis New Test ^^ The 1st MAIN REASON is TO MAKE EVERYONE FAIL THE TEST!!!! The 2nd MAIN REASON is TO MAKE SURE NOBODY CAN GET 100%!!! The 3rd MAIN REASON is TO DELETE MY LAST TEST SO NO PPL NOE REUBEN GOT 100% FOR MY PREVIOUS TEST!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! this is lame............. anyway, if u can get 50% or abv for mi test, u should be contented, as i wanted everyone to fail initially.......... but, i am damn confident dat people cant get 100%. REUBEN, LETS SEE HOW U GET 100% now............ anyway, 2dae something very terrible, horrible, worse than vegetable happened............ =( i got the worse scolding of mi life by my fren dat is =( i got scolded by SHU XIAN, and the thing dat happened was so depressing dat i totally dun wanna recall wad happened............ dunno how 2 say it anyway........... if u wanna noe wad happened, u should read SHU WEI'S BLOG, or SHU XIAN'S BLOG or JING SI'S BLOG as they were present during dat event,but i am not so sure whether they would surely write or not............ so dun hv too high d expectations or something........... my blog is gettin lamer and lamer and lamer.......... oh well, lame is the new cool ^^ so anyway, nothing 2 post liao, so, sayonara and erm bye bye ^^

8:10 PM
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
50th posting!!!

dis is my 50th posting for mi blog ^^ sweet......... ^^ anyway, i am bored!!......... anyway, wad i actually wanted 2 say was I AM BORED!!.......... anyway, wad i actually actually wanna say is dat, haiz....... really bored....... bored until i forgot wad i wanted 2 say......... DARN U BORINGNESS........... anyway, ADELYN,i took ur HOW WELL DO I NOE U test............ and i got 60%, 20% higher than wad benedict and gerald got each........... see, i am so understanding de ^^ lolz ^^ anyway, d questions are so simple and obvious la............ except some very lame the, for example, HOW MANY COLOURS DOES UR SPECS HAVE........... even if a fren noe u very well, they wont be so lame and go focus on ur specs and see how many colours it has la........... dat is a dumb question!!! anyway, 2dae i nvr on9 at all, nvr did any homework at all, nvr smsed anyone at all, all i did 2dae was 2 PRACTICE CANON IN D!!! and out of d 4 pages, i MASTERED 2 pages............. but if wan mi 2 play, must still look at d SCORES or d SCRIPT or d BOOK with dots and lines and stuffs............. ^^ not my fault i didnt master d other 2 pages, teacher havent thought yet, juz thought mi half, so, cannot blame mi ^^ anyway, very good le leh, master 2 pages of CANON IN D in erm let mi count how many hours......... 1,2,3,4 hours............ wow, i spend 4 hours at mi piano 2dae........ interesting, last time i wont last even 30mins in a WEEK!!!(excluding piano lessons la...........) and now i actually spent 4 hours at mi piano in 2dae!!! Oo?? interesting......... anyway, i noe how 2 play d CHIMple song le ^^ well, halfway at least ^^ but, still erm quite erm, interesting ^^ anyway, yesterday, JING RU went home early cause she was sick, no, not SICK like SIMONE who is SICK IN D HEAD, JING RU was ill, wonder how is she now, hmmmmmmm, must show concern as a fren, hope she recover soon ^^ anyway, nothing 2 do now, so juz listening 2 reuben's favourite song on youtube now.......... d famous song is I AM COW!!! which is oso d video i put on my blogpost yesterday which is recommended by reuben ^^ here are d lyrics :
dat is juz part one of d song, anyway, reuben sing way way more funny than d actually group of ppl who started singing dis song ^^ he is a NATURAL.......... anyway, i am bored.............. dis blogpost ends here, i go call reuben and ask him whether can play audition or not........ bb.......

5:55 PM
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Friday, April 27, 2007
piano day.........

2dae was a boring day........ well, mayb not so boring as we played and make trouble at d MR LEE'S GEOGRAPHY,MATHS,SCIENCE EXTRA lesson......... isnt it interesting how many subjects a FLIRTING BORING-TEACHING GEOGRAPHY TEACHER can teach?? Oo?? but, he teach all sec 2 materials.......... so very d CHIMple, so he teach, WanLing,Joel,Adelyn,Simone and d rest who are listening 2 him, can hardly understand wad he is talking abt................ i juz every once in a while cut in and disturb them........ so fun ^^ anyway, 2dae SIMONE very d sick, cause in class, she said : "REUBEN,CAN I BORROW UR BALL AND PLAY??!!??" and Benedict and Reuben and I were like there laughing.......... than SIMONE oso laughed as she knew wad we were thinking abt, so she quickly said D BASKETBALL than continued 2 laugh ^^ than after d lesson, i keep mocking her abt d BALL thingy wingy........... she is juz so sick........... lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ no offense ^^ than, we went 2 d hall and played d piano, than everybody went home, than left mi and shu xian and reuben and we continued 2 play d piano, than we go home, and my posting ends here, as its very d boring, but b4 it ends, i got a video from reuben i would like 2 recommend u 2 watch, and d video is : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCD1RIqTlEw with dat, good bye ^^

8:11 PM
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
Jian Dan Ai

haiz, so bored......... 2dae came home very early as got piano lesson, and i learned a new song, Canon in D Major!! but, havent totally noe the song yet la...... juz learn 2dae, dun even hv time 2 practise, even if got time 2 practise, i oso wont, as too busy staying back ^^ lolz ^^ so might take quite some time b4 i can master d song ^^ anyway, after my piano lesson, i chionged all 4 of my OVERDUED art homeworks......... as if i dun pass up any 2molo, i would get detention on saturaday!!! u noe, DETENTION, d lame lame punishment thought up my teachers where u juz sit in d room and be quiet, while d teacher juz sit in the room too and do their own work, or stare at d pupils............ HOW LAME IS DAT PUNISHMENT??!!?? lolz ^^ anyway, so easy 2 chiong la, d shading one so easy, draw, than shade shade shade, wonder why i didnt do it in d past........ it was so easy.......... mayb because last time they nvr say got DETENTION, hmmmmmmm, good point........ anyway, SHU XIAN juz now in class b4 dismissal, said she wanna help mi do d erm MONOCHROME thingy wingy than in d end, called JENNIFURT(new name given to JENNIFER by MISS LIM 2dae ^^) 2 help mi do as she dun hv d painting materials, but, JENNIFURT oso got her own overdued arts and homeworks so she called mi and tell mi 2 do myself, so dun wanna bother JENNIFURT, so i do myself lor........ painting is so hard =( hate painting, d worst part of art........ well, my opinion anyway.......... hmmmm, hope dun hv 2 redo any....... or else i have to go to DETENTION =( hey, mayb d teachers dun hv a life.......... but i definitely do, and i dun wanna waste it by sitting in a room and stare at d teacher and remain quiet........... dat is lame........... let mi think still got wad happen 2dae........ THINK THINK THINK............ BRAIN-BLAST............. Jimmy neutron, such a lamer......... hv such a lame erm famous saying or quote or something............ but 2 jimmy neutron fans out there, no offense........... anyway, 2dae we got d erm DRAMA BOOK, u noe d small small cute cute red red book dat was given 2 us 2dae by MISS LIM?? ^^ ya, dat book, we received it 2dae, and JENNIFURT or someone else said dat there was alot of vulgar words in d book, so i check it out, and i found d famous F-word........ u noe d F*CK word ^^ ya, dat famous word, and other totally disgusting and vulgar words like C*CK and P*NIS, even though its drama lesson, they dun hv 2 give us dis kind of books wad............ it affects d mind of teenagers nowadays........ wonder how old d author is, must be pretty HIP, and FASHIONABLE 2 use dis kind of TEENAGE words......... interesting............ ^^ anyway, nothing 2 do, and decided 2 take a breather from all those homeworks ^^ so come and change blogsong and write a new blogpost ^^ my blogsong now is JIAN DAN AI, another retro song by JAY CHOU AKA ZHOU JIE LUN ^^ great and awesome too!! ^^ lolz ^^ haiz, breathing time is over......... back 2 suffocating.......... anyway, enjoy mi new blogsong ^^ bb...........

8:17 PM
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
new blogsong!!..........

hmmmm, nothing 2 do now, dun wanna revise maths........ and learning d erm TING XIE later.......... so nothing 2 do....... so come update mi bloggy woggy ^^ anyway, i changed my blogsong and went RETRO and use a old song........... not d old old old old song like from MOZART or CHOPLIN dat kind orh!!! dats lame.......... well, not really anyway ^^ anyway, i changed my blogsong 2 LONG JUAN FENG sang by ZHOU JIE LUN AKA JAY CHOU........... nice nice song ^^ so enjoy it........... anyway, enough abt d erm blog stuffs......... lets recall wad happened recently........... bored......... too bored 2 recall........... THINK!! THINK!! THHHHHIIIIINNNNKKKK!!!............ BRAIN-BLAST!!! ^^ lolz ^^ anyway, 2dae stayed back and well played basketball.......... played with some sec 4 or 5 guys, than play play play, i score quite a few 3-pointers ^^ yay!!! ^^ than i LOST........ than WIN again....... than LOST....... than WIN!!! ^^ well, depends on who i teaming with la.......... i way way way better when i team with ppl i noe ^^ it is erm erm a erm INSTINCT or something as CHIM as dat.........(for those HOKKIEN-IMPAIRED, CHIM means erm erm, wad it means arh??? let mi think......... CHIM means erm, oh ya, DEEP or erm VERY HARD 2 UNDERSTAND ^^) (and for those ANG-MOH IMPAIRED, IMPAIRED means erm erm erm, i think is erm lousy at d erm language or something like dat la...........) bored........ than during science lesson so fun, MS TEO(not d literature d TEO arh) created a erm paper and science and separation and revising and CHIM CHIM game ^^ anyway, u hv 2 separate into groups of 4, and into d erm toy making group group ^^ than i with erm LIYUN,JIALIN and QIMIN lor ^^ than throughout d game was so fun, got laugh, and erm laugh and erm more laughs and juz laugh and IT WAS FUN!!! ^^ LAUGHIN IS FUN!! ^^ lolz ^^ than MR LEE go through the geography test and MS TANG go through the maths test............ so good, no nid 2 learn, juz slack and do correction ^^ lolz ^^ bored.......... gtg learn d erm ting xie thing or something something......... but i am not gonna revise my maths!! I DUN REVISE!! erm unless it is a big exam or test!! other than dat, i dun revise!!!.............. so anyway, bb............

8:07 PM
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Sunday, April 22, 2007

boring weekend.......... again......... hmmmm, at d starting of d weekend, i planned 2 complete 6 OVERDUED ART HOMEWORKS ^^ than very d carefree ^^ yay ^^ than 2dae almost d end of d weekend liao, i still left 6 OVERDUED ART HOMEWORKS!!!............ nonsense.......... so sianx, dun feel like doin sia............ got PROCASTINATION ILLNESS anyway............ zzzzz......... than my hair so long, cant touchie my eyeie liao........... than 2molo they having a very very d serious d hair spot check.......... scared 2molo get scolding than they cut mi hair............. so very d scary........... bored........... still got wad 2 say?? Oo?? oh ya, yesterday i took a IQ test........ found on d internet, nothing 2 do, so juz take lor, and my IQ was 118........... is dat high?? Oo?? than shu xian's IQ was 115, and shu wei's IQ was 109 and reuben he anyhow take d test, like erm INIMINIMINIMOR and got 120.......... WAD KIND OF NONSENSE IS DAT??!!??............ bored........ let mi think still got wad thing?? zzzzzzz....... juz took d erm PE internet test....... and i got 19/20 and let mi think, 2molo got music test........... could not even hv a last minuter revision as DUN COUNT MARKS anyway.......... zzzzz, bored, should really hv more interesting things happening, than i hv interesting things 2 type, than my blog would be interesting ^^ oh well, gtg, bb ^^

8:10 PM
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Friday, April 20, 2007
combined sports day........

2dae was combine sports day...... and nan chiau high is so extra......... there with 5 primary schools and watch them run.......... dat is juz plain stupid......... anyway, i ran 4x100 2dae with joel,teng da and cheng YOLK, and we got i hv no idea wad position.......... anyway, teng da is d first runner, cheng YOLK was d 2nd, joel was d 3rd and i was d last runner.......... i was too busy racing with d person beside mi 2 notice wad position i got......... interesting......... anyway, when running, i accidentally cut myself with d baton =( so pain =( than got blood =( lolz ^^ bored........... Oo?? anyway, b4 d erm race, mi,teng da, cheng YOLK and joel was juz standing at d erm spectators erm sitting placey wacey and than mr goh smile smile smile and come talk 2 us, first he said : GOT BRING SCIENCE TEXTBOOK OR NOT??!!?? than we answered no........ than he said : NO??!!?? THAN WAD U DOIN HERE??!!?? WHY NOT REVISING??!!?? than he asked teng da whether he got revise his practical workbook or not and said why he didnt did so well in his science test and ask joel and cheng YOLK whether they got revise or not....... than he ask mi, and i oso said no.......... than he ask mi again : really no hv revise arh?? sure or not?? than when he was abt 2 leave, he said dat i am clever as i hardly study.......... so, i can conclude dat i did well in mi science test ^^ or else he would not hv said dat.......... and after d race when reached back sch, i hope dat benedict,chin ann and reuben they all would be in d basketball playing basketball, but it turned out otherwise............ d sch was almost totally empty, so i hv no idea wad 2 do so juz take mi bag and juz walk home, 2dae is d day which i felt d most loneliness in mi whole life......... and man, does dat feeling sucks!!! hmmm, most of d walk i was juz staring at d ground and thinking abt stuffs.......... than i bought macdonald home and eat, the end, bb.............

6:23 PM
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Thursday, April 19, 2007

hmmmm,not dat i go and count or anything, but 2dae is my 44th posting, it is stated in d place where u wanna post or something something.............. anyway, got past my turn in d erm wad is dat thing called?? or ya, chinese oral, so nervous when reading d passage and answering miss kim's questions........... anyway, got past it, so i can relax liao.......... anyway, 2dae oso science test, not dat hard, not dat easy, but i am sure i cant get full marks cause of a careless mistake...........zzzzz, than after d oral, miss kim ask mi miss kim ask mi whether i am a athelete, than ask mi why mi hair yellow or brown de.......... go swimming alot or natural........i really dunno, and i hardly swim........ so i said natural........ than she ask whether my parents got hair colour like mine or not........ natural or not natural?? than told mi 2 work hard in my studies......... ESPECIALLY CHINESE............ juz because i got a D7 for chinese and juz failed by 1 mark, she hv 2 rub it in every single time............. like wad jennifer always say, WAD IS HER PROBLEM??!!?? bored........ anyway, yesterday i juz changed my blogsong to XUAN LU than 2dae d chinese newspaper got its song and lyrics and stuffs........... talk abt concidental......... or totally freaky!! anyway, cool, i can read d lyrics and listen 2 mi blogsong, sweet......... bored bored bored, still got wad 2 recount?? Oo?? oh ya, nid 2 do 6 art assignments dis weekend........ sucks sucks sucks!! 3 overdued and 1 is test, and 2 dunno wad nonsense........... suckie suckie SUCKIE!!!............ bored, 2molo is erm combined sports day, and i am in d 4x100 final!! sweet, anyway, so is xin yi's team ^^ talk abt luck.......... they got 2nd last, and we(joel,mi,teng da and cheng YOLK) oso got 2nd last and we got into d final........... d world is gettin weirder and weirder by the day, bored, gtg...... reunion with pri school frens in msn, so bb............

7:50 PM
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

2dae was a boring and unlucky day........... unlucky caused i got hit on my head with a basketball twice and almost got my hp confiscated........ ppl who were around when my hp almost got confiscated by miss pey was shu xian, adelyn, reuben and mayb chin ann too........... anyway, 2dae in front of d library and some where near basketball there, i nothing 2 do, so take out my phone 2 check whether got messages from anyone or not......... than suddenly miss pey come out and confiscated my phone....... and check for stuffs and stuffs, i am such a good boy, and dun take photos, send messages or call anyone in class de........... so very d nice....... so miss pey cant check out anything........... dumbo......... anyway, she called my papi, they talk talk talk, than she returned mi my phone.......... she is so NICE(for ppl who are not from 1A and dun pay attention in a literature class, NICE means STUPID in d past............) so my handphone not confiscated.......... and my papi lectured mi........... than, after dat, i played basketball with reuben and chin ann and some other 1D guys, than got hit on my head TWICE by d basketball.......... anyway, 2dae was unlucky caused i got called twice in class, once was by MS TEO, and d other was by MISS KIM(u c d difference with d MISS/MS, i purposely put it so u can understand dat MS TEO mayb is married, but MISS KIM surely not married...... comfirm wan.........) than i didnt understand d text from d chinese textbook, so i anyhow answer MISS KIM, so very d paiseh.......... but, really dun understand........ than MS TEO say when i read out my answers, i should read out with more LIVE........ so i changed my tone for one sentence, and changed back........... anyway, 2dae MS TEO taught us not 2 use d word NICE too much in literature.......... and she gave us a erm example, she said americans like 2 use d word NICE alot........ so she told us a conversation :
A PERSON: So, How was d dinner??
American: It was NICE.........
A PERSON: So, How is my house??
American: It was NICE.........
A PERSON: So,How is my kids??
American : They are NICE kids........
A PERSON : So, How was ur day 2dae??
American : It was NICE..........
than after dat, she said dat dun use d word NICE so often as it meant STUPID in d past, and it gradually evolved into a nice word, so my translation of d conversation was
A PERSON : So,How was the dinner??
American : It was STUPID.........
A PERSON : So, How is my house??
American : It is STUPID...........
A PERSON : So, How is my kids??
American : They are STUPID.........
A PERSON : So, How was ur day 2dae??
American : It was STUPID........
lolz ^^ so very d funny ^^ anyway, gtg revise for stupid science erm exam liao........ so bb.............. hv fun enjoying my new blogsong and blogpost ^^

7:09 PM
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
New Blogsong And Skin........

Yesterday i changed my blogskin, and 2dae, i found out d skin got problem........ so, i decided 2 change blogskin AGAIN........... anyway, i changed my Blogskin And Blogsong(Since ANGELA and BENEDICT find my blogsong boring and sleepy, i decided 2 change...... so insulting de THEY ALL!!..............zzzzzzz), I HV NO IDEA whether dis blogsong and blogskin go together.......... but, how would u noe if u didnt try?? Oo?? anyway, i decided 2 be a nice person for once and instead of teasing ppl in the LINKS COLUMN, i decided 2 give them praises or something.......... if u do not understand it, doesnt matter, as i dun really nid much understanding anyway............ anyway, those praises in d LINKS COLUMN is quite true...... but, dun think so much hor!! when i put CHIO, is not my personal opinion, is opinions of others, and some of mine and put 2gether 2 hv d conclusion of CHIO, and those who dun hv CHIO, dun be depressed or anything, as i find the other describing words fit u more ^^ so i nvr put CHIO doesnt mean u r UGLY wor!!! i nvr meant dat!!! ^^ u must understand ^^ but if u do not understand, doesnt matter, as i dun really nid much understanding anyway (lolz ^^ so easy 2 type dis phrase, juz copy and paste ^^) haiz, seems like my blog is not interesting anymore =( WAH WAH WAH WAH!!! =( zzzzz, looks like the GOLDEN AGE for my blog is long gone......... now is the GOLDEN AGE for other ppl d blog, for example, BENEDICT TAN ZHONG HAN and other ppl who i didnt really bother 2 go rate......... so boring, i go read other ppl d blog liao.......... and mayb watch a few naruto ^^ so anyway, sayonara.......... konichiwa(if i am not wrong, konichiwa means hello,but since i am always wrong, it meant some other things ^^ lolz ^^) soon....... ^^

11:01 AM
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
bored....... weekends are definitely boring.......

2dae is saturday.......... or better known as boring-day........... if u are like mi who stay at home all day long, and watch naruto, dun wan do homework, but forced 2 do, anyway, 2dae i practised piano!! which is somewhat a miracle or mission impossible =.='', anyway, i slack alot...... so practising piano on a saturday is somewhat a miracle........ 2dae nothing special happened........ so let us juz recall into d past........... past......... past....... or better known as yesterday...........yesterday........yesterday......... and mayb d the b4 too.......... too......... too............. okay, lets juz stop laming around........ anyway,after scanning through alot ppl d blog, they all seemed 2 b talking abt yesterday's sports day, so i am gonna recall as well.......... yesterday was sports day(or at least, it was supposed 2 be.........) anyway, yesterday, i had fun!(or at least, dat is how i was supposed 2 feel........) once again, anyway, yesterday i was damn healthy!!(or at least, dat is how i WANTED 2 feel...........) so as u can see, everything turned out otherwise....... but if u cant see, u hv no idea wad i am typing now........ so if i were 2 insult u in my blog now, u hv no idea too............. once again, lets juz stop laming around.......... anyway, yesterday's sports day was cancelled due 2 d unexpected, or mayb totally expected weather.......... there were a slight drizzle, and there were warning alerts dat there would b lightning......... so....... they/the school decided 2 cancel the erm sports day event or wad so ever nonsensical stuffs......... anyway, i was so so so happy........ and i dun mean sarcastic!! really really happy, as i was sick yesterday, so i dun think i can run my best, so anyway, i was damn happy, than the school decided 2 postpone d sports day event 2 monday, where there would not b any audience......... so happy again...... no audience, means no stress, no stress means, WHO CARES? WHO CARES means slacking........ and slacking means fun......... anyway, so i cant erm go for basketball training on monday than........ and i hv 2 go to hougang stadium........ myself........ well, at least with my frens anyway......... anyway, since d sports day was postponed, we were dismissed early...... so we went 2 shop at hougang mall(at first i got typo mistake and typed STADIUM, than ANGELA and SHU WEI, like dis oso cannot TAHAN, so i change lor, and i so good, change le still admit i got mistake leh, i am so honest ^^ lolz ^^) than i and reuben bought naruto forehead protectors! they are shiny..... sweet....... anyway, reuben owe mi $3.80 as he didnt hv enough money 2 buy than, so i lend him$3.80...... i am such a nice soul ^^ anyway, so many other things happened......... and yet i am juz too lazy 2 elaborate........ so, i am juz gonna find some new blogskins, blogsongs, or mayb watch some naruto, or mayb consider abt playing maple again........ Oo, anyway, bb ^^ hmmm, ppl seems 2 b bored of my blog nowadays!! =( wah wah wah wah wah wah wah =( zzzz, wadeva......... bb.......... lol ^^

4:18 PM
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
i am somewhat in the school squad!!

coool, 2dae is WEDNESDAY, or better known as SIMONE'S/XI MONE'S/XI MONEY'S/ WASH MONEY'S birthday...... or oso better known as the NAN CHIAU HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAM SELECTION day.........or of course, best known as WEDNESDAY!! ^^ lolz ^^ went back 2 d beginning ^^ fun, isnt it?? ^^ lolz ^^ anyway, happy birthday WASH MONEY/SIMONE, whose birthday falls on 2dae, the date..... erm, let mi go check mi handphone...... let mi see, her birthday falls on 11/4/1994, or on dis year, 11/4/07, so if u minus her birth-date with the birth-month, u get the number 7!! which is dis year d year ^^ lolz ^^ so fun ^^ anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIMONE/WASH MONEY ^^ lets continue now, 2dae is oso the basketball team selection day, the erm selection is erm let mi think, is erm like dis........ there are 2 PARTS, better known as PART A and PART B, PART A is like better experienced or juz better players, and PART B is less experienced or erm lousy players ^^ and i made it 2 PART A!! ^^ so dis SEAH CHIN ANN, and DING YUAN, but BENEDICT/BANANADICT made it 2 PART B, so dis JASON and erm XIANG SHENG......... =( anyway, PART A stand more chance of making it into the REAL REAL REAL school team, where as PART B stand lesser chance....... duh......... or else, why would they separate into 2 PARTS anyway?? oO?? but..... if ppl in PART A like erm nvr improve or anything, they would be kicked into PART B anyway....... and ppl who improve incredibly, insanely, siaoly, wadevaly in PART B, would be invited into PART A, wooooooo, sounds so OBVIOUS........... anyway, coach said my passing very lousy =( not the way and accuracy of my passing anyway, is my STRENGTH!! =( wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah =( than he say, he would not select mi into d school team if well, my STRENGTH does not erm improve, or the better term use here, would be GET STRONGER......... wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah =( mayb i should erm lift some weights or something........... or mayb i should juz wait for next year so i can slack dis year........... hmmmm, too lazy 2 lift weights........ weights weight alot.......... lolz ^^ bored........... HOW 2 GET STRONGER??!!?? i must make it into the team!! anyway, the REAL REAL REAL school team selection would take place 2 months from now, where the REAL REAL REAL basketball tournament starts........ and i am so bored now............... than 2dae, P.E, so fun, no nid 2 run the school 3 rounds ^^ than hv frisbee(dun really noe how 2 spell........ dun really care how 2 spell.............) tournament, than i teamed up with EUGENIA(a girl who screams ALOT..........and say she is short ALOT........ if she thinks she is short, wonder wad she think of my height........ lolz ^^) and, LI HUI, i think, and JIA YU or mayb JIA YI i think, dun worry noe how 2 spell her name ^^ not the JIA YI from 1D arh! ^^ the one whose name i dunno how 2 spell and is from 1A ^^ anyway, 2dae, very d fun ^^ than we win every round ^^ yay ^^ than TOO BORED 2 ELABORATE....... than 2dae after school, history teacher sang history song which is all about history, and i hope it would be history............ the chorus is something like dis,
^^ the song quite funny........ and it is juz made funnier when sang by MR YEO, sang quite nice, but he cannot sing high-pitch notes.......... song very HORRIBLE,TERRIBLE and VEGETABLE.......... ^^ hmmm, still got wad 2 write?? ^^ let mi recall......... oO oh ya, 2dae in chinese period, MS KIM say ppl wanna change seat, blah blah blah, ppl who dun wanna change seat, blah blah blah, ppl who wanna change seat by very d shy and dun dare 2 raise hand, blah blah blah, democracy is the best policy, blah blah blah, follow her stupid sitting arrangements, blah blah blah, ppl who hv objections, blah blah blah, in the end, nobody changed seat, blah blah blah.......... so obviously, all i could recalled is blah blah blah........ blah........... than 2dae, english lesson, d erm, acting thingy wingy, so erm funny, and fun ^^ push KOK TING, STARRING ANGELA PHUA XIN WEI, onto the floor, and he flew......... 2molo got piano lesson =( so boring, reuben suggested dat i changed my piano lesson from thursday 2 tuesday, do u think dat is a good idea?? ^^ i should really consider it, i think it is a pretty good idea, but dun dare 2 ask mi papi =( so troublesome......... gtg liao, such a drag......... bb.......... boring........... ^^

8:27 PM
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

i am bored.......... so listenning 2 my sad sad, sentimental, touching touching blogsong ^^ anyway, 2dae, when running 10 rounds(or mayb more than dat, as i didnt count, but is surely more than 10 rounds!!) while running, i feel like my heart or chest feel damn cold....... its like my heart frozen and cannot pump blood, but if dat were through, I WOUDLNT B HERE TYPING DIS BLOGPOST NOW!!! so, d MY HEART FROZEN AND CANNOT PUMP BLOOD part is not true.......... its juz erm comparison of the feeling.......... anyway, my chest really cold lor, not erm EXTERNAL la, mayb INTERNAL...... or something like dat............. anyway, when i returned home juz now, i was thinking and i realised something, I CAN NVR B BEST AT ANYTHING!!! lets see, if compare studies, in dis school, I AM 2ND as i lost 2 ZHU DI OLD!!!! than if compare stamina in dis class, i lost 2 JOEL, or as MS TEO like 2 call him, JO L ^^ than compare speed in dis class, i lost 2 ANG TENG DA, than if out of dis class, i compare with BENEDICT and CHIN ANN, i win BENEDICT and STAMINA but lost 2 CHIN ANN, than i win CHIN ANN at SPEED but lost 2 BENEDICT!! than if compare basketball, in the school team(SEC 1 LA!!) i lost to 1 person, EZEKIEL from 1D! I AM 2ND AGAIN!!!! ITS LIKE,I AM ALWAYS 2ND!!!! than last time in primary school, i am ranked 3rd in soccer, losing to YONG QING and STANLEY!!! haiz, its like i am pretty good at alot of stuffs, but never the best at any!!! but well, dats pretty okay i guess......... better than being the best in ONE THING and d last at EVERYTHING ELSE!!! right?? oO?? anyway, 2dae, stayed back, watch girls basketball team train with CHIN ANN(not the girls train with CHIN ANN arh!! is i watch WITH CHIN ANN) than played some badminton.......... than went 2 compass and watched ADELYN,SHU XIAN and ANGELA drink MILO or COKE!!.......... interesting day dis day turned out 2 be................ than 2molo is the P.E DAY, BASKETBALL SELECTION DAY and last and the LEAST, HISTORY SUPPLYMENTARY DAY........ so many things happening 2molo........ wonder if i can erm handle it or something.......... anyway, 2dae went home, ate plain rice for dinner and 2 small pieces of BAK KWA!! A BOWL OF PLAIN RICE and 2 SMALL PIECES OF BAK KWA, IMAGINE HOW DELICIOUS DAT WOULD TASTE.......... anyway, i like plain rice, the HARD HARD KIND of plain rice, not the STICKY STICKY SOFT SOFT KIND of plain rice......... so dun really mind, no appetite anyway.......... nothing else 2 type liao, so i shall juz end dis blogpost here, seems like my blogpost is gettin more and more boring every single blogpost...... =( wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah!! =( i dun wanna hv a BORING blog which is as BORING as MR LEE'S LESSON or WORST, MR LEE HIMSELF!!! =( lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ wonder if MR LEE would understand my point of view....... hmmm, doubt he understand anythings, except GEOGRAPHY and other EARTH-RELATED stuffs........... anyway, i shall end dis blogpost here, waiting for someone 2 on9 in msn and chat with mi =( i shall wait wait wait and wait............. waiting waiting waiting......... waited waited waited.......... wah lao eh!! so long liao only a few mins past!! time sure move slowly when u r waiting.......... and everything is as boring as MR LEE, on 2nd thought, mayb MR LEE is the BORINEST!!! lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ anyway, bb............

7:35 PM
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Saturday, April 7, 2007
Sad New Song

hmmmm, so long nvr update my blog liao, LONG until i lost count........... or izzit because i nvr really bothered 2 count?.......... hmmm, dat does makes sense....... lolz ^^ anyway, i changed my blogsong to a song dat is really very d sad =( it is from d JAPANESE show,NARUTO, dis is not a theme song or anything.......... it is a song which is played when someone important in d show dies or erm someone recalled something dat is touching or something like dat............. i dun really go and recall d little little details of d show u noe........ it is stupid............ as stupid as working hard.......... on 2nd thought, mayb working hard is way way way more stupid.............. ^^ lolz ^^ anyway, erm dis song doesnt hv anyone singing or anything......... juz d erm background music or something like dat............ although there isnt any singer in d song, it is still a awesome!! it is a very touching and erm sentimental song =( everytime i hear dis song, i feel so TOUCHED =( lolz ^^ anyway, 2dae nothing much really happened, except i changed blogsong, 2dae, juz erm sms with a few frens, msn with a few frens, watch a lot of NARUTO and did hardly any homework.......... hmmm, boring day dun u think?? dat is why i hate erm weekends, although it is 2 take a break from those stress stress days because of ALL D HOMEWORKS given by ALL D TEACHERS who hv nothing 2 do all day long but 2 GIVE and MARK HOMEWORKS......... than they will usually give d EXCUSE or REASON saying dat :"HEY! U ALL JUZ NID 2 DO ONE HOMEWORK, AND I HV 2 MARK 40 HOMEWORKS, U SHOULD B HAPPY!" or other nonsense like dat......... if they dun give any, we wont hv 2 do any, than dun wont hv 2 mark any.......... but NO, instead of thinking smart, they give us stupid EXCUSES or REASONS............ BAKA(STUPID or IDIOTS IN JAPANESE) wow, really hope MR LEE doesnt come visit my blog ever again as, IF HE READ DIS BLOGPOST, i am so gonna die............. mayb i should juz delete dis blogpost?? hmmm, than other ppl wont hv a funny blogpost 2 read =( oh well, NO PAIN NO GAIN........ hmmm, let HOME ECON HOMEWORK, SCIENCE WB HOMEWORK,ENGLISH WB HOMEWORK,ENGLISH WS HOMEWORK,LITERATURE POEM HOMEWORK and ART HOMEWORK(haiz, ART HOMEWORK, dun really feel like doin....... let AH JEN and SHERYL get scolding from d teachers ba ^^ lolz ^^) not my fault i got PROCRASTINATION ILLNESS(a illness which causes u 2 do everything at d last min.........) i am so PROFOUND......... yet so LAZY............ weird......... bored......... wad now??!!?? 2molo is SUNDAY, 1 more day after 2dae is SCHOOLDAY again!! sweet!!.......... can meet all my frens again, anyway, MONDAY is d erm BASKETBALL TEAM SELECTION day nonsense........ wonder if i would get selected...... o.O....... Oh well, if i dun, there is always next year, and d year after dat, and d year after dat, and d year after dat, and d year after dat, and d year after dat, and d year after dat, and d year after dat......... OKAY, mayb DUN HV SO MANY YEARS........ mayb juz 4 YEARS 2 get selected........... but u get my point of NVR GIVING UP........... right??!!?? unless u r like ANGELA or SHU WEI who dun understand anything...... ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ no offense ^^ nth 2 do, i go do homework liao........... while listenning 2 my sad sad sad sad sad blogsong ^^ enjoy my blogpost, and skin and song ^^ and give comments abt it ^^ Thank You You....... Thank You Very D Much.......... sayonara......... erm, bye........

7:19 PM
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Friday, April 6, 2007
Movie Day.........

hmmm,2dae is GOOD FRIDAY or better known as D DAY JESUS got stuck on to the T shape sign thingy wingy........... why am i explaining dis 2 u??!!?? better question, how do i know all dis nonsense??!!?? i mean, i am a buddist......... not a christian........... and not a PREACHER who PREACH ALL DAY LONG like MR JELVIN LEE.......... anyway, since 2dae was a public holiday, so not wanting 2 stay home and not hv a life........... i decided 2 go out with ANGELA,SHU WEI,SHU XIAN/DU SHU BU XIAN,CHIN ANN and last but not least BENEDICT/BANANADICT and we went 2 watch movie at erm erm erm erm, wad is d place called?? oh ya, Bishan or something........ 2 watch movie, at first we decided on watching MR BEAN'S HOLIDAY than SHU WEI insist dat we watch SUNSHINE(a lame lame movie abt ppl restoring d SUN with bomb and stuffs...........very d chim d movie, and VERY D BORING d movie....... i seriously recommend u 2 NOT watch it.........) and in d movie, ANGELA watched halfway than fall asleep........... juz like a pig......... lolz ^^ anyway, after dat, we went 2 play arcade, had some fun and went back home..........(too lazy 2 explain.......... it is such a drag......... so very d boring...........) hmmm, 2dae not really dat interesting and not much funny stuffs happened, so nothing funny and interesting 2 post, sorry ^^ wait for interesting and funny schooldays where funny and interesting stuffs happen, so goodbye for now...........

7:28 PM
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Piano is seriously boring........

2dae i went straight home after school as got STUPID BORING PIANO LESSON.......... SHU WEI, u r SO LUCKY 2 not hv PIANO LESSONS!! AND YET U R HERE THINKING DAT IT IS AWESOME!! FOR OTHER PPL OUT THERE WHO DUN HV PIANO LESSON, DUN KAY KIANG AND GO LEARN, IT WOULD B D WORST MISTAKE U EVER MAKE!!! Trust mi, i hv experiences, for more comfirmation, u can go ask Reuben and other ppl who learns piano, IT IS VERY D BORING DE........... anyway, i changed blogsong, and blogskin, for ppl who like d song AI SHI KONG, sorry, but wad is done cannot b undone, and if it can b undone, i too lazy 2 go undone it ^^ so count urself unlucky ^^ and juz cherish dis song anyway ^^ and dis blogskin, is so CUTE!! ^^ lolz ^^ dis person, d red hair guy <<<<<<< over there<<<<<<<< his name is GAARA, and he is from d show NARUTO, not dat i am obsessed of him like SHU XIAN is obsessed of her SASUKE, but dis skin really very d nice ^^ so i juz use ^^ and now i dun hv my self-description column, instead i used d song description column ^^ anyway, if u wanna noe abt mi, come chat with mi, if not, dun noe abt mi............ so, 2dae nth much happened, as went home early 2dae.......... for boring piano lessons........... and nth much happened during d normal school time, anyway, 2molo is GOOD FRIDAY which means it is a HOLIDAY, so it is super d SUAY, cool it rhymes ^^ anyway, suay because got so many d homework........ boring sia.......... I WANNA GO OUT AND PLAY!!!! gtg eat dinner liao, posting ends here.......... sayonara........ bye bye la........ see ya on monday sia.........

6:36 PM
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

haiz, 2dae not fun de =( firstly, SEAH CHIN ANN go kao pei teacher yesterday, than his teacher go kao pei his mummy, than his mummy go kao pei him, wonder why he nvr go kao pei his teacher, than d erm cycle would b so cool ^^ so his erm mummy kao pei him and commanded him not 2 stay back.......... so he GUAI GUAI and nvr stay lor........ and so he oso never brought his ball........ so 2dae, i juz hang out with ADELYN/ADELINE/QIAN YUN/THOUSANDS CLOUD/CHI(JAPANESE WORD FOR THOUSAND, or izzit KOREAN, or mayb HOKKIEN!! or FRENCH or CHINESE, so become EAT ^^) CLOUD and ANGELA(2dae so early go home de =( than go home still pull a long long face =( not nice de =(.........) and SHU WEI and SHU XIAN( dis 2 after JENNIFER/AH ZEN/AH JEN/AH FER/AH GWEE/ZEN NI FER go liao, they pull a longer face than d one ANGELA pulled....... dotz............) and BENEDICT/BANANADICT/BEN TAN(BEN DAN/STUPID, REUBEN'S creativity........) and REUBEN LIM YU WEI and JING RU and last but not least SIMONE/XI MO NI/XI MONEY/WASH MONEY............. so 2dae wasnt exactly a fun day......... nor was it a totally boring one.......... first after CHIN ANN went home, (skipped some boring details, details dat are as boring as ADELYN!!! on second thought, mayb ADELYN is more boring!! ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ no offense ^^) so we went 2 erm 7-eleven, there r some lame ways 2 call 7-eleven invented by mi and REUBEN LIM YU WEI, but i shall skip dat part too as it was mentioned in BENEDICT/BANANADICT/BEN TAN(BEN DAN/STUPID) ^^ lolz ^^ and oso ANGELA'S blog.......... so i shall skip dat part, than we went 2 d big big big 7-eleven and since it was d opposite of NCPS(NAN CHIAU PRIMARY SCHOOL) so i saw NCPS, and man did it brought back memories........... GOOD MEMORIES OF COURSE!! i am not as lame 2 go remember bad memories............ it is erm stupid.......... anyway. we went 2 7-eleven,(buy some stuffs, buy buy buy, eat eat eat, treat treat treat treat, than REUBEN and BENEDICT and SHU WEI and ANGELA and ADELYN and SIMONE started talking abt CONDOMS....... u noe, not those housing estates u stay in u noe, not CONDO, it is CONDOMS........ and they were talking, and laughing, and talking and laughing.......... SICK PPL NOWADAYS.......... anyway, than when walk about some distance from d 7-eleven, i saw ANGELA'S shoes d bottom got a STICKER(as she was running 2 catch up with shu wei and shu xian) but as d STICKER was almost d same as skin colour, so i PURPOSELY go ask ANGELA whether her shoes and socks got holes, as can see her feet......... than SIMONE,BENEDICT,ADELYN and JING RU laughed.......... than ANGELA quickly try 2 take away d sticker........ and found out dat d sticker was from d 7-eleven d sticker(d sticker told d price of d BEERS of 7-eleven, see la ANGELA, now ppl dunno how much 2 pay for d BEER liao la.......... or something like dat...........) than when walked past NCPS again, i miss my SWORN BRO(STANLEY CHEN WEI QUAN) so decided 2 call him and see how is he doin, and chat chat chat, and i found out dat my other SWORN BRO(HO YONG QING) had juz had his surgery, on his spine........... hmmm, all dis SWORN BROS of mine u ppl might not noe, wait, SURELY NOT NOE unless u come from NCPS, so u can ask ADELYN......... hmmm, i hv 3 SWORN BROS(2 mentioned juz now, and 1 more named TOH ZHENG YUAN) and we r like d new 9 o'clock show d sworn brothers, only we r way more coolier ^^ and none of us r nerds ^^ lolz ^^ AND I AM NOT A NERD HOR!!!............. haiz, wish we can hang out again.......... 3 of us hanging out again, dat would b so cool.............. miss my sworn bros =( than erm, 2dae REUBEN go write SHU WEI,SHU XIAN,BENEDICT,HIS and MY name backwards(FULL NAMES) and than he pronounced them.......... and man was it funny........... haiz, and 2dae JENNIFER cut my finger D TENER SKIN ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ d TENDER SKIN part, not d JENNIFER CUT MY FINGER part ^^ than she said her nails were not sharp, if sharp, my whole finger would drop off liao lor........ ^^ lolz ^^ and HOLY XUETE!! nid 2 revise for 2molo's english INFORMAL LETTER WRITING test............ i juz nid 2 noe how 2 write d format ^^ dat would b EASY PEASY.......... as easy as ABC, mayb even easier......... ^^ btw, i wanna change blogsong, should i change?? ^^ give mi ur opinions abt it!! ^^ thanks, gtg liao ^^ bb ^^

7:24 PM
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Monday, April 2, 2007
34th post!! 34!! cool!!!

hmmm, reached my index number d posting liao........ dis is d 34th posting of my blog, cool.......... anyway, 2dae was erm good i guess, nothing special happened, had training, got back my handphone, revised for maths test(flip some pages of textbook, yawn*, continue flipping, than go find some snacks 2 eat, than watch tv, than flip than come write blogpost ^^ my revising technique is so UNIQUE ^^ i ask ppl 2 dun slack and revise for d maths test where as i am juz here, writing blogpost ^^ cool.......... ^^) than, well, nth special really happened............. zzzzz, bored......... 2dae b4 training, REUBEN LIM YU WEI took out my wallet and it has my SECONDARY SCHOOL EZ-LINK card in it, and d picture, i nvr comb my hair........... hey, i am not AI MEI like GERALD/JERALD/JAROD okay??!!?? he everytime b4 come 2 sch, take comb and style his hair, style style style, nice nice, mayb use ruler 2 measure 2 c which strand of hair out of place, than style nice nice, last time come 2 sch, MR NEO checked his hair, not happy, ask him go cut, than next day come back 2 sch like juz came back from army........... STYLE SO NICE OSO MUST GO ARMY COME BACK........... style for wad.............. u nvr watch d advertisement?? WO YAO ZHI RAN SHOU, where as in my case, WO YAO ZHI RAN MEI ^^ than blah blah blah, got back handphone 2dae, so easy, juz write some lame lame REPORT-TYPE of letter than give MR NEO, u sound APOLOGETIC than LIKE LEARNED UR LESSON than he will give back ur handphone liao............ EASY PEASY........... than now i got d permission slip 2 bring my handphone 2 sch, sweet........... so next time can juz bring, but juz dun use in class la, but if use(LIKE WAD MR YEO SAID : IF USE,DUN GET CAUGHT LA.........) and GET CAUGHT, than confiscate lor, than like VAMPIRE GIRL GIRL nid 2 wait 10 weeks........... 10 SLOW,LONG,NOT FAST(cannot blame la, out of other words with d same meaning as slow...... PAI SEH LA.........) weeks.......... so next time i can bring 2 sch, than i purposely stand in front of teachers than use my phone....... make it damn obvious 2 them, than if they ask mi why i use phone, juz take out my permission slip and let them see......... WAD??!!?? I GOT PERMISSION WAN HOR!!........... SUAN them ^^ sweet........ ^^ lolz ^^ than ADELYN say SIMONE everytime read my blogpost, will laugh until stomach pain........ hmmmm, mayb she should get her tummy check or something......... or mayb i should get someone 2 check if my blog got virus or not............ or mayb SIMONE IS A FREAK!! ^^ lolz ^^ juz jking ^^ no offense ^^ 2dae, training was boring........... anyway, 2dae i didnt go 2 d hougang stadium and practise passing baton, i wanna disqualify myself!!! hmmm, so 2dae i nvr went, wonder if joel and teng da and cheng york were disqualified or something ^^ anyway, they found somebody else 2 take my place ^^ i think ^^ so i am free....... ^^ sweet....... ^^ i go chat liao, dis blogpost shall end here, so erm 35th blogpost is soon!! if i got something 2 write la......... if not, wait long long ^^ mayb i already go china make big big big business liao ^^ so no time 2 post ^^ sorry lor ^^ anyway ^^ bb.......... ^^

9:01 PM
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Sunday, April 1, 2007
New Blogsong and Skin!!

hmmmm, Simone said she was gettin bored of my blogskin, so i decided 2 change it, and since i already changed d blogskin, doesnt hurt if i change d blogsong too ^^ so d song of my blog is called AI SHI KONG, by the mayb famous band ENERGY, hmmm, running out of nice nice songs, must go search for more!!! anyway, i did my best for d links part liao, so dun complain so much ^^ pls ^^ angela and adelyn ^^ and angela, u hor very petty wor!!! last doesnt mean hated d most wor!!! mayb 1st is d one i hate most!! no wait, cannot say dat, later benedict get d wrong idea ^^ lolz ^^ anyway, my links no ranking wan la, dun think so much ^^ juz enjoy my blogpost and song ^^ dun think so much ^^ SMILE ALWAYS!! ^^ lolz ^^ bb, i go do geo homework liao...... ^^ give mi comments abt dis song and skin okay?? ^^ thanks everyone ^^

7:52 PM
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hmmmmm, cool, juz came back from MALAYSIA........... done SHAO MUING liao........ so boring de......... no com 2 use there, only can do homework here, do homework there, DO HOMEWORK EVERYWHERE!! than i juz came back, and ADELYN SIM QIAN YUN or better known as ADELINE SIM THOUSAND CLOUDS come bother mi like siao liao........... cant i hv some privacy??!!!?? anyway, i writing blogpost now and ADELINE/ADELINE/QIAN YUN come here telling mi,HEY, DUN WRITE BAD THINGS ABT MI, PLS, IF U DO, I WRITE D SAME......... so in her next blogpost she would write something like JUN YUAN/YU YUAN/FISHBALL or something like dat............ hmmmmmm, 1 day not in singapore, cant contact with anyone, wonder wad happened...... hmmmmm......... found out in shu xian blog's dat SHE COPIED MY HOLY XUETE!!!! HOLY XUETE!!! HOW CAN SHE COPY MY HOLY XUETE??!!!?? IT IS JUZ PLAIN WRONG!!! than BENEDICT/BANANADICT(known 2 dat by other ppl) said he is a CRY BABY and AH MA BOI BOI in d past........ or something like dat......... cant wait 4 2molo 2 come, so can go back 2 sch, and HANG OUT with every single one of everyone........... than ADELYN told mi dat erm SIMONE she created her own blog......... guess wad is in there?? 1st blogpost is TESTING TESTING........... than chatbox there is CBOX CODE HERE and her links is juz LINKS LINKS LINKS LINKS, WOW DAT SURE IS A INTERESTING BLOG................... IT WOULD SURELY ATTRACT ALOT OF ATTENTIONS!! dotz.......... anyway, 2dae i went 2 "VISIT" my PAPI'S PAPI'S grave........ or from SIMONE'S point of view HER AH GONG'S AH GONG'S grave........... hmmm, dat makes total sense........ bored............ go watch naruto liao......... got wad GEO homework arh?? can anyone tell mi?? ^^

4:35 PM
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Name: Dan Jun Yuan
Age: 15 School: Nan Chiau High School
CCA: Basketball team, Point Guard
Steve Nash,Chris Paul, Ricky Rubio Rocks!!!
Note: What I Appear On The Outside May Not Be How I Feel On The Inside, There Are More To Things Than Meets The Eye.

Her to be happy ^^
To do well in my studies ^^
To have even more friends ^^
To grow taller than 170cm ^^
To excel in basketball ^^
To be able to control my jealousy ^^


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheng York
Chin Bee
Jie Yi
Jing Ru
Jing Si
Ke Xin
Kok Ting
Li Yun
Li Hui
Qi Min
Qi Yang
Si Hui
Shu Wei
Shu Xian
Small Benedict
Teng Da
Wan Ling
Yan Ting
Yee Hang
Yi Xiong
Yock Sheng
Yoke Ling
Zhan Chun
Zhi Yu
Class 2A

I hate OBS..... LOL
Cant think of any....
This is how i feel.....
new post!! finally??!!?? ^^
Today is more than just MAN HAO WAN de ^^
Today is MAN HAO de :)
Walk walk walk :)
Post post
Ummm, 2dae is a saturday!
Sec 3 Camp! As fun as the malacca trip!! :)

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